

"That settles them!" Charley remarked, though he was anxiously studying the behavior of the Mary Rebecca, which was being driven under far more canvas than she was rightly able to carry.

"Next stop is Antioch!" announced the cheerful sailor, after the manner of a railway conductor. "And next comes Merryweather!""Come here, quick," Charley said to me.

I crawled across the deck and stood upright beside him in the shelter of the sheet steel.

"Feel in my inside pocket," he commanded, "and get my notebook. That's right. Tear out a blank page and write what I tell you."And this is what I wrote:

Telephone to Merryweather, to the sheriff, the constable, or the judge. Tell them we are coming and to turn out the town. Arm everybody. Have them down on the wharf to meet us or we are gone gooses.

Now make it good and fast to that marlin-spike, and stand by to toss it ashore."I did as he directed. By then we were close to Antioch. The wind was shouting through our rigging, the Mary Rebecca was half over on her side and rushing ahead like an ocean greyhound. The seafaring folk of Antioch had seen us breaking out topsail and staysail, a most reckless performance in such weather, and had hurried to the wharf-ends in little groups to find out what was the matter.

Straight down the water front we boomed, Charley edging in till a man could almost leap ashore. When he gave the signal I tossed the marlinspike. It struck the planking of the wharf a resounding smash, bounced along fifteen or twenty feet, and was pounced upon by the amazed onlookers.

It all happened in a flash, for the next minute Antioch was behind and we were heeling it up the San Joaquin toward Merryweather, six miles away. The river straightened out here into its general easterly course, and we squared away before the wind, wing-and-wing once more, the foresailbellying out to starboard.

Ole Ericsen seemed sunk into a state of stolid despair. Charley and the two sailors were looking hopeful, as they had good reason to be. Merryweather was a coal-mining town, and, it being Sunday, it was reasonable to expect the men to be in town. Further, the coal-miners had never lost any love for the Greek fishermen, and were pretty certain to render us hearty assistance.

We strained our eyes for a glimpse of the town, and the first sight we caught of it gave us immense relief. The wharves were black with men. As we came closer, we could see them still arriving, stringing down the main street, guns in their hands and on the run. Charley glanced astern at the fishermen with a look of ownership in his eye which till then had been missing. The Greeks were plainly overawed by the display of armed strength and were putting their own rifles away.

We took in topsail and staysail, dropped the main peak, and as we got abreast of the principal wharf jibed the mainsail. The Mary Rebecca shot around into the wind, the captive fishermen describing a great arc behind her, and forged ahead till she lost way, when lines we're flung ashore and she was made fast. This was accomplished under a hurricane of cheers from the delighted miners.

Ole Ericsen heaved a great sigh. "Ay never tank Ay see my wife never again," he confessed.

"Why, we were never in any danger," said Charley. Ole looked at him incredulously.

"Sure, I mean it," Charley went on. "All we had to do, any time, was to let go our end - as I am going to do now, so that those Greeks can untangle their nets."He went below with a monkey-wrench, unscrewed the nut, and let the hook drop off. When the Greeks had hauled their nets into their boats and made everything shipshape, a posse of citizens took them off our hands and led them away to jail.

"Ay tank Ay ban a great big fool," said Ole Ericsen. But he changed his mind when the admiring townspeople crowded aboard to shake hands with him, and a couple of enterprising newspaper men took photographsof the Mary Rebecca and her captain.

  • 辛夷传


    这是一本北宋仁宗年间,用不同笔迹书写了二十年的日记。 明道二年,汴梁皇城。天后已死,新皇初立。朝中权臣,后宫闺阁。人心难测,杀机重重。仙韶院女乐张氏,八岁入宫。初为御侍,再成修媛。享尽恩宠正当时,突逢丧子。被贬美人,却又一夜忽为贵妃。看似春风得意,终竟暴毙龙床。仁宗重臣,包拯,苏轼,晏殊,欧阳修,范仲淹,司马光,吕夷简,对其无一不恨。究竟欲海浮沉中的一名小女子,是坏了谁的仕途,毁了谁的权道?
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    婆媳关系就如双曲线,生在同一平面,却永远没有交点,不得不接近对方,心却背道而驰. 辛苦了大半辈子供儿子念名牌大学,最后竟然娶了个农村又没有文化的土丫头,不知道是狐狸精道行深还是儿子鬼迷了心窍,别说是个白吃饭的主,就算嫁进来的是个公主,也会觉的是高攀了要才有才要貌有貌的宝贝儿子,看我老太太出招,兵来将挡,水来土掩,为了儿子能够幸福不被拖后腿,豁出去了! 强势的功臣婆婆对阵农村白吃饭的儿媳 寄人篱下的寡妇婆婆对阵城里娇生惯养的媳妇 传统思想的婆婆对阵年轻一代叛逆反抗的儿媳 刀剑交锋,水火不容,看谁扭转乾坤。 看新时代的农村女孩如何融进大都市,打造自己的幸福、经营自己的家庭、捍卫自己的婚姻。