PS:兮兮新文【穿书后我成了傲娇王爷的心尖宠】已经上传希望亲们能继续支持兮兮 陶夭夭死后魂穿到了远古,可她看到的远古与曾经所了解得一点也不一样。见过一个普通人单手就能将五六十斤的大石头扔出去还屁事没有的到处闲逛吗?见过普通人一跃就是十几米高,从二十多米的树上跳下来还能稳稳站住吗?反正上辈子她没有见过,这辈子每天都能见到。最让她接受无能的是这里的兽动不动就会喷火、喷水、喷冰雹,树木任性到一不高兴就撒欢到处跑,这真的是远古?怎么看都不科学,这是不是那里有些不对?陶夭夭看着围绕着她撒欢争着抢着要与她做朋友的果树,叹了一口气,连她自己也变得不正常了起来,她竟然能听懂树语了,算了,还是先填饱肚子吧!书友交流群:677342385,大家快到碗里来吧天上掉下个林妹妹:公子,我叫黛花
Booklist called Maresi "utterly satisfying and completely different from standard YA fantasy." Now, Naondel goes back to establish the world of the trilogy and tells the story of the First Sisters —the founders of the female utopia the Red Abbey. Imprisoned in a harem by a dangerous man with a dark magic that grants him power over life and death, the First Sisters must overcome their mistrust of one another in order to escape. But they can only do so at a great cost, both for those who leave and for those left behind. Told in alternating points of view, this novel is a vivid, riveting look at a world of oppression and exploitation, the mirror opposite of the idyllic Red Abbey.