【一句话简介】这是女中医在古代救命治人、收获爱情,幸福一生的故事!一朝穿越,医学新星成了人见人嫌的扫把星弃妇。三间破屋,一块荒地。爹娘早亡,害羞胞弟。命硬克夫,包子有病。还好,弟弟心善顾家,包子听话懂事,只是养活他俩实属不易。房子破烂,肚子饥饿都不怕,姐有医术在手,定能吃穿不愁。治包子,救人命,修房屋,摇铃医也能养家糊口。妙手回春赚银钱,下聘礼,娶新妇,姑嫂之间很和睦。打水井,开水渠,灌荒地、种草药,田园飘香,医名远播。只是那死鬼王爷竟然失忆归来,死赖着母子俩,嚷着发誓要重娶她过门。呵,本小姐只会医术种草药,不会尔虞我诈穷算计啊!王爷嘴角一勾,大手一挥,豪气道:“来人,把王府空地全翻了给王妃种草药,再寻其难杂症病号给王妃候着。”Fish in the Water
Mario Vargas Llosa's A Fish in the Water is a twofold book: a memoir by one of Latin America's most celebrated writers, beginning with his birth in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru; and the story of his organization of the reform movement which culminated in his bid for the Peruvian presidency in 1990. Llosa evokes the experiences which gave rise to his fiction, and describes the social, literary, and political influences that led him to enter the political arena as a crusader for a free-market economy. A deeply absorbing look at how fact becomes fiction and at the formation of a courageous writer with strong political commitments, A Fish in the Water reveals Mario Vargas Llosa as a world figure whose real story is just beginning.