

'It is of no use, my good woman,' said the surgeon, soothingly, as he withdrew his hand from the man's breast. 'Stay - undraw that curtain!'

'Why?' said the woman, starting up.

'Undraw that curtain!' repeated the surgeon in an agitated tone.

'I darkened the room on purpose,' said the woman, throwing herself before him as he rose to undraw it. - 'Oh! sir, have pity on me!

If it can be of no use, and he is really dead, do not expose that form to other eyes than mine!'

'This man died no natural or easy death,' said the surgeon. 'IMUST see the body!' With a motion so sudden, that the woman hardly knew that he had slipped from beside her, he tore open the curtain, admitted the full light of day, and returned to the bedside.

'There has been violence here,' he said, pointing towards the body, and gazing intently on the face, from which the black veil was now, for the first time, removed. In the excitement of a minute before, the female had thrown off the bonnet and veil, and now stood with her eyes fixed upon him. Her features were those of a woman about fifty, who had once been handsome. Sorrow and weeping had left traces upon them which not time itself would ever have produced without their aid; her face was deadly pale; and there was a nervous contortion of the lip, and an unnatural fire in her eye, which showed too plainly that her bodily and mental powers had nearly sunk, beneath an accumulation of misery.

'There has been violence here,' said the surgeon, preserving his searching glance.

'There has!' replied the woman.

'This man has been murdered.'

'That I call God to witness he has,' said the woman, passionately;'pitilessly, inhumanly murdered!'

'By whom?' said the surgeon, seizing the woman by the arm.

'Look at the butchers' marks, and then ask me!' she replied.

The surgeon turned his face towards the bed, and bent over the body which now lay full in the light of the window. The throat was swollen, and a livid mark encircled it. The truth flashed suddenly upon him.

'This is one of the men who were hanged this morning!' he exclaimed, turning away with a shudder.

'It is,' replied the woman, with a cold, unmeaning stare.

'Who was he?' inquired the surgeon.

'MY SON,' rejoined the woman; and fell senseless at his feet.

It was true. A companion, equally guilty with himself, had been acquitted for want of evidence; and this man had been left for death, and executed. To recount the circumstances of the case, at this distant period, must be unnecessary, and might give pain to some persons still alive. The history was an every-day one. The mother was a widow without friends or money, and had denied herself necessaries to bestow them on her orphan boy. That boy, unmindful of her prayers, and forgetful of the sufferings she had endured for him - incessant anxiety of mind, and voluntary starvation of body -had plunged into a career of dissipation and crime. And this was the result; his own death by the hangman's hands, and his mother's shame, and incurable insanity.

For many years after this occurrence, and when profitable and arduous avocations would have led many men to forget that such a miserable being existed, the young surgeon was a daily visitor at the side of the harmless mad woman; not only soothing her by his presence and kindness, but alleviating the rigour of her condition by pecuniary donations for her comfort and support, bestowed with no sparing hand. In the transient gleam of recollection and consciousness which preceded her death, a prayer for his welfare and protection, as fervent as mortal ever breathed, rose from the lips of this poor friendless creature. That prayer flew to Heaven, and was heard. The blessings he was instrumental in conferring, have been repaid to him a thousand-fold; but, amid all the honours of rank and station which have since been heaped upon him, and which he has so well earned, he can have no reminiscence more gratifying to his heart than that connected with The Black Veil.

  • 金刚顶经观自在王如来修行法


  • 孟子集注


  • The Island Pharisees

    The Island Pharisees

  • 原要论


  • 白虎通义


  • 文坛泰斗的文学家(1)(世界名人成长历程)


  • 陈寅恪的1958年


    在陈寅恪一生中,1958年是备受人们关注的年代之一。那么,这一年究竟发生了什么事情?他是如何应对的?这些事情对他的教学、科研与心理有何重大影响?本文勾稽当时的官方文件、报刊文章、档案材料、私人日记和回忆录,试图还原这段历史的真相。1958年3月11日,《人民日报》发表了曾任毛泽东秘书的中共中央宣传部副部长陈伯达,在国务院科学规划委员会第五次会议上所做“厚今薄古 边学边干”长篇讲话的摘要,透露出毛泽东对“资产阶级”知识分子的看法。
  • 卓越管理者的365堂必修课


    本书是为每一位有志成为管理者或正在任职 的管理者量身打造的管理成功教程,从管理 者内在的素质到外在的形象,从用人、授权 到激励、协调,从决策、战略到危机、创新 等,由浅入深地阐述了每一位管理者从平凡 到优秀、从优秀到卓越的365堂必修课,并 总结了中外著名企业经典的管理案例,提炼 出世界一流管理者的管理箴言,提供了管理 过程中可能遇到的各种难题的解决方案。通 过本书,你可以使你的管理生涯更富有活力, 极大地提升你作为管理者的人格魅力,迅速 提升自己的管理能力,从而在最短的时间内 成为一名卓越的管理者!
  • 封尘在秀逗中的智慧


  • 乱世魔宗


  • 闲话武林旧事


  • 民族记忆


  • 魅影暗香


  • 傲娇相公求抱抱


  • 快穿系统:男主,来撩吗


    久温这只游魂,游荡了不知多少年。某一天突然绑定了系统。嗯,做任务,倒也是有趣。久温欣然绑定。 拆散原cp?可以。 必须是相爱才算幸福?可以。 久温:任务很不错,还附带赠送对象的。 系统:就这么拐走男主,你的良心不会痛吗? 女主:所以我的官配呢?!