

[4] Cf. Mémoires of Louvet, Dulaure and Vaublanc. - Mallet-Dupan, "Mémoires," II., 7. "Several, to whom I have spoken, literally made the tour of France in various disguises, without having been able to find an outlet; it was only after a series of romantic adventures that they finally succeeded in gaining the Swiss frontier, the only one at all accessible." - Sauzay, V., 210, 220, 226, 276. (Emigration of fifty-four inhabitants of Charquemont, setting out for Hungary.)[5] Ibid., vols. IV., V., VI., VII. (On the banished priests remaining and still continuing their ministrations, and on those who returned to resume them.) - To obtain an idea of the situation of the emigrés and their relations and friends, it is necessary to read the law of Sep.15, 1794 (Brumaire 25, year III.), which renews and generalizes previous laws; children of fourteen years and ten years are affected by it. It was with the greatest difficulty, even if one did not leave France, that a person could prove that he had not emigrated.

[6] Pandour, an 18th century Croatian foot-soldier in the Austrian service: a robber. (SR)[7] Moniteur, XVIII., 215. (Letter of Brigadier-general Vandamme to the convention, Ferney, Brumaire I, year II.) The reading of this letter calls forth "reiterated applause."[8] Sauzay, V., 196. (The total is five thousand two hundred. Some hundreds of names might be added, inasmuch as many of the village lists are wanting.)[9] Buchez et Roux, XXXIV., 434. (Trial of Fouquier-Tinville, deposition of Therriet-Grandpré, one of the heads of the commission on civil Police and Judicial Administration, 51st witness.)[10] Report by Saladin, March 4, 1795.

[11] Wallon, "La Terreur," II., 202.

[12] Duchatelier, "Brest Pendant la Terreur," p. 105. - Paris, "Histoire de Joseph Lebon," II., 370. - "Tableau des Prisons de Toulouse," by Pescayre, p. 409. - " Recueil de Pièces Authentiques sur la Révolution à Strasbourg," I., 65. (List of arrests after Prairial 7, year II.) When the following arrests were made there were already over three thousand persons confined in Strasbourg." - Alfred Lallier, "Les Noyades de Nantes," p.90. - Berryat Saint-Prix, p.436.

(Letter of Maignet to Couthon, Avignon, Floreal 4, year II.)[13] Baulieu, "Essais," V., 283. At the end of December, 1793, Camille Desmoulins wrote: "Open the prison doors to those two hundred thousand citizens whom you call 'suspects'!" - The number of prisoners largely increased during the seven following months. ("Le Vieux Cordelier," No. IV., Frimaire 30, year II.) - Beaulieu does not state precisely what the committee of General Security meant by the word déténu. Does it merely relate to those incarcerated? Or must all who were confined at their own houses be included? - We are able to verify his statement and determine the number, at least approximatively, by taking one department in which the rigor of the revolutionary system was average and where the lists handed in were complete. According to the census of 1791, Doubs contained two hundred and twenty-one thousand inhabitants; France had a population of 26 millions, and we have just seen the number of each category that were under confinement; the proportion for France gives 258 000 persons incarcerated, and 175 000 confined to their houses, and 175 000persons besides these on the limits in their communes, or ajournées, that is to say, 608 000 persons deprived of their liberty. The first two categories form a total of 433 000 persons, sufficiently near Beaulieu's figures.

[14] Paris, "Histoire de Joseph Lebon," II., 371, 372, 375, 377, 379, 380. - "Les Angoisses de la Mort," by Poirier and Monjay of Dunkirk (second edition, year III.). "Their children and trusty agents still remained in prison; they were treated no better than ourselves. . .

. we saw children coming in from all quarters, infants of five years, and, to withdraw them from paternal authority, they had sent to them from time to time, commissioners who used immoral language with them."[15] Mémoires sur les Prisons," (Barrière et Berville collection), II., 354, and appendix F. Ibid., II., 2262. - The women were the first to pass under rapiotage." (Prisons of Arras and that of Plessis, at Paris.)[16] Documents on Daunou," by Taillandier. (Narrative by Daunou, who was imprisoned in turn in La Force, in the Madelonettes, in the English Benedictine establishment, in the Hotel des Fermes, and in Port-Libre.) - On prison management cf., for the provinces, "Tableaux des Prisons de Toulouse," by Pescayre; "Un Sejour en France," and "Les Horreurs des Prisons d'Arras," for Arras and Amiens; Alexandrines des Echerolles, "Une Famille noble sous la Terreur," for Lyons; the trial of Carrier for Nantes; for Paris, "Histoire des Prisons" by Nougaret, 4 vols., and the "Mémoires sur les Prisons," 2 vols.

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