


Summer was now waning, the foliage was taking on its autumn hues, and Indian war parties still surged over the hills and mountains, but the five avoided them all.On one or two occasions they would have been willing to stop and fight, but they had bigger work on hand.They had received from others confirmation of the report that Long Jim had heard from the hunters, and they were quite sure that a strong force was advancing to strike the first blow in revenge for Wyoming.Curiously enough, this body was commanded by a fourth Butler, Colonel William Butler, and according to report it was large and its leaders capable.

When the avenging force lay at the Johnstown settlement on the Delaware, it was joined by the five.They were introduced to the colonel by the celebrated scout and hunter, Tini Murphy, whom they had met several times in the woods, and they were received warmly.

"I've heard of you," said Colonel Butler with much warmth," both from hunters and scouts, and also from Adam Colfax.Two of you were to have been tomahawked by Queen Esther at Wyoming."Henry indicated the two.

"What you saw at Wyoming is not likely to decrease your zeal against the Indians and their white allies," continued Colonel Butler.

"Anyone who was there," said Henry, " would feel all his life, the desire to punish those who did it.""I think so, too, from all that I have heard," continued Colonel Butler."It is the business of you young men to keep ahead of our column and warn us of what lies before us.I believe you have volunteered for that duty."The five looked over Colonel Butler's little army, which numbered only two hundred and fifty men, but they were all strong and brave, and it was the best force that could yet be sent to the harassed border.It might, after all, strike a blow for Wyoming if it marched into no ambush, and Henry and his comrades were resolved to guard it from that greatest of all dangers.

When the little column moved from the Johnstown settlement, the five were far ahead, passing through the woods, up the Susquehanna, toward the Indian villages that lay on its banks, though a great distance above Wyoming.The chief of these was Oghwaga, and, knowing that it was the destination of the little army, they were resolved to visit it, or at least come so near it that they could see what manner of place it was.

"If it's a big village," said Colonel Butler, "it will be too strong to attack, but it may be that most of the warriors are absent on expeditions."They had obtained before starting very careful descriptions of the approaches to the village, and toward the close of an October evening they knew that they were near Oghwaga, the great base of the Iroquois supplies.They considered it very risky and unwise to approach in the daytime, and accordingly they lay in the woods until the dark should come.

The appearance of the wilderness had changed greatly.in the three months since Wyoming.All the green was now gone, and it was tinted red and yellow and brown.The skies were a mellow blue, and there was a slight haze over the forest, but the air had the wonderful crispness and freshness of the American autumn.

It inspired every one of the five with fresh zeal and energy, because they believed the first blow was about to be struck.

About ten o'clock at night they approached Oghwaga, and the reports of its importance were confirmed.They had not before seen an Indian village with so many signs of permanence.They passed two or three orchards of apple and peach trees, and they saw other indications of cultivation like that of the white farmer.

"It ain't a bad-lookin' town," said Long Jim Hart."But it'll look wuss," said Shif'less Sol, "onless they've laid an ambush somewhar.I don't like to see houses an' sech like go up in fire an' smoke, but after what wuz done at Wyomin' an' all through that valley, burnin' is a light thing.""We're bound to strike back with all our might," said Paul, who had the softest heart of them all.

"Now, I wonder who's in this here town," said Tom Ross."Mebbe Timmendiquas an' Brant an' all them renegades.""It may be so," said Henry."This is their base and store of supplies.Oh, if Colonel Butler were only here with all his men, what a rush we could make!"So great was their eagerness that they crept closer to the village, passing among some thick clusters of grapevines.Henry was in the lead, and he heard a sudden snarl.A large cur of the kind that infest Indian villages leaped straight at him.

The very suddenness of the attack saved Henry and his comrades from the consequences of an alarm.He dropped his rifle instinctively, and seized the dog by the throat with both hands.

A bark following the snarl had risen to the animal's throat, but it was cut short there.The hands of the great youth pressed tighter and tighter, and the dog was lifted from the earth.The four stood quietly beside their comrade, knowing that no alarm would be made now.

The dog kicked convulsively, then hung without motion or noise.

Henry cast the dead body aside, picked up his rifle, and then all five of them sank softly down in the shelter of the grapevines.

About fifteen yards away an Indian warrior was walking cautiously along and looking among the vines.Evidently he had heard the snarl of the dog, and was seeking the cause.But it had been only a single sound, and he would not look far.Yet the hearts of the five beat a little faster as he prowled among the vines, and their nerves were tense for action should the need for it come.

The Indian, a Mohawk, came within ten yards of them, but he did not see the five figures among the vines, blending darkly with the dark growth, and presently, satisfied that the sound he had heard was of no importance, he walked in another direction, and passed out of sight.

The five, not daunted at all by this living proof of risk, crept to the very edge of the clusters of grapevines, and looked upon an open space, beyond which stood some houses made of wood; but their attention was centered upon a figure that stood in the open.

  • 悍妃倾天下


  • 不懂忍耐就成不了大事


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