

"Outside of five or six men who might be regarded as 'suspects' of royalism the most animated were only really irritated against the despotic conduct and depredations of the directors and not against the republican system."[43] Mallet-Dupan, ibid:, I., 369. (Letter of Nov.22, 1795.) "Never would the resistance of the sections have shown itself so unanimously and so perseveringly without the promptings of the two hundred monarchist members of the convention and the aid they promised. They had engaged to enter the tribune and support the cause of Paris, to carry the majority and, in case they did not succeed in revoking the decree respecting the two-thirds, to withdraw from the Convention and come and take their seats with the sections; the pusillanimity of these two hundred members caused the failure of these promises. . .

. I guarantee the authenticity of this statement."[44] Souvenirs et Journal d'un Bourgeois d'Evreux," pp.103, 106. "The Constitution has been adopted by a very small number of citizens, for, in the section of the Nord only one hundred and fifty voters at most are found amongst twelve hundred or fifteen hundred estimated.

(September 6, 1795.) - On Tuesday, November 10, "the section assemblies of Evreux completed their nominations of juge de paix and of its assessors and five municipal officers. It took time, because there were a great many who declined."[45] Thibaudeau, "Mémoires sur le Convention et le Directoire," II., 58. - Mallet-Dupan, ("Correspondance, etc.," II., 281.) Dufort de Cheverney, ("Mémoires" in manuscript). He is at Vend?me and attends the trial out of curiosity. "Germain, cheerful and witty, makes fun of the jurymen: they are really stupid, said he, not to see conspiracy when there was as complete a one as ever existed. . . . Besides, Iconspired and always shall."[46] "Souvenir et Journal d'un Bourgeois d'Evreux," p. 118 (March 24, 1797).

[47] Dufort de Cheverney, "Mémoires," (March, 1797).

[48] Albert Babeau, II., 408, et seq. (Address of the administrators of Aube for the elections of year V.) - Ibid., 414. (Speech by Herlinson, Librarian of the Ecole Centrale at Troyes, Thermidor 10, year V. in the large hall of the H?tel-de-Ville, before the commissioners of the Directory, and received with unbounded applause.)"The patriots consisted of fools, madmen and knaves, the first in their illusions, the second in their dreams and the third in their acts. . . . Everywhere you would see two or three executioners, a dozen satellites, of whom one-half trembled for their lives, and about a hundred witnesses, most of them in spite of themselves, against thousands of victims. . . . Vengeance is not necessary; never was special vengeance of any benefit to the public. Let them rest in their slough, let them live as objects of contempt and horror."-Cf.

Sauzay, VIII., p.659 et seq.

[49] Thibaudeau, II., 152, 153.-- Mallet-Dupan, II., 262.

[50] Mallet-Dupan, II., 265, 268, 278.

[51] Thibaudeau, II., 244, 248.

[52] Carnot, "Mémoires," II., 108. "Not fifteen leaders. " -Lacretelle, "Dix Années d'épreuves," p.308. "Twenty or thirty men devoted to monarchical opinions, but who did not dare state them openly."[53] Mallet-Dupan, II., 267, 278, 331.

[54] Mallet-Dupan, II., 265. "Not only have they discarded (at Paris)the Republicans, but even those among the old Constituents, known or denounced for having taken too important a part in the first revolution . . . . Men have been chosen who aspired to a modified and not perverted monarchy. The suffrages have equally distanced themselves from the sectarian royalists of the ancient régime as well as the violent anti-revolutionaries."[55] Mallet-Dupan, 11., 298. "The deputies never attack a revolutionary law, but they are mistrusted of some design of destroying the results of the Revolution, and every time they speak of regulating the Republic they are accused of ill-will to the Republic."[56] Thibaudeau, II., 171. - Carnot, II., 106. - The programme of Barthélémy is contained in this simple phrase: "I would render the Republic administrative." On the foreign policy, his ideas, so temperate, pacific and really French, are received with derision by the other Directors. (Andre Lebon, " Angleterre et l'Emigration Fran?aise," p. 335.)[57] Mathieu Dumas, "Souvenirs," III., 153. - Camille Jordan.

(Letter to his constituents on the Revolution, Fructidor 18, p.26.)"The Constitution, the Constitution alone, is the rallying word at Clichy. " - Barbé-Marbois, "Souvenirs d'un Déporté," I., page 12 and preface. The largest number wanted to disregard the future and forget the past."[58] Mallet-Dupan, II., 336. "Eighty of the deputies who were menaced have slept elsewhere since the 30th of August, keeping together in one domicile for fear of being carried off at night." -- Mathieu Dumas, III., 10. "I could no longer occupy my house in Paris, rue Fosses-du-Temple, without risking an attack from the sbirri (Italian police officers) of the Directory, who pro claimed in the clubs that the people must be avenged in (our) houses. " - Mallet-Dupan, II. 343.

"This pretended conspiracy imputed to the councils by the triumvirs, is a romance similar to those of Robespierre." - Ibid., 346. "There has been no conspiracy, properly so-called, of the Legislative Corps against the Directory." - Only, "every constitution in France kills the Revolution if the Revolutionary leaders has not destroyed in time.

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