

If his scruples arrest him, if he alleges personal obligations, if he had rather not fail in delicacy, or even in common loyalty, he incurs the risk of offending or losing the favor of the master, which is the case with M. de Rémusat,[67] who is unwilling to become his spy, reporter, and denunciator for the Faubourg Saint-Germain, who does not offer, at Vienna, to pump out of Madame d'André the address of her husband so that M. d'André may be taken and immediately shot. Savary, who was the negotiator for his being given up, kept constantly telling M. de Rémusat, "You are going against your interest - I must say that I do not comprehend you!" And yet Savary, himself minister of the police, executor of most important services, head manager of the murder of the Duc d'Enghien and of the ambuscade at Bayonne, counterfeiter of Austrian bank-notes for the campaign of 1809 and of Russian banknotes for that of 1812,[68] Savary ends in getting weary;he is charged with too many dirty jobs; however hardened his conscience it has a tender spot; he discovers at last that he has scruples. It is with great repugnance that, in February, 1814, he executes the order to have a small infernal machine prepared, moving by clock-work, so as to blow up the Bourbons on their return into France.[69] "Ah," said he, giving himself a blow on the forehead, "it must be admitted that the Emperor is sometimes hard to serve!"If he exacts so much from the human creature, it is because, in playing the game he has to play, he must absorb everything; in the situation in which be has placed himself, caution is unnecessary. "Is a statesman," said he, "made to have feeling? Is he not wholly an eccentric personage, always alone by himself, he on one side and the world on the other?"[70]

In this duel without truce or mercy, people interest him only whilst they are useful to him; their value depends on what he can make out of them; his sole business is to squeeze them, to extract to the last drop whatever is available in them.

"I find very little satisfaction in useless sentiments," said he again,[71] "and Berthier is so mediocre that I do not know why I waste my time on him. And yet when I am not set against him, I am not sure that I do not like him."He goes no further. According to him, this indifference is necessary in a statesman. The glass he looks through is that of his own policy;[72] he must take care that it does not magnify or diminish objects. - Therefore, outside of explosions of nervous sensibility, "he has no consideration for men other than that of a foreman for his workmen,"[73] or, more precisely, for his tools; once the tool is worn out, little does he care whether it rusts away in a corner or is cast aside on a heap of scrap-iron. "Portalis, Minister of Justice,[74]

enters his room one day with a downcast look and his eyes filled with tears. 'What's the matter with you, Portalis?' inquired Napoleon, 'are you ill? 'No, sire, but very wretched. The poor Archbishop of Tours, my old schoolmate . . .' 'Eh, well, what has happened to him?'

'Alas, sire, he has just died.' 'What do I care? he was no longer good for anything.'" Owning and making the most of men and of things, of bodies and of souls, using and abusing them at discretion, even to exhaustion, without being responsible to any one, he reaches that point after a few years where he can say as glibly and more despotically than Louis XIV. himself,"My armies, my fleets, my cardinals, my councils, my senate, my populations, my empire."[75]

Addressing army corps about to rush into battle:

"Soldiers, I need your lives, and you owe them to me."He says to General Dorsenne and to the grenadiers of the guard:[76]

"I hear that you complain that you want to return to Paris, to your mistresses. Undeceive yourselves. I shall keep you under arms until you are eighty. You were born to the bivouac, and you shall die there."How he treats his brothers and relations who have become kings; how he reins them in; how he applies the spur and the whip and makes them trot and jump fences and ditches, may be found in his correspondence;every stray impulse to take the lead, even when justified by an unforeseen urgency and with the most evident good intention, is suppressed as a deviation, is arrested with a brusque roughness which strains the loins and weakens the knees of the delinquent. The amiable Prince Eugene, so obedient and so loyal,[77] is thus warned:

"If you want orders or advice from His Majesty in the alteration of the ceiling of your room you should wait till you get them; were Milan burning and you asked orders for putting out the fire, you should let Milan burn until you got them. . . His Majesty is displeased, and very much displeased, with you; you must never attempt to do his work.

Never does he like this, and he will never forgive it."This enables us to judge of his tone with subalterns. The French battalions are refused admission into certain places in Holland:[78]

"Announce to the King of Holland, that if his ministers have acted on their own responsibility, I will have them arrested and all their heads cut off."He says to M. de Ségur, member of the Academy commission which had just approved M. de Chateaubriand's discourse:[79]

"You, and M. de Fontaines, as state councillor and grand master, Iought to put in Vincennes. . . . Tell the second class of the Institute that I will have no political subjects treated at its meetings. . . . .If it disobeys, I will break it up like a bad club.

  • 十六国春秋


  • 文原


  • 律抄第三卷手决


  • 上清高上灭魔洞景金元玉清隐书经


  • 真腊风土记


  • 亿万婚约:倾情独宠甜丫头


  • 快穿:腹黑女配开挂中


    「已完结,放心看」男主主角光环被削弱,在他还没成长前,总有人暗杀他,导致位面崩溃。位面局特成立以下拯救部门。苏筱雅接管任务后,肃清外来不良穿越重生者,内斗极品亲戚,带领男主重走人生巅峰。…… 校园男神篇:(?°??°?)男神啥样都好。长得好看,学历成绩好,做饭又好吃。就是身世可怜,她得去扶他一把。 毒舌王子篇:侍卫拿着王子画的青面獠牙画像去找她。今天的他又很成功的找不到她。 考第二就哭的学婊篇:“我的梦想及是你的梦想。我会努力完成。”学婊相信了,又发现被骗,世事无常,且行且珍惜。
  • 时间陷阱


  • 世界最具英雄性的军事将帅(2)


  • 吉拉布拖我永恒的故乡


  • 春秋战国:风起云涌


  • 风之草


  • 三国大土匪


  • 文学会消亡吗:学术前沿沉思录


    本书正是在关注和研究这些(以及其他相关的)前沿问题的基础上,对美学界、哲学界、文艺界热切关注的问题进行思考和研究的成果。 本书分上、中、下三编。上编为“电子媒介时代的文学”,这是当前文艺学界讨论的热点问题,它要追问的是当下的电子媒介时代文学会不会消亡的问题。中编为“观照文艺学学术史”,主要关注并深刻研究中国20世纪文艺学学术史、美学学术史等前沿问题。下编为“美学的沉思”,这实际上是百年美学学术史的缩写,是在总结以往美学研究的历史经验和教训的基础上,提出价值美学的构想。
  • 将军在上:世子爷,狠会宠!

