

Alan and I were put across Loch Errocht under cloud of night,and went down its eastern shore to another hiding-place near the head of Loch Rannoch,whither we were led by one of the gillies from the Cage.This fellow carried all our luggage and Alan's great-coat in the bargain,trotting along under the burthen,far less than the half of which used to weigh me to the ground,like a stout hill pony with a feather;yet he was a man that,in plain contest,I could have broken on my knee.

Doubtless it was a great relief to walk disencumbered;and perhaps without that relief,and the consequent sense of liberty and lightness,I could not have walked at all.I was but new risen from a bed of sickness;and there was nothing in the state of our affairs to hearten me for much exertion;travelling,as we did,over the most dismal deserts in Scotland,under a cloudy heaven,and with divided hearts among the travellers.

For long,we said nothing;marching alongside or one behind the other,each with a set countenance:I,angry and proud,and drawing what strength I had from these two violent and sinful feelings;Alan angry and ashamed,ashamed that he had lost my money,angry that I should take it so ill.

The thought of a separation ran always the stronger in my mind;and the more I approved of it,the more ashamed I grew of my approval.It would be a fine,handsome,generous thing,indeed,for Alan to turn round and say to me:"Go,I am in the most danger,and my company only increases yours."But for me to turn to the friend who certainly loved me,and say to him:"You are in great danger,I am in but little;your friendship is a burden;go,take your risks and bear your hardships alone ----"no,that was impossible;and even to think of it privily to myself,made my cheeks to burn.

And yet Alan had behaved like a child,and (what is worse)a treacherous child.Wheedling my money from me while I lay half-conscious was scarce better than theft;and yet here he was trudging by my side,without a penny to his name,and by what Icould see,quite blithe to sponge upon the money he had driven me to beg.True,I was ready to share it with him;but it made me rage to see him count upon my readiness.

These were the two things uppermost in my mind;and I could open my mouth upon neither without black ungenerosity.So I did the next worst,and said nothing,nor so much as looked once at my companion,save with the tail of my eye.

At last,upon the other side of Loch Errocht,going over a smooth,rushy place,where the walking was easy,he could bear it no longer,and came close to me.

"David,"says he,"this is no way for two friends to take a small accident.I have to say that I'm sorry;and so that's said.And now if you have anything,ye'd better say it.""O,"says I,"I have nothing."

He seemed disconcerted;at which I was meanly pleased.

"No,"said he,with rather a trembling voice,"but when I say Iwas to blame?"

"Why,of course,ye were to blame,"said I,coolly;"and you will bear me out that I have never reproached you.""Never,"says he;"but ye ken very well that ye've done worse.

Are we to part?Ye said so once before.Are ye to say it again?

There's hills and heather enough between here and the two seas,David;and I will own I'm no very keen to stay where I'm no wanted."This pierced me like a sword,and seemed to lay bare my private disloyalty.

"Alan Breck!"I cried;and then:"Do you think I am one to turn my back on you in your chief need?You dursn't say it to my face.My whole conduct's there to give the lie to it.It's true,I fell asleep upon the muir;but that was from weariness,and you do wrong to cast it up to me----""Which is what I never did,"said Alan.

"But aside from that,"I continued,"what have I done that you should even me to dogs by such a supposition?I never yet failed a friend,and it's not likely I'll begin with you.There are things between us that I can never forget,even if you can.""I will only say this to ye,David,"said Alan,very quietly,"that I have long been owing ye my life,and now I owe ye money.

Ye should try to make that burden light for me."This ought to have touched me,and in a manner it did,but the wrong manner.I felt I was behaving,badly;and was now not only angry with Alan,but angry with myself in the bargain;and it made me the more cruel.

"You asked me to speak,"said I."Well,then,I will.You own yourself that you have done me a disservice;I have had to swallow an affront:I have never reproached you,I never named the thing till you did.And now you blame me,"cried I,"because I cannae laugh and sing as if I was glad to be affronted.The next thing will be that I'm to go down upon my knees and thank you for it!Ye should think more of others,Alan Breck.If ye thought more of others,ye would perhaps speak less about yourself;and when a friend that likes you very well has passed over an offence without a word,you would be blithe to let it lie,instead of making it a stick to break his back with.By your own way of it,it was you that was to blame;then it shouldnae be you to seek the quarrel.""Aweel,"said Alan,"say nae mair."

And we fell back into our former silence;and came to our journey's end,and supped,and lay down to sleep,without another word.

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