
第37章 Chapter 6(3)

Though he would not say so,Kim of course disbelieved every word the drummer-boy spoke about the Liverpool suburb which was his England.It passed the heavy time till dinner -a most unappetizing meal served to the boys and a few invalids in a corner of a barrack-room.But that he had written to Mahbub Ali,Kim would have been almost depressed.The indifference of native crowds he was used to;but this strong loneliness among white men preyed on him.He was grateful when,in the course of the afternoon,a big soldier took him over to Father Victor,who lived in another wing across another dusty parade-ground.The priest was reading an English letter written in purple ink.He looked at Kim more curiously than ever.

'An'how do you like it,my son,as far as you've gone?Not much,eh?

It must be hard -very hard on a wild animal.Listen now.I've an amazin'

epistle from your friend.'

'Where is he?Is he well?Oah!If he knows to write me letters,it is all right.'

'You're fond of him then?'

'Of course I am fond of him.He was fond of me.'

'It seems so by the look of this.He can't write English,can he?'

'Oah no.Not that I know,but of course he found a letter-writer who can write English verree well,and so he wrote.I do hope you understand.'

'That accounts for it.D'you know anything about his money affairs?'

Kim's face showed that he did not.

'How can I tell?'

'That's what I'm askin'.Now listen if you can make head or tail o'

this.We'll skip the first part...It's written from Jagadhir Road...Sitting on wayside in grave meditation,trusting to be favoured with your Honour's applause of present step,which recommend your Honour to execute for Almighty God's sake.Education is greatest blessing if of best sorts.Otherwise no earthly use .'Faith,the old man's hit the bull's-eye that time!If your Honour condescending giving my boy best educations Xavier (I suppose that's St Xavier's in Partibus)in terms of our conversation dated in your tent 15th instant (a business-like touch there!)then Almighty God blessing your Honour's succeedings to third an'fourth generation and -now listen!-confide in your Honour's humble servant for adequate remuneration per hoondi per annum three hundred rupees a year to one expensive education St Xavier,Lucknow,and allow small time to forward same per hoondi sent to any part of India as your Honour shall address yourself.

This servant of your Honour has presently no place to lay crown of his head,but going to Benares by train on account of persecution of old woman talking so much and unanxious residing Saharunpore in any domestic capacity.Now what in the world does that mean?'

'She has asked him to be her puro -her clergyman -at Saharunpore,I think.He would not do that on account of his River.She did talk.'

'It's clear to you,is it?It beats me altogether.So going to Benares,where will find address and forward rupees for boy who is apple of eye,and for Almighty God's sake execute this education,and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever awfully pray.Written by Sobrao Satai,Failed Entrance Allahabad University,for Venerable Teshoo Lama the priest of Such-zen looking for a River,address care of Tirthankars'

Temple,Benares.P.M.-Please note boy is apple of eye,and rupees shall be sent per hoondi three hundred per annum.For God Almighty's sake.Now,is that ravin'lunacy or a business proposition?I ask you,because I'm fairly at my wits'end.'

'He says he will give me three hundred rupees a year?So he will give me them.'

'Oh,that's the way you look at it,is it?'

'Of course.If he says so!'

The priest whistled;then he addressed Kim as an equal.

'I don't believe it;but we'll see.You were goin'off today to the Military Orphanage at Sanawar,where the Regiment would keep you till you were old enough to enlist.Ye'd be brought up to the Church of England.

Bennett arranged for that.On the other hand,if ye go to St Xavier's ye'll get a better education an'-an'can have the religion.D'ye see my dilemma?'

Kim saw nothing save a vision of the lama going south in a train with none to beg for him.

'Like most people,I'm going to temporize.If your friend sends the money from Benares -Powers of Darkness below,where's a street-beggar to raise three hundred rupees?-ye'll go down to Lucknow and I'll pay your fare,because I can't touch the subion-money if I intend,as I do,to make ye a Catholic.If he doesn't,ye'll go to the Military Orphanage at the Regiment's expense.I'll allow him three days'grace,though I don't believe it at all.Even then,if he fails in his payments later on...but it's beyond me.We can only walk one step at a time in this world,praise God!An'they sent Bennett to the Front an'left me behind.Bennett can't expect everything.'

'Oah yess,'said Kim vaguely.

The priest leaned forward.'I'd give a month's pay to find what's goin'

on inside that little round head of yours.'

'There is nothing,'said Kim,and scratched it.He was wondering whether Mahbub Ali would send him as much as a whole rupee.Then he could pay the letter-writer and write letters to the lama at Benares.Perhaps Mahbub Ali would visit him next time he came south with horses.Surely he must know that Kim's delivery of the letter to the officer at Umballa had caused the great war which the men and boys had discussed so loudly over the barrack dinner-tables.But if Mahbub Ali did not know this,it would be very unsafe to tell him so.Mahbub Ali was hard upon boys who knew,or thought they knew,too much.

'Well,till I get further news'-Father Victor's voice interrupted the reverie.'Ye can run along now and play with the other boys.They'll teach ye something -but I don't think ye'll like it.'

The day dragged to its weary end.When he wished to sleep he was instructed how to fold up his clothes and set out his boots;the other boys deriding.

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