
第85章 GOOD-BYE(2)

"This,"says he,"is to my bankers,the British Linen Company,placing a credit to your name.Consult Mr.Thomson,he will know of ways;and you,with this credit,can supply the means.Itrust you will be a good husband of your money;but in the affair of a friend like Mr.Thompson,I would be even prodigal.Then for his kinsman,there is no better way than that you should seek the Advocate,tell him your tale,and offer testimony;whether he may take it or not,is quite another matter,and will turn on the D.of A.Now,that you may reach the Lord Advocate well recommended,I give you here a letter to a namesake of your own,the learned Mr.Balfour of Pilrig,a man whom I esteem.It will look better that you should be presented by one of your own name;and the laird of Pilrig is much looked up to in the Faculty and stands well with Lord Advocate Grant.I would not trouble him,if I were you,with any particulars;and (do you know?)I think it would be needless to refer to Mr.Thomson.Form yourself upon the laird,he is a good model;when you deal with the Advocate,be discreet;and in all these matters,may the Lord guide you,Mr.David!"Thereupon he took his farewell,and set out with Torrance for the Ferry,while Alan and I turned our faces for the city of Edinburgh.As we went by the footpath and beside the gateposts and the unfinished lodge,we kept looking back at the house of my fathers.It stood there,bare and great and smokeless,like a place not lived in;only in one of the top windows,there was the peak of a nightcap bobbing up and down and back and forward,like the head of a rabbit from a burrow.I had little welcome when Icame,and less kindness while I stayed;but at least I was watched as I went away.

Alan and I went slowly forward upon our way,having little heart either to walk or speak.The same thought was uppermost in both,that we were near the time of our parting;and remembrance of all the bygone days sate upon us sorely.We talked indeed of what should be done;and it was resolved that Alan should keep to the county,biding now here,now there,but coming once in the day to a particular place where I might be able to communicate with him,either in my own person or by messenger.In the meanwhile,I was to seek out a lawyer,who was an Appin Stewart,and a man therefore to be wholly trusted;and it should be his part to find a ship and to arrange for Alan's safe embarkation.No sooner was this business done,than the words seemed to leave us;and though I would seek to jest with Alan under the name of Mr.Thomson,and he with me on my new clothes and my estate,you could feel very well that we were nearer tears than laughter.

We came the by-way over the hill of Corstorphine;and when we got near to the place called Rest-and-be-Thankful,and looked down on Corstorphine bogs and over to the city and the castle on the hill,we both stopped,for we both knew without a word said that we had come to where our ways parted.Here he repeated to me once again what had been agreed upon between us:the address of the lawyer,the daily hour at which Alan might be found,and the signals that were to be made by any that came seeking him.Then I gave what money I had (a guinea or two of Rankeillor's)so that he should not starve in the meanwhile;and then we stood a space,and looked over at Edinburgh in silence.

"Well,good-bye,"said Alan,and held out his left hand.

"Good-bye,"said I,and gave the hand a little grasp,and went off down hill.

Neither one of us looked the other in the face,nor so long as he was in my view did I take one back glance at the friend I was leaving.But as I went on my way to the city,I felt so lost and lonesome,that I could have found it in my heart to sit down by the dyke,and cry and weep like any baby.

It was coming near noon when I passed in by the West Kirk and the Grassmarket into the streets of the capital.The huge height of the buildings,running up to ten and fifteen storeys,the narrow arched entries that continually vomited passengers,the wares of the merchants in their windows,the hubbub and endless stir,the foul smells and the fine clothes,and a hundred other particulars too small to mention,struck me into a kind of stupor of surprise,so that I let the crowd carry me to and fro;and yet all the time what I was thinking of was Alan at Rest-and-be-Thankful;and all the time (although you would think I would not choose but be delighted with these braws and novelties)there was a cold gnawing in my inside like a remorse for something wrong.

The hand of Providence brought me in my drifting to the very doors of the British Linen Company's bank.

[36]The Duke of Argyle.

  • 论疏


  • 佛说摩诃刹头经


  • 饮水词


  • 尼乾子问无我义经


  • 胎息抱一歌


  • 纪古滇说集


  • 小姐要好强


  • 邪王的金牌宠妻:天才炼药师


  • 多年戏精熬成妃


  • 推理笔记8:法老传奇


  • 满级才下山


  • 清歌幽韵之听月


  • 如果天国也曾悲伤


  • 从零开始学英语:速成英语发音王


    《贝斯特英语·从零开始学英语:速成英语发音王》是一本由基础音标学起的初级英语口语书,供未接触过英语或学过英语而荒废了多年的人使用。从成人学英语的实际出发,语言深入浅出,内容简单、实用。 教材部分融视、听、说为一体。本书包含5大学习阶段(第一部分整装待发:零起点学发音;第二部分大步前进:掌握发音奥妙;第三部分初有成效:速学高频句型;第四部分大有收获:快知天下;第五部分 脱口而出:交流无障碍。)
  • 凌天武帝

