

[52] Moniteur, sitting of February 12, 1790. Speeches of Dally d'Agier and Barnave.

[53] Moniteur, sitting of August 10, 1789. Speech by Garat;February 12, 1790, speech by Pétion; October 30, 1789, speech by Thouret.

[54] Moniteur, sitting of November 2, 1789. Speech by Chapelier;October 24, 1789, speech by Garat; October 30, 1789, speech by Mirabeau, and the sitting of August 10, 1789.

[55] Moniteur, sitting of October 23, 1789. Speech by Thouret.

[56] Moniteur, sitting of October 23, 1789. Speech by Treilhard;October24th, speech by Garat; October 30, speech by Mirabeau. -- On the 8th of August, 1789, Al. de Lameth says in the tribune: "When an foundation was set up, it is to the nation, which the grant was given."[57] Duvergier, laws of August 18, 1792; August 8-14, 1793; July 11, 1794; July 14, 1792; August 24, 1793.

[58] Moniteur, sitting of July 31, 1792. Speech of M. Boistard;the property of the hospitals, at this time was estimated at eight hundred millions. -- Already in 1791 (sitting of January 30th) M.

de Larochefoucauld-Liancourt said to the Assembly: Nothing will more readily restore confidence to the poor than to see the nation assuming the right of rendering them assistance." He proposes to decree; accordingly, that all hospitals and places of beneficence he placed under the control of the nation. (Mercure, February 12, 1791.)[59] Moniteur, sitting of August 10, 1789. Speech by Sieyès. --The figures given here are deduced from the statistics already given in the "Ancient Régime."[60] Moniteur, v. 571.sitting of September 4, 1790. Report of the Committee on Finances -- V. 675, sitting of September 17, 1790.

Report by Necker.

[61] A Revolutionary Government promissory bank note. (SR.)[62] Sauzay, I. 228 (from October 10, 1790, to February 20, 1791).

"The total weight of the spoil of the monastic establishments in gold, silver, and plated ware, sent to the Mint amounted to more than 525 kilograms (for the department)."[63] Duvergier, law of October 8-14.

[64] Moniteur, sitting of June 3,1792. Speech of M. Bernard, in the name of the committee of Public Assistance: "Not a day passes in which we do not receive the saddest news from the departments on the penury of their hospitals." -- Mercure de France, December 17, 1791, sitting of December 5. A number of deputies of the Department of the North demand aid for their hospitals and municipalities. Out of 480,000 livres revenue there remains 10,000 to them. "The property of the Communes is mortgaged, and no longer affords them any resources. 280,000 persons are without bread.

[65] Sauzay, I. 252 (December 3, 1790. April 13, 1791).

[66] Moniteur, sitting of June 1, 1790. Speeches by Camus, Treilhard, etc.

[67] But on the assumption that all religion has been invented by human beings for their own comfort or use, then what would be more natural than clever rulers using their power to influence the religious authorities to their own advantage. (SR.)[68] Ultramontane: Extreme in favoring the Pope's supremacy. (SR.)[69] Sauzay, I. 168.

[70] Personal knowledge, as I visited Besan?on four times between 1863 and 1867.

[71] Moniteur, sitting of May 30, 1790, and others following.

(Report of Treilhard, speech by Robespierre.)[72] Duvergier, laws of July 12th-August 14th; November 14-25, 1790;January 21-26, 1791.

[73] Moniteur, sitting of May 31, 1790. Robespierre, in covert terms, demands the marriage of priests. -- Mirabeau prepared a speech in the same sense, concluding that every priest and monk should be able to contract marriage; on the priest or monk presenting himself with his bride before the curé, the latter should be obliged to give them the nuptial benediction etc. Mirabeau wrote, June 2, 1790: "Robespierre... has juggled me out of my motion on the marriage of priests." -- In general the germ of all the laws of the Convention is found in the Constituent Assembly.

(Ph. Plan, "Un Collaborateur de Mirabeau," p.56, 144.)[74] Duvergier, laws of November 27th -- December 26, 1790; February 5th, March 22nd, and April 5, 1791. -- Moniteur, sitting of November 6, 1790, and those that follow, especially that of December 27th. "I swear to maintain with all my power the French Constitution and especially the decrees relating to the Civil Constitution of the clergy." -- Cf. sitting of January 2, 1791, speech by the Bishop of Clermont.

[75] Duvergier, law of May 7, 1791, to maintain the right of nonjuring priests to perform mass in national or private edifices.

(Demanded by Talleyrand and Sieyès.)

[76] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3235. Letter of M. de Chateau-Randon, deputy of la Lozère, May 28, 1791. After the decree of May 23rd, all the functionaries of the department handed in their resignations.

[77] Duvergier, law of May 21-29, 1791.

[78] Sauzay, I. 366, 538 to 593, 750. -- Archives Nationales," F7, 3235, Letter of M. de Chanteau-Randon, May 10, 1791. -- Mercure, April 23rd, and April 16, 1701. Articles of Mallet du Pan, letter from Bordeaux, March 20, 1791.

[79] Buchez and Roux, XII, 77. Report of Gallois and Gensonné sent to La Vendée and the Deux Sévres (July 25, 1791). -- " Archives Nationales," F7, 3253, letter of the Directory of the Bas-Rhin (letter of January 7, 1792). -- " Le District de Machecoul de 1788à 1793," by Lallier. --" Histoire de Joseph Lebon," by Paris. --Sauzay, vol. I. and II. in full.

[80] Mercure, January 15th, April 23rd, May 16th and 30th, June 1st, November 23rd, 1791. -- "Le District de Machecoul," by Lallier, 173. -- Sauzay, I. 295. -- Lavirotte, "Annales d'Arnay-le-Duc (February 5, 1792). -- "Archives Nationales," F7, 3223. Petition of a number of the inhabitants of Montpellier, November 17, 1791.

[81] Duvergier, decree of November 29, 1791. -- Mercure, November 30, 1791 (article by Mallet du Pan).

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