

One young man exclaimed: 'Follow me at once, let us start off at once to Bezenval's!'" -- Their brains are so frightened, and their minds so distrustful, that at every step in the streets "one's name has to be given, one's profession declared, one's residence, and one's intentions . . .. One can neither enter nor leave Paris without being suspected of treason." The Prince de Montbarrey, advocate of the new ideas, and his wife, are stopped in their carriage at the barrier, and are on the point of being cut to pieces. A deputy of the nobles, on his way to the National Assembly, is seized in his cab and conducted to the Place de Grève;the corpse of M. de Launay is shown to him, and he is told that he is to be treated in the same fashion. - Every life hangs by a thread, and, on the following days, when the King had sent away his troops, dismissed his Ministers, recalled Necker, and granted everything, the danger remains just as great. The multitude, abandoned to the revolutionaries and to itself, continues the same bloody antics, while the municipal chiefs[50] whom it has elected, Bailly, Mayor of Paris, and Lafayette, commandant of the National Guard, are obliged to use cunning, to implore, to throw themselves between the multitude and the unfortunates whom they wish to destroy.

On the 15th of July, in the night, a woman disguised as a man is arrested in the court of the H?tel-de-Ville, and so maltreated that she faints away; Bailly, in order to save her, is obliged to feign anger against her and have her sent immediately to prison. From the 14th to the 22nd of July, Lafayette, at the risk of his life, saves with his own hand seventeen persons in different quarters.[51] -- On the 22nd of July, upon the denunciations which multiply around Paris like trains of gunpowder, two administrators of high rank, M.

Foulon, Councillor of State, and M. Berthier, his son-in-law, are arrested, one near Fontainebleau, and the other near Compiègne. M.

Foulon, a strict master,[52] but intelligent and useful, expended sixty thousand francs the previous winter on his estate in giving employment to the poor. M. Berthier, an industrious and capable man, had officially surveyed and valued Ile-de-France, to equalize the taxes, and had reduced the overcharged quotas first one-eighth and then a quarter. But both of these gentlemen have arranged the details of the camp against which Paris has risen; both are publicly proscribed for eight days previously by the Palais-Royal, and, with a people frightened by disorder, exasperated by hunger, and stupefied by suspicion, an accused person is a guilty one. -- With regard to Foulon, as with Réveillon, a story is made up, coined in the same mint, a sort of currency for popular circulation, and which the people itself manufactures by casting into one tragic expression the sum of its sufferings and rankling memories:[53] "He said that we were worth no more than his horses; and that if we had no bread we had only to eat grass." -- The old man of seventy-four is brought to Paris, with a truss of hay on his head, a collar of thistles around his neck, and his mouth stuffed with hay. In vain does the electoral bureau order his imprisonment that he may be saved; the crowd yells out: "Sentenced and hung!" and, authoritatively, appoints the judges. In vain does Lafayette insist and entreat three times that the judgment be regularly rendered, and that the accused be sent to the Abbaye. A new wave of people comes up, and one man, "well dressed," cries out: "What is the need of a sentence for a man who has been condemned for thirty years?" Foulon is carried off; dragged across the square, and hung to the lamp post.

The cord breaks twice, and twice he falls upon the pavement. Re-hung with a fresh cord and then cut down, his head is severed from his body and placed on the end of a pike.[54] Meanwhile, Berthier, sent away from Compiègne by the municipality, afraid to keep him in his prison where he was constantly menaced, arrives in a cabriolet under escort. The people carry placards around him filled with opprobrious epithets; in changing horses they threw hard black bread into the carriage, exclaiming, "There, wretch, see the bread you made us eat!" On reaching the church of Saint-Merry, a fearful storm of insults burst forth against him. He is called a monopolist, "although he had never bought or sold a grain of wheat." In the eyes of the multitude, who has to explain the evil as caused by some evil-doer, he is the author of the famine. Conducted to the Abbaye, his escort is dispersed and he is pushed over to the lamp post.

Then, seeing that all is lost, he snatches a gun from one of his murderers and bravely defends himself. A soldier of the "Royal Croats" gives him a cut with his saber across the stomach, and another tears out his heart. As the cook, who had cut off the head of M. de Launay, happens to be on the spot, they hand him the heart to carry while the soldiers take the head, and both go to the H?tel-de-Ville to show their trophies to M. de Lafayette. On their return to the Palais-Royal, and while they are seated at table in a tavern, the people demand these two remains. They throw them out of the window and finish their supper, whilst the heart is marched about below in a bouquet of white carnations. -- Such are the spectacles which this garden presents where, a year before, "good society in full dress" came on leaving the Opera to chat, often until two o'clock in the morning, under the mild light of the moon, listening now to the violin of Saint-Georges, and now to the charming voice of Garat.


Paris in the hands of the people.

Henceforth it is clear that no one is safe: neither the new militia nor the new authorities suffice to enforce respect for the law.

  • 鸿雁之什


  • William the Conqueror

    William the Conqueror

  • 长安书事


  • 医述


  • 霍乱门


  • 掌娇


  • 伊索寓言


  • 听南怀瑾讲佛学


    从20世纪50年代到90年代,南怀瑾先生发表了大量著作,堪称博学多产的著述名家。目前可知的南氏著作已达三十多种,内容涉及儒、道、佛和神仙巫术等三教九流的各家思想学说,以及古代文学、历史、哲学的方方面面。本书主要总结了南怀瑾先生的学术理 论和研究成果,是对其系统整理研究的一个全面过程。对于佛学爱好者来说,能够从本书中详细了解到佛学的起源、发展以及现状,还能对佛学著作有一个全面的了解。
  • 传教士的文化之旅


  • 扶摇职上之谋略


  • 全民修炼系统之女主真棒


  • 我想你,前任2


    大三的女学生萧飞在咖啡馆做兼职,想努力攒钱带妈妈去旅游,并且决定在毕业之前对暗恋了很多年的男生董宁表白。但是董宁心里有喜欢的女生,为了她不惜放弃上海的好工作,到北京做了快递小哥。萧飞认识了经常来打桌球的晏景和,起初以为他是花花公子,后来发现他也在全心全意守护自己深爱的人戴安。而戴安的心中偏偏也有个挥之不去的人。萧飞和宴景和两个惺惺相惜的“No 2”成为无话不说的哥们儿,却让董宁产生了误解。董宁刚想和萧飞确定恋爱关系,就被一连串的误解打消了勇气。这是一个关于“备胎”的故事。每个人都在以不同的方式守护着自己爱的人。爱情有很多种,幸福没有固定的模式,听从自己的内心就是最好的安排。
  • 我要当后妈(完结)


  • 从学园都市开始的异世界之旅


  • 独占病宠

