没身材,没长相,没三围,好不容易有人追了,却是别人的一场赌。莫名其妙地跳楼,莫名其妙地穿越了。成了倾国倾城、人见人爱、花见花开、车见车载的大美女。要命的是,却被老爹五花大绑起来,嫁给了帅得一塌糊涂的王爷。晕,这么帅的王爷,就算你不绑起来,我也会嫁啊,这完完全全就是父母做主包办婚姻啊!一场权与利,谋与势为主的婚姻,一个又帅又酷的王爷夫君,是她的幸运,仰或是她的不幸。The Complete Short Prose of Samuel Beckett, 1929-1
Nobel Prize winner Samuel Beckett was one of the most profoundly original writers of the 20th century. He gave expression to the anguish and isolation of the individual consciousness with a purity and minimalism that have altered the shape of world literature. A tremendously influential poet and dramatist, Beckett spoke of his prose fiction as the "important writing," the medium in which he distilled his ideas most powerfully. Here, for the first time, his short prose is gathered in a definitive, complete volume by leading Beckett scholar S. E. Gontarski.姻缘绘:我的前世夫君