

A whiz and a thud! Five paces from him the dry soil was thrown up, as a cannon ball sank into the earth. A chill ran down his back. He looked at the ranks. Probably a number had been struck: the men had gathered in a crowd in the second battalion.

“M. l’aide-de-camp,” he shouted, “tell the men not to crowd together.”

The adjutant, having obeyed this instruction, was approaching Prince Andrey. From the other side the major in command of the battalion came riding up.

“Look out!” rang out a frightened cry from a soldier, and like a bird, with swift, whirring wings alighting on the earth, a grenade dropped with a dull thud a couple of paces from Prince Andrey, near the major’s horse. The horse, with no question of whether it were right or wrong to show fear, snorted, reared, almost throwing the major, and galloped away. The horse’s terror infected the men.

“Lie down!” shouted the adjutant, throwing himself on the ground. Prince Andrey stood in uncertainty. The shell was smoking and rotating like a top between him and the recumbent adjutant, near a bush of wormwood in the rut between the meadow and the field.

“Can this be death?” Prince Andrey wondered, with an utterly new, wistful feeling, looking at the grass, at the wormwood and at the thread of smoke coiling from the rotating top. “I can’t die, I don’t want to die, I love life, I love this grass and earth and air …”

He thought this, and yet at the same time he did not forget that people were looking at him.

“For shame, M. l’aide-de-camp!” he said to the adjutant; “what sort of …” He did not finish. Simultaneously there was a tearing, crashing sound, like the smash of broken crockery, a puff of stifling fumes, and Prince Andrey was sent spinning over, and flinging up one arm, fell on his face.

Several officers ran up to him. A great stain of blood was spreading over the grass from the right side of his stomach.

The militiamen stood with the stretchers behind the officers. Prince Andrey lay on his chest, with his face sunk in the grass; he was still breathing in hard, hoarse gasps.

“Well, why are you waiting, come along!”

The peasants went up and took him by the shoulders and legs, but he moaned piteously, and they looked at one another, and laid him down again.

“Pick him up, lay him on, it’s all the same!” shouted some one. They lifted him by the shoulders again and laid him on the stretcher.

“Ah, my God! my God! what is it?…The stomach! It’s all over then! Ah, my God!” could be heard among the officers. “It almost grazed my ear,” the adjutant was saying. The peasants, with the stretcher across their shoulders, hurried along the path they had trodden to the ambulance station.

“Keep step!…Aie!…these peasants!” cried an officer, seizing them by the shoulders, as they jogged along, jolting the stretcher.

“Drop into it, Fyodor, eh?” said the foremost peasant.

“That’s it, first-rate,” said the hindmost, falling into step.

“Your excellency? Eh, prince?” said the trembling voice of Timohin, as he ran up and peeped over the stretcher.

Prince Andrey opened his eyes, and looked at the speaker from the stretcher, through which his head had dropped, and closed his eyelids again.

The militiamen carried Prince Andrey to the copse, where there were vans and an ambulance station. The ambulance station consisted of three tents, pitched at the edge of a birch copse. In the wood stood the ambulance waggons and horses. The horses in nose-bags were munching oats, and the sparrows flew up to them and picked up the grains they dropped. Some crows, scenting blood, flitted to and fro among the birches, cawing impatiently. For more than five acres round the tents there were sitting or lying men stained with blood, and variously attired. They were surrounded by crowds of dejected-looking and intently observant soldiers, who had come with stretchers. Officers, trying to keep order, kept driving them away from the place; but it was of no use. The soldiers, heedless of the officers, stood leaning against the stretchers, gazing intently at what was passing before their eyes, as though trying to solve some difficult problem in this spectacle. From the tents came the sound of loud, angry wailing, and piteous moans. At intervals a doctor’s assistant ran out for water, or to point out those who were to be taken in next. The wounded, awaiting their turn at the tent, uttered hoarse groans and moans, wept, shouted, swore, or begged for vodka. Several were raving in delirium. Prince Andrey, as a colonel, was carried through the crowd of wounded not yet treated, and brought close up to one of the tents, where his bearers halted awaiting instructions. Prince Andrey opened his eyes, and for a long while could not understand what was passing around him. The meadow, the wormwood, the black, whirling ball, and his passionate rush of love for life came back to his mind. A couple of paces from him stood a tall, handsome, dark-haired sergeant, with a bandaged head, leaning against a branch. He had been wounded in the head and in the leg, and was talking loudly, attracting general attention. A crowd of wounded men and stretcher-bearers had gathered round him, greedily listening to his words.

“We regularly hammered him out, so he threw up everything; we took the king himself,” the soldier was shouting, looking about him with feverishly glittering black eyes. “If only the reserves had come up in the nick of time, my dear fellow, there wouldn’t have been a sign of him left, for I can tell you …”

Prince Andrey, like all the men standing round the speaker, gazed at him with bright eyes, and felt a sense of comfort. “But isn’t it all the same now?” he thought. “What will be there, and what has been here? why was I so sorry to part with life? There was something in this life that I didn’t understand, and don’t understand.”

  • 风吹矮子呆又萌


  • 皇家嫔妾不如商府嫡妻


  • 财富的秘密


  • 流浪写手


    人生起伏,我不求闻达。舞动我的青春,写下关于我的诗篇,悲伤也好,快乐也罢,鼓励自己,鼓励周围的朋友们,鼓励大家,我只想说一句:“我们的人生,在我们的手中。” 未来如何,不重要。重要的是,我们正在走向未来的路上。
  • 佛般泥洹经


  • 帝王恋:月妃倾天下


  • 豪夫童话(语文新课标课外必读第九辑)


  • 腹黑酷少俏娇妻


  • 妃同寻常之将军请入瓮


    宁七月乃是南昔国丞相之女,在她十五岁那年,被皇上冠上了“水性杨花”的名头,发配到了边疆阎亦千是南昔国骁勇善战、大名鼎鼎的将军,被百姓尊称为战王。传说他冷酷无情、杀人不眨眼,丰伟的事迹、战功却是数不胜数。谁知他背后的心酸宁七月被分配给了阎亦千。当年前丞相苏亦被陷害叛国,全家被诛,皇上把他发配到了边疆,怎料成为了阎亦千的师傅。世人称赞皇帝善良,怎知背后的荒诞。师傅遗诏仍写到对不起老友,没把七月一家子照顾好,这是他的心结。于是,阎亦千将宁七月收作贴身侍卫,传授她武功、知识、兵法……是谁先迷了谁的眼,乱了谁的心?* “我后悔了。”暗哑的嗓音入耳。宁七月很懵,后悔?QAQ后悔什么?不待她想清楚,下一秒,一个天旋地转,她趴在了阎亦千的身上。“唔!”一抹温热覆上了她的唇。七月脑中一片空白,却又似轰然炸开。阎亦千竟然亲……亲她了?就几秒简单的碰触,阎亦千放开了她,薄唇凑到了她的耳边,开口:“宁七月,本不想这么早暴露我的心,没曾想计划永远赶不上变化。”
  • 城南谍事

