

(Expressions of the representative Baudot in a letter dated Brumaire 29, year II.)[72] Archives Nationales: the acts and letters of the representatives on mission are classed by departments. - On the delegates of the representatives on mission, I will cite but one text. (Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol. 333, letter of Garrigues, Auch, Pluvi?se 24, year II.): "A delegate of Dartigoyte goes to l'Isle and, in the popular club, wants the curé of the place to get rid of his priestly attributes. The man answers, so they tell me, that he would cheerfully abstain from his duties, but that, if, in addition to this, they used force he would appeal to the convention, which had no idea of interfering with freedom of opinion. 'Very well,' replied Dartigoyte emissary, 'I appeal to a gendarme,' and he at once ordered his arrest."[73] Lallier, "Une commission D'énquete et de Propagande," p.7. (It is composed of twelve members, selected by the club of Nantes, who overrun the district of Ancenis, six thousand francs of fees being allowed it.) - Babeau, II., 280. (Dispatch of sixty commissioners, each at six francs a day by the Troyes administration, to ascertain the state of the supplies on hand, Prairial, year II.)[74] For example, at Bordeaux and at Troyes. - Archives Nationales F7, 4421. Register of the Revolutionary committee of Troyes, fol.

164. Two members of the committee travel to the commune of Lusigny, dismiss the mayor and justice, and appoint in the place of the latter "the former curé of the country, who, some time ago, abjured sacerdotal fanaticism." - Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol.332.

(Letter of Desgranges, Bordeaux, Brumaire 15, year II.) The representatives have just instituted "a revolutionary committee of surveillance composed of twelve members, selected with the greatest circumspection. All the committees established in the department are obliged to correspond with it, and fulfill its requisitions."[75] Archives Nationales, AF., II, 58. (Letter of Javogues to Collot d'Herbois, Brumaire 28, year II.)[76] "Recueil des Pièces Authentiques," etc., I., 195. (Acts passed Jan.21, 1793.)[77] Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol. 326. (Letters from Brutus, September 24; from Topino-Lebrun, jr., September 25 and October 6, 1793. - Vol. 330. Letters from Brutus, Niv?se 6, year II.) The character of the agent is often indicated orthographically.

For example, vol.334, letter from Galon-Boyer, Brumaire 18, year II.

"The public spirit is generally bad. Those who claim to be patriots know no restraint . The rest are lethargic and federalism appears innate."[78] Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol.1411. (Letter of Haupt, Brumaire 26, year II.) - Vol. 333. (Letter of Blessman and Haüser, Pluvi?se 4, year II.)[79] Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol. 333. (Letter of Chartres and of Caillard, Cornmune Aifranchie, Niv?se 21.) - Vol. 331.

(Letters of Desgranges, at Bordeaux, Brumaire 8 and Frimaire 3.) "The offerings in plate and coin multiply indefinitely; all goes right.

The court-martial has condemned Dudon to death, son of the ex-procureur-général in the former parliament at Bordeaux, Roullat, procureur-syndic of the department, Sallenave, merchant. These executions excite sympathy, but nobody murmurs."[80] Ibid., vol. 333. (Letter of Cuny, sr., Niv?se 20.) Vols. 331, 332. (Letters of Chepy, passim, and especially those dated Frimaire II.) - Vol. 329. (Letter of Chépy, August 24, 1793.) "At Annecy, the women have cut down the liberty-pole and burnt the archives of the club and of the commune. At Chambéry, the people wanted to do the same thing." - Ibid. (September 18, 1793.) "The inhabitants around Mont Blanc show neither spirit nor courage; the truth is, an anti-revolutionary spirit animates all minds." - Ibid. (Letter of August 8, 1793.) "Not only have the citizens of Grenoble, who were drawn by lot, not set out on the expedition to Lyons, but, even of those who have obeyed the laws, several have returned with their arms and baggage. No commune between St. Laurent and Lyons would march. The rural municipalities, badly tainted with the federal malady, ventured to give the troops very bad quarters, especially those who had been drafted."[81] Ibid. (Letter of Cuny, jr., Brest, Brumaire 6.) " There are, in general, very few patriots at Brest; the inhabitants are nearly all moderates." - (Letter of Gadolle, Dunkirk, July 26, 1793.) - (Letter of Simon, Metz, Niv?se, year II.) "Yesterday, on the news of the capture of Toulon being announced in the theatre, . . . I noticed that only about one-third of the spectators gave way to patriotic enthusiasm; the other two-thirds remained cold, or put on a long face."[82] Ibid. (Letter of Haupt, Belfort, September 1, 1793.)[83] Report by Courtois on the papers found in Robespierre's domicile, p. 274. (Letter of Darthé, Vent?se 29, year II.)[84] "Tableau des Prisons de Toulouse," by citizen Pescayre (published in year III.), p.101.

[85] Archives Nationales, F.7, 4421. (Register of the Revolutionary Committee, established at Troyes, Brumaire II, year II.) - Albert Babeau, vol. II., passim. - Archives des Affaires étrangères, vol.

332, Chépy (letter, Brumaire 6, Grenoble). "The sections had appointed seven committees of surveillance. Although weeded out by the club, they nevertheless alarmed the sans-culottes.. . .

Representative Petit-Jean has issued an order, directing that there shall be but one committee at Grenoble composed of twenty-one members.

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