

In solemn procession, followed by all the cardinals and high church officials, surrounded by the Swiss guards, the tolling of the bells and the dull rolling of the muffled drums, the solemn hymns of the priests, moved the funeral /cortege/ from the Vatican to St. Peter's church. In the usual open coffin lay the corpse of the deceased pope, that the people might see him for the last time. As they passed the bridge of St. Angelo, when the coffin had reached the middle of the bridge, arose a shriek of terror from thousands of throats! A leg had become severed from the body and hung out of the coffin, swinging in a fold of the winding-sheet. Cardinal Albani, who walked near the coffin, was touched on the shoulder by the loosely swinging limb, and turned pale, but he yet had the courage to push it back into the coffin. The people loudly murmured, and shudderingly whispered to each other: "The dead man has touched his murderer. They have poisoned him, our good pope! His members fall apart. That is the effect of /Acqua Tofana/."

Archenholz relates yet another case where the Acqua Tofana had a similar violent and sudden effect. "A respectable Roman lady, who was young and beautiful, and had many admirers, made in the year 1778, a similar experiment, to rid herself of an old husband. As the dose was rather strong, death was followed by the rapid and violent separation of the members. They employed all possible means to retain the body in a human form until the funeral was over. The face was covered with a waxen mask, and by this means was the condition of the corpse concealed. This separation of the members seems to be the usual effect of this poison, and is said to occur as soon as the body is cold."The infernal work had therefore proved successful, the vengeance was complete--Ganganelli was no more, and upon the papal throne sat Braschi, the friend of the Jesuits and of Cardinal Albani, to whom he had promised the crowning of the improvisatrice Corilla.

And as this cost nothing to the miserly Pope Pius, he this time found no inconvenience in keeping his sacred promise, though not so promptly as Corilla and the passionate cardinal desired.

Not until 1776, almost two years after Braschi had mounted the papal throne, took place the crowning of the improvisatrice in the capitol at Rome.

She had therefore attained the object of her wishes. She had finally reached it by bribery and intrigue, by hypocritical tenderness, by the resignation of her maiden modesty and womanly honor, and by all the arts of coquetry.

But this triumph of hers was not to be untroubled. The /nobili/shouted for her, and the cardinals and princes of the Church, but the people accompanied her to the capitol with hissing and howling. Poems came fluttering down on all sides; the first that fell upon Corilla's head, Cardinal Albani eagerly seized and unfolded for the purpose of reading it aloud. But after the first few lines his voice was silenced --it was an abusive poem, full of mockery and scorn.

But nevertheless she was crowned. She still stood upon the capitol, with the laurel-crown upon her brow, cheered by her respectable protectors and friends. But the people joined not in those cheers, and, as the exulting shouts ceased, there swelled up to the laurel-crowned poetess, from thousands of voices, a thundering laugh of scorn, and this scornful laugh, this hissing and howling of the people, accompanied her upon her return from the capitol, following her through the streets to her own door. The people had judged her!

Corilla was no poetess by the grace of God, and only by the grace of man had she been crowned as queen of poesy!

Mortified, crushed, and enraged, she fled from Rome to Florence. She knew how to flatter the great and win princes. She was a princess-poetess, and the people rejected her!

But the laurel was hers. She was sought and esteemed, the princes admired her, and Catharine of Russia fulfilled the promise Orloff had made the improvisatrice in the name of the empress. Corilla received a pension from Russia. Russia has always promptly and liberally paid those who have sold themselves and rendered services to her. Russia is very rich, and can always send so many thousands of her best and noblest to work in the mines of Siberia, that she can never lack means for paying her spies and agents.

  • Charmides


  • 比丘听施经


  • 观音慈林集


  • 法演禅师语录


  • 淮城纪事


  • 佛说无量寿大智陀罗尼


  • 自动营销


  • 1984(奥威尔作品集)


  • 野性的呼唤


  • 巴山旧事


    中原巴国是一块神秘而又浪漫的土地,在这里生活着的土家族儿女们虽然很少被外人所关注,但是他们却用他们自己的方式演绎着同样精彩的历史和传奇。 在这里不仅有中华民族传统的智慧与善良,而且他们还具有独特的武风和情感。《巴山旧事》记载着一个巴地广为流传的故事,土家儿女田虎和丹妹喜结良缘,可是王爷公子却追逼丹妹,要按土司王法施行初夜权。王府家丁强掳新娘,追杀田虎。危急关头,丹妹为了让田虎一心制服王爷、战胜土司,自己舍身赴死、跳进油锅,化为照亮人心的天灯。土司的野蛮残暴和倒行逆施终于激起山民的强烈义愤,邬阳关发生兵变。各地反抗斗争风起云涌,民众纷纷聚集万全洞、迫使土司头目投降官兵。内外交困之下,容美宣慰使田旻如走投无路、畏罪自缢,土司统治终于土崩瓦解,改土归流得以推行。
  • 绝色尤物之杀手太冷


  • 现代没女爱上古代侠客


  • 河流


    尤里·瓦西里耶维奇·邦达列夫 俄罗斯当代“战壕派”现实主义作家,一九二四年三月十五日生于奥尔斯克市,反法西斯卫国战争期间一直在炮兵部队服役,军衔少尉,曾两度负伤。战后进入苏联作家协会高尔基文学院学习,毕业后开始职业作家生涯。上世纪八、九十年代任苏联作家协会理事会书记兼俄罗斯联邦作家协会理事会副主席,曾获社会主义劳动英雄勋章,两获苏联国家奖章。其早期作品,着力于战争题材的创作,真实描写战争的血腥残酷,取得巨大成功。后期作品,多侧重对社会生活和人类命运的哲理思考和探索。文吉 八〇年代生人,毕业于首都某外语院校俄语专业,曾于俄联邦国立喀山师范大学求学,现在湖北某高校任教。
  • 我的傲娇房客


  • 一调一侃,心情无烦恼(中文版)


    本书风格清新活泼,内容丰富,精选经典英语幽默故事,双语对照,让你在笑声中学会地道的英语表达,了解原汁原味的英语幽默文化。英语谚语说:Many a true word is spoken in jest.戏言寓真理。一边笑一边学英语的时候,还可以体会喝多人生真谛。边笑边学英语,体会人生真谛。美国专业英语讲师MP3教你地道美语,中英双语精美选文、短句品读,想要拥有一份好心情,就一定要学会幽默,因为幽默是人类最大的幸福。滑稽的动物世界,自信达人的糗事,秀才遇上兵。