

"Surely,"continued Simeon Holly,"you did not--"With the boy's frank gaze upturned to his,the man could not finish his sentence.

Before David could answer came the voice of Perry Larson from the kitchen doorway.

"No,sir,he didn't,Mr.Holly;an'it's all straight,I'm thinkin'--though I'm free ter confess it does sound nutty.His dad give it to him.""His--father!But where--where has it been ever since?""In the chimney cupboard in his room,he says,sir."Simeon Holly turned in frowning amazement.

"David,what does this mean?Why have you kept this gold in a place like that?""Why,there wasn't anything else to do wiih it,"answered the boy perplexedly."I hadn't any use for it,you know,and father said to keep it till I needed it.""'Hadn't any use for it'!"blustered Larson from the doorway.

"Jiminy!Now,ain't that jest like that boy?"But David hurried on with his explanation.

"We never used to use them--father and I--except to buy things to eat and wear;and down here YOU give me those,you know.""Gorry!"interjected Perry Larson."Do you reckon,boy,that Mr.

Holly himself was give them things he gives ter you?"The boy turned sharply,a startled question in his eyes.

"What do you mean?Do you mean that--"His face changed suddenly.

His cheeks turned a shamed red."Why,he did--he did have to buy them,of course,just as father did.And I never even thought of it before!Then,it's yours,anyway--it belongs to you,"he argued,turning to Farmer Holly,and shoving the gold nearer to his hands."There isn't enough,maybe--but 't will help!""They're ten-dollar gold pieces,sir,"spoke up Larson importantly;"an'there's a hundred an'six of them.That's jest one thousand an'sixty dollars,as I make it."Simeon Holly,self-controlled man that he was,almost leaped from his chair.

"One thousand and sixty dollars!"he gasped.Then,to David:

"Boy,in Heaven's name,who are you?"

"I don't know--only David."The boy spoke wearily,with a grieved sob in his voice.He was very tired,a good deal perplexed,and a little angry.He wished,if no one wanted this gold,that he could take it upstairs again to the chimney cupboard;or,if they objected to that,that they would at least give it to him,and let him go away now to that beautiful music he was to hear,and to those kind people who were always to understand what he said when he played.

"Of course,"ventured Perry Larson diffidently,"I ain't professin'ter know any great shakes about the hand of the Lord,Mr.Holly,but it do strike me that this 'ere gold comes mighty near bein'proverdential--fur you."Simeon Holly fell back in his seat.His eyes clung to the gold,but his lips set into rigid lines.

"That money is the boy's,Larson.It isn't mine,"he said.

"He's give it to ye."

Simeon Holly shook his head.

"David is nothing but a child,Perry.He doesn't realize at all what he is doing,nor how valuable his gift is.""I know,sir,but you DID take him in,when there wouldn't nobody else do it,"argued Larson."An',anyhow,couldn't you make a kind of an I O U of it,even if he is a kid?Then,some day you could pay him back.Meanwhile you'd be a-keepin'him,an'a-schoolin'him;an'that's somethin'."

"I know,I know,"nodded Simeon Holly thoughtfully,his eyes going from the gold to David's face.Then,aloud,yet as if to himself,he breathed:"Boy,boy,who was your father?How came he by all that gold--and he--a tramp!"David drew himself suddenly erect.His eyes flashed.

"I don't know,sir.But I do know this:he didn't STEAL it!"Across the table Mrs.Holly drew a quick breath,but she did not speak--save with her pleading eyes.Mrs.Holly seldom spoke--save with her eyes--when her husband was solving a knotty problem.She was dumfounded now that he should listen so patiently to the man,Larson,--though she was not more surprised than was Larson himself.For both of them,however,there came at this moment a still greater surprise.Simeon Holly leaned forward suddenly,the stern lines quite gone from his lips,and his face working with emotion as he drew David toward him.

"You're a good son,boy,--a good loyal son;and--and I wish you were mine!I believe you.He didn't steal it,and I won't steal it,either.But I will use it,since you are so good as to offer it.But it shall be a loan,David,and some day,God helping me,you shall have it back.Meanwhile,you're my boy,David,--my boy!""Oh,thank you,sir,"rejoiced David."And,really,you know,being wanted like that is better than the start would be,isn't it?""Better than--what?"

David shifted his position.He had not meant to say just that.

"N--nothing,"he stammered,looking about for a means of quick escape."I--I was just talking,"he finished.And he was immeasurably relieved to find that Mr.Holly did not press the matter further.

  • The Captives

    The Captives

  • 大乘大集地藏十轮经


  • 中兴战功录


  • 鸡谱


  • 霍乱门


  • 我知道你的秘密


  • 符武天下


  • 国学十讲(人文大讲堂)


  • 特异功能:人类神秘的特殊力量


  • 第一美女传


  • 好口才好前程(全集)


    好口才一定会让你拥有好人缘;好口才一定会让你拥有好工作;好口才一定会让你拥有好职位;好口才一定会让你拥有好业绩;好口才一定会让你拥有好前程! 本书就想向大家介绍一套完整的快速掌握说话技巧的方案,通过本书的学习,你既可以看到卓越口才的实例,又可以了解到卓越口才的精髓,同时你也将学习到锻炼卓越口才的实用方法。
  • 斗破之天府危机


  • 重生之嫡女弃后


    前世心狠手辣,最终惨死冷宫的周木槿无论如何也想象不到自己会有重活一次的机会。前世真毒辣,现世假莲花。 这一世,她贤淑大度,宽待宫人,还将他前世的宠妃亲手送到他的面前,只求安稳度日。他却借着酒劲愤怒地掐住她的脖颈质问:周木槿,你的心里到底还有没有朕? 眼见着前世对自己恨之入骨的男人开始步步紧逼,她却并不慌张,别的事她没有十足把握,可让他讨厌自己的方法还不信手捏来?她盯着面前的男人,平静地道:我嫁到祁国三年无所出,只凭这一点,陛下便可废后。
  • 快穿反派大佬冷静点


  • 宠妻指南:顾少心尖宝

