

There you go. Right. Now let's see if you woodenheads know enough to keep the wagon right side up." Mr. Sparling took off his hat and wiped the perspiration from his forehead, while Phil stood off calmly surveying the men who were straightening the wagon, but with more caution than they had exercised before. "Come here, boy." Someone touched Phil on the arm. "What is it?" "Boss wants to speak to you." "Who?" "Boss Sparling, the fellow over there with the big voice and the sombrero." Phil walked over and touched his hat to Mr. Sparling. The showman looked the lad over from head to foot. "What's your name?" He shot the question at the lad as if angry about something, and he undoubtedly was. "Phil Forrest." "Do they grow your kind around here?" "I can't say, sir." "If they do, I'd like to hire a dozen or more of them. You've got more sense than any boy of your age I ever saw. How old are you?" "Sixteen." "Huh! I wish I had him!" growled Mr. Sparling. "What do you want?" "I should like to have a chance to earn a pass to the show this afternoon. Rodney Palmer said the boss canvasman might give me a chance to earn one." "Earn one? Earn one?" Mr. Sparling's voice rose to a roar again. "What in the name of Old Dan Rice do you think you've been doing? Here you've kept a cage with a five-thousand-dollar lion from tipping over, to say nothing of the people who might have been killed had the brute got out, and you want to know how you can earn a pass to the show? What d'ye think of that?" and the owner appealed helplessly to an assistant who had run across the lot, having been attracted to the scene by the uproar. The assistant grinned. "He's too modest to live." "Pity modesty isn't more prevalent in this show, then. How many do you want? Have a whole section if you say the word." "How many are there in a section?" asked Phil. " 'Bout a hundred seats." Phil gasped. "I--I guess two will be enough," he made answer. "Here you are," snapped the owner, thrusting a card at the lad, on which had been scribbled some characters, puzzling to the uninitiated. "If you want anything else around this show you just ask for it, young man. Hey, there! Going to be all day getting that canvas up? Don't you know we've got a parade coming along in a few hours?" Phil Forrest, more light of heart than in many days, turned away to acquaint his companion of his good fortune.Teddy Tucker was making his way cautiously back to thescene of the excitement of a few moments before. "Did he get away?" Teddy questioned, ready to run at the drop of the hat should the danger prove to be still present. "Who, the manager?" "No, the lion." "He's in the cage where he's been all the time. They haven't opened it yet, but I guess he's all right. Say, Teddy!" "Say it." "I've got a pass to the show for two people for both performances--this afternoon and tonight." The interest that the announcement brought to Teddy's eyes died away almost as soon as it appeared. "Going?" "Am I going? I should say so. Want to go in with me on my pass, Teddy?" The lad hitched his trousers, took a critical squint at the canvas that was slowly mounting the center pole to the accompaniment of creaking ropes, groaning tackle and confused shouting. "They're getting the menagerie tent up. I'll bet it's going to be a dandy show," he vouchsafed. "How'd you get the tickets?" "Manager gave them to me." "What for?" "I did a little work for him. Helped get the lion's cage straightened up. How about it--are you going in on my pass?" "N-o-o," drawled Teddy. "Might get me into bad habits to go in on a pass. I'd rather sneak in under the tent when the boss isn't looking."

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  • 驯悍记


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  • 青少年不可不读的18本国学经典


  • 感谢你曾来过,不悔曾经爱过


  • 超频反击


    当《深渊中的奇点》游戏停摆的那一刻,汤姆操控下的“昂”正手握一柄光剑,与一只长着一张类似蜥蜴脸庞、浑身疙瘩的怪兽激烈鏖战。在广阔的艾斯坦山谷中,旨在拯救黛娅公主的联军战士正与泽拉兹城堡释放出的恶魔怪兽们捉对厮杀。山谷的尽头,半隐于云端的泽拉兹城堡巍然屹立,看上去触手可及,却又远在天边。此时此刻,他们的黛娅公主还被“暗冰封印”束缚在泽拉兹城堡中,命悬一线。在游戏中, “昂” 拥有着不朽的生命,不过一旦失血过多,他还是会暂时死亡,随后将在他的出生地复活,但即使搭乘最快的飞行器重抵艾斯坦山谷也要花上十天时间——这对战役的结局已无济于事。
  • 别让惯性思维骗了你


  • 天降甘霖


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  • 重生之超越车神


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