

On that very night six weeks, the moon was shining brightly over the calm sea, which dashed against the feet of the tall gaunt cliffs, with just enough noise to lull the old fish to sleep, without disturbing the young ones, when two figures were discernible - or would have been, if anybody had looked for them -seated on one of the wooden benches which are stationed near the verge of the western cliff. The moon had climbed higher into the heavens, by two hours' journeying, since those figures first sat down - and yet they had moved not. The crowd of loungers had thinned and dispersed; the noise of itinerant musicians had died away; light after light had appeared in the windows of the different houses in the distance; blockade-man after blockade-man had passed the spot, wending his way towards his solitary post; and yet those figures had remained stationary. Some portions of the two forms were in deep shadow, but the light of the moon fell strongly on a puce-coloured boot and a glazed stock. Mr. Cymon Tuggs and Mrs. Captain Waters were seated on that bench. They spoke not, but were silently gazing on the sea.

'Walter will return to-morrow,' said Mrs. Captain Waters, mournfully breaking silence.

Mr. Cymon Tuggs sighed like a gust of wind through a forest of gooseberry bushes, as he replied, 'Alas! he will.'

'Oh, Cymon!' resumed Belinda, 'the chaste delight, the calm happiness, of this one week of Platonic love, is too much for me!'

Cymon was about to suggest that it was too little for him, but he stopped himself, and murmured unintelligibly.

'And to think that even this gleam of happiness, innocent as it is,' exclaimed Belinda, 'is now to be lost for ever!'

'Oh, do not say for ever, Belinda,' exclaimed the excitable Cymon, as two strongly-defined tears chased each other down his pale face - it was so long that there was plenty of room for a chase. 'Do not say for ever!'

'I must,' replied Belinda.

'Why?' urged Cymon, 'oh why? Such Platonic acquaintance as ours is so harmless, that even your husband can never object to it.'

'My husband!' exclaimed Belinda. 'You little know him. Jealous and revengeful; ferocious in his revenge - a maniac in his jealousy! Would you be assassinated before my eyes?' Mr. Cymon Tuggs, in a voice broken by emotion, expressed his disinclination to undergo the process of assassination before the eyes of anybody.

'Then leave me,' said Mrs. Captain Waters. 'Leave me, this night, for ever. It is late: let us return.'

Mr. Cymon Tuggs sadly offered the lady his arm, and escorted her to her lodgings. He paused at the door - he felt a Platonic pressure of his hand. 'Good night,' he said, hesitating.

'Good night,' sobbed the lady. Mr. Cymon Tuggs paused again.

'Won't you walk in, sir?' said the servant. Mr. Tuggs hesitated.

Oh, that hesitation! He DID walk in.

'Good night!' said Mr. Cymon Tuggs again, when he reached the drawing-room.

'Good night!' replied Belinda; 'and, if at any period of my life, I- Hush!' The lady paused and stared with a steady gaze of horror, on the ashy countenance of Mr. Cymon Tuggs. There was a double knock at the street-door.

'It is my husband!' said Belinda, as the captain's voice was heard below.

'And my family!' added Cymon Tuggs, as the voices of his relatives floated up the staircase.

'The curtain! The curtain!' gasped Mrs. Captain Waters, pointing to the window, before which some chintz hangings were closely drawn.

'But I have done nothing wrong,' said the hesitating Cymon.

  • 太上通玄灵印经


  • Of the Conduct of the Understanding

    Of the Conduct of the Understanding

  • 宗鉴法林


  • 广博严净不退转轮经


  • 二刻拍案惊奇


  • 黄帝阴符经解义


  • 游龙寻仙
  • 靳先生,我们是假婚


  • 让我住进你的心里


  • 柏贤妃传


  • 燕脂旖风


  • 女科经纶


  • 斯格拉柔达(做自己的王)


    从来不知道这个世界原本是什么样子。这世上的 一切信仰是否值得?自由或者神,某些快乐被谎言埋葬。童话里的妖魔,它们曾经是这山林里的精灵啊, 是那些不屈的生命啊,它们追逐风越过竹林,上天入地无所不能,永生自由的它们啊!后来,后来呢?它们被铁链与山丘埋葬,斯格拉柔达变成了这世上最大的坟墓。从很久很久前,这世界便丢失了一粒种子, 于是世人便开始信仰神,妖王变成奴才,山民变成信徒,谁再也找不到“我”。猴群里的猴子,熊群里的 熊,随风摇摆的竹予,一群一群,一片一片,它们一模一样,毫无差别。“带上我的眼睛去看看这个故事的结局。”一只妖跟罗布说,然后它死了。自此之后,平凡的我们便开始寻找梦想中那个童话的结局——我是自己的王!
  • 昆虫记


    《昆虫记》,精确地记录了法布尔进行的科学试验,是严谨的科学著作, 但它并不晦涩枯燥。法布尔用散文的笔法,以活泼的笔触揭开了昆虫生命与生活习惯中的许多秘密,读来真是趣味盎然。人们不仅能从中获得知识和思想,阅读本身也是一次独特的审美过程。正如鲁迅先生所说,这本书是 “讲昆虫故事”的楷模。
  • 宇宙进化史

