
第118章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 41(5)

with the cord and slip-noose, the other, with the Nez Perce, managed the paddles. There wasnothing

further from the thoughts of honest Bruin, however, than to beat a retreat. Just as the canoe wasdrawing near, he turned suddenly round and made for it, with a horrible snarl and a tremendousshow

of teeth. The affrighted hunter called to his comrades to paddle off. Scarce had they turned theboat

when the bear laid his enormous claws on the gunwale, and attempted to get on board. The canoewas nearly overturned, and a deluge of water came pouring over the gunwale. All was clamor,terror, and confusion. Every one bawled out - the bear roared and snarled - one caught up a gun;but

water had rendered it useless. Others handled their paddles more effectually, and beating oldBruin

about the head and claws, obliged him to relinquish his hold. They now plied their paddles withmight and main, the bear made the best of his way to shore, and so ended the second exploit ofthe

noose; the hunters determined to have no more naval contests with grizzly bears.

The voyagers were now out of range of Crows and Black-feet; but they were approachingthe

country of the Rees, or Arickaras; a tribe no less dangerous; and who were, generally, hostile tosmall parties.

In passing through their country, Wyeth laid by all day, and drifted quietly down the river atnight.

In this way he passed on, until he supposed himself safely through the region of danger; when heresumed his voyage in the open day. On the 3d of September he had landed, at midday, to dine;and

while some were making a fire, one of the hunters mounted a high bank to look out for game. Hehad

scarce glanced his eye round, when he perceived horses grazing on the opposite side of the river.

Crouching down he slunk back to the camp, and reported what he had seen. On furtherreconnoitering, the voyagers counted twenty-one lodges; and from the number of horses,computed

that there must be nearly a hundred Indians encamped there. They now drew their boat, with allspeed and caution, into a thicket of water willows, and remained closely concealed all day. Assoon

as the night closed in they re-embarked. The moon would rise early; so that they had but abouttwo

hours of darkness to get past the camp. The night, however, was cloudy, with a blustering wind.

Silently, and with muffled oars, they glided down the river, keeping close under the shoreopposite

to the camp; watching its various lodges and fires, and the dark forms passing to and fro betweenthem. Suddenly, on turning a point of land, they found themselves close upon a camp on theirown

side of the river. It appeared that not more than one half of the band had crossed. They werewithin

a few yards of the shore; they saw distinctly the savages -- some standing, some lying round thefire.

Horses were grazing around. Some lodges were set up, others had been sent across the river. Thered

glare of the fires upon these wild groups and harsh faces, contrasted with the surroundingdarkness,

had a startling effect, as the voyagers suddenly came upon the scene. The dogs of the campperceived them, and barked; but the Indians. fortunately, took no heed of their clamor. Wyethinstantly sheered his boat out into the stream; when, unluckily it struck upon a sand-bar, andstuck

fast. It was a perilous and trying situation; for he was fixed between the two camps, and withinrifle

range of both. All hands jumped out into the water, and tried to get the boat off; but as no onedared

to give the word, they could not pull together, and their labor was in vain. In this way theylabored

for a long time; until Wyeth thought of giving a signal for a general heave, by lifting his hat. Theexpedient succeeded. They launched their canoe again into deep water, and getting in, had thedelight

of seeing the camp fires of the savages soon fading in the distance.

They continued under way the greater part of the night, until far beyond all danger from thisband,

when they pulled to shore, and encamped.

The following day was windy, and they came near upsetting their boat in carrying sail.


evening, the wind subsided and a beautiful calm night succeeded. They floated along with thecurrent

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