懂得心理学,强力提升恋爱运!这是一本给想谈恋爱、正在谈恋爱、甚至失恋的人看的恋爱心理学书。海外华裔情感资深导师向你精准分析男女在接触过程中的不同心理,从相知到相爱,深刻剖析,其行为、习惯、语言等背后的深刻原因,揭示男女交往中不同的心理动因,告诉你什么才是真正的、科学的、充满爱意的恋爱之道,以提升恋爱男女之间的关系,实现帮助情侣之间,实现和谐幸福的恋爱生活。House Divided (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 7)
“One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel.”--Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary)HOUSE DIVIDED is book #7 in the USA Today bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (Book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!A passenger jet is attacked in northern Africa by terrorists wielding RPGs, resulting in an enormous loss of life. Yet U.S. intelligence reports this is merely a distraction, a prelude to a worse terror incident.North
In North Seamus Heaney found a myth which allowed him to articulate a vision of Ireland - its people, history and landscape. Here the Irish experience is refracted through images drawn from different parts of the Northern European experience, and the idea of the north allows the poet to contemplate the violence on his home ground in relation to memories of the Scandinavian and English invasions which have marked Irish history so indelibly.