本书像是一本“历险”之作。在书中,作者就像是一位经验颇丰、风趣幽默的环球导游,边走边以优美、富有童趣的语言给孩子们讲解各地的风土人情、山川河流。在作者笔下原本枯燥乏味的地理常识变得鲜活生动、兴味盎然。读完这本书,如同跟作者进行了一次轻松愉悦的环球之旅。Double Tongue
An aged prophetess at Delphi, the most sacred oracle in ancient Greece, looks back over her strange life as the Pythia, the First Lady and voice of the god Apollo. As a young virgin with disturbing psychic powers, Arieka was handed over to the service of the shrine by her parents. She has now spent sixty years as the very medium, the torn mouthpiece, of equivocal mantic utterances from the bronze tripod in the sanctuary beneath the temple. Over a lifetime at the mercy of god and priest and people she has watched the decay of Delphi's fortunes and its influence in the world. Her reflections on the mysteries of the oracle, which her own weird gifts have embodied, are matched by her feminine insight into the human frailties of the High Priest himself, a true Athenian, whose intriguing against the Romans brings about humiliation and disaster. This extraordinary short novel was left in draft at Golding's sudden death in 1993 but it is a psychological and historical triumph.世界之巅(兽王系列)