

[77] Entry of the Republican troops into Lyons, October 9th, into Toulon, December 19th. - Bordeaux had submitted on the 2nd of August.

Exasperated by the decree of the 6th which proscribed all the abettors of the insurrection, the city drives out, on the 19th, the representatives Baudot and Ysabeau. It submits again on the 19th of September. But so great is the indignation of the citizens, Tallien and his three colleagues dare not enter before the 16th of October.

(Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 197 and following pages.)[78] Seventy thousand men were required to reduce Lyons, (Guillon de Montléon, II., 226) and sixty thousand men to reduce Toulon.

[79] Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol. CCCXXIX. (Letter of Chépy, political agent, Grenoble, July 26, 1793). "I say it unhesitatingly, I had rather reduce Lyons than save Valenciennes."[80] Ibid., vol. CCCXXIX. (Letter of Chépy, Grenoble, August 24, 1793): "The Piedmontese are masters of Cluse. A large body of mountaineers have joined them. At Annecy the women have cut down the liberty pole and burnt the archives of the club and commune. At Chambéry, the people wanted to do the same, but they forced the sick in the hospitals to take arms and thus kept them down."[81] Moniteur, XVIII, 474. (Report of Billaud-Varennes, October 18, 1793). "The combined efforts of all the powers of Europe have not compromised liberty and the country so much as the federalist factions; the assassin the most to be dreaded is the one that lives in the house."[82] The convention purposely reinstates incendiaries and assassins.

(Moniteur, XVIII., 483. Session of Breumaire 28, year II.) : XVII., 176. (Session of July 19, 1793). Rehabilitation of Bordier and Jourdain, hung in August, 1789. Cancelling of the proceedings begun against the authors of the massacre of Melun (September, 1792) and release of the accused. -- Cf. Albert Babeau, (I., 277.)Rehabilitation, with indemnities distributed in Messidor, year II, to their relatives. - "Archives des Affaires étrangères," vol. 331.

(Letter of Chépy, Grenoble, Frimaire 8, year II). "The criminal court and jury of the department have just risen to the height of the situation; they have acquitted the castle-burners."[83] Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 593. (Deputation of twenty-four sections sent from Bordeaux to the Convention, August 30). - Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 494. (Report of the representatives on mission in Bouches-du-Rh?ne, September 2nd). - Ibid., XXX., 386. (Letter of Rousin, commandant of the revolutionary army at Lyons. "A population of one hundred twenty thousand souls. . . . . There are not amongst all these, one thousand five hundred patriots, even one thousand five hundred persons that one could spare. - Guillon de Montléon, I., 355, 374. (Signatures of twenty thousand Lyonnese of all classes, August 17th).

[84] Guillon de Montléon, I., 394. (Letter of Dubois-Crancé to the Lyonnese, August 19th.)[85] Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 198. (Decree of Aug. 6.) - Buchez et Roux, XXVIII. 297, (Decree of July 12.). - Guillon de Montléon, I., 342. Summons of Dubois-Crancé, Aug. 8.)[86] Meillan, 142.). - "Archives des Affaires Etrangéres," vol.

CCCXXXII. (Letter of Desgranges, Bordeaux, Brumaire 8, year II.):

"The execution of Mayor Saige, who was much loved by the people for his benefactions, caused much sorrow: but no guilty murmur was heard."[87] Archives Nationales, AF. II., 46. (Letter of Julien to the Committee of Public Safety Messidor 11, year II). "Some time ago a solemn silence prevailed at the sessions of the military commission, the people's response to the death-sentences against conspirators; the same silence attended them to the scaffold; the whole commune seemed to sob in secret at their fate."[88] Berryat Saint-Prix, "La Justice Révolutionaire," pp. 277-299. -Archives Nationales, AF. II., 46. (Registers of the Com. Of Surveillance, Bordeaux). The number of prisoners between Prairial 21and 28, varies from 1504 to 1529. Number of the guillotined, 882.

(Memoirs of Sénart).

[89] Archives Nationales, AF. II., 46. Letter of Julien, Messidor 12, year II. "A good deal has been stolen here; the mayor, now in prison, is informed of considerable losses. The former Committee of surveillance came under serious suspicion; many people who were outlawed only escaped by paying: it is a fact that . . . Of a number of those who have thus purchased their lives there are some who did not deserve to die and who, nevertheless, were threatened with death." - Buchez et Roux, XXXII., 428. (Extracts from the Memoirs of Sénart). "The president of the military commission was a man named Lacombe, already banished from the city on account of a judgment against him for robbery. The other individuals employed by Tallien comprised a lot of valets, bankrupts and sharpers."[90] Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 493. (Speech by Danton, August 31, and decree in conformity therewith by the Convention).

[91] Mallet-Dupan, II., 17. "Thousands of traders in Marseilles and Bordeaux, here the respectable Gradis and there the Tarteron, have been assassinated and their goods sold. I have seen the thirty-second list only of the Marseilles emigres, whose property has been confiscated. . . . There are twelve thousand of them and the lists are not yet complete." (Feb. 1, 1794.) - Anne Plumptre.2A Narrative of Three years' Residence in France, from 1802 to 1805." "During this period the streets of Marseilles were almost those of a deserted town.

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