美德是“1”,任何名誉、财富等都是“0”,只有写好了前面的“1”,后面才可以有无数个“0”,否则一切都只是“0”。植根于爱的土壤,吸取古今中外伟大先贤的美德智慧,致力于帮助父母、老师和儿童,为中国培育有品格的下一代而努力。How It Is
Published in French in 1961, and in English in 1964, How It Is is a novel in three parts, written in short paragraphs, which tell (abruptly, cajolingly, bleakly) of a narrator lying in the dark, in the mud, repeating his life as he hears it uttered - or remembered - by another voice. Told from within, from the dark, the story is tirelessly and intimately explicit about the feelings that pervade his world, but fragmentary and vague about all else therein or beyond. Together with Molloy, How It Is counts for many readers as Beckett's greatest accomplishment in the novel form. It is also his most challenging narrative, both stylistically and for the pessimism of its vision, which continues the themes of reduced circumstance, of another life before the present, and the self-appraising search for an essential self, which were inaugurated in the great prose narratives of his earlier trilogy.