
第58章 Chapter 9(6)

There were marks to be gained by due attention to Latin and Wordsworth's Excursion (all this was Greek to Kim).French,too was vital,and the best was to be picked up in Chandernagore a few miles from Calcutta.

Also a man might go far,as he himself had done,by strict attention to plays called Lear and Julius Caesar ,both much in demand by examiners.Lear was not so full of historical allusions as Julius Caesar ;the book cost four annas,but could be bought second-hand in Bow Bazar for two.Still more important than Wordsworth,or the eminent authors,Burke and Hare,was the art and science of mensuration.A boy who had passed his examination in these branches -for which,by the way,there were no cram-books -could,by merely marching over a country with a compass and a level and a straight eye,carry away a picture of that country which might be sold for large sums in coined silver.But as it was occasionally inexpedient to carry about measuring-chains a boy would do well to know the precise length of his own foot-pace,so that when he was deprived of what Hurree Chunder called adventitious aids he might still tread his distances.To keep count of thousands of paces,Hurree Chunder's experience had shown him nothing more valuable than a rosary of eighty-one or a hundred and eight beads,for it was divisible and sub-divisible into many multiples and sub-multiples .Through the volleying drifts of English,Kim caught the general trend of the talk,and it interested him very much.Here was a new craft that a man could tuck away in his head and by the look of the large wide world unfolding itself before him,it seemed that the more a man knew the better for him.

Said the Babu when he had talked for an hour and a half 'I hope some day to enjoy your offeecial acquaintance.Ad interim ,if I may be pardoned that expression,I shall give you this betel-box,which is highly valuable article and cost me two rupees only four years ago.'It was a cheap,heart-shaped brass thing with three compartments for carrying the eternal betelnut,lime and pan-leaf;but it was filled with little tabloid-bottles.

'That is reward of merit for your performance in character of that holy man.You see,you are so young you think you will last for ever and not take care of your body.It is great nuisance to go sick in the middle of business.I am fond of drugs myself;and they are handy to cure poor people too.These are good Departmental drugs -quinine and so on.I give it you for souvenir.Now good-bye.I have urgent private business here by the roadside.'

He slipped out noiselessly as a cat,on the Umballa road,hailed a passing cart and jingled away,while Kim,tongue-tied,twiddled the brass betel-box in his hands.The record of a boy's education interests few save his parents,and,as you know,Kim was an orphan.It is written in the books of St Xavier's in Partibus that a report of Kim's progress was forwarded at the end of each term to Colonel Creighton and to Father Victor,from whose hands duly came the money for his schooling.It is further recorded in the same books that he showed a great aptitude for mathematical studies as well as map-making,and carried away a prize (The Life of Lord Lawrence ,tree-calf;two vols.,nine rupees,eight annas)for proficiency therein;and the same term played in St Xavier's eleven against the Alighur Mohammedan College,his age being fourteen years and ten months.He was also re-vaccinated (from which we may assume that there had been another epidemic of smallpox at Lucknow)about the same time.Pencil notes on the edge of an old muster-roll record that he was punished several times for conversing with improper persons ,and it seems that he was once sentenced to heavy pains for absenting himself for a day in the company of a street beggar .That was when he got over the gate and pleaded with the lama through a whole day down the banks of the Gumti to accompany him on the Road next holidays -for one month -for a little week;and the lama set his face as a flint against it,averring that the time had not yet come.Kim's business,said the old man as they ate cakes together,was to get all the wisdom of the Sahibs and then he would see.The Hand of Friendship must in some way have averted the Whip of Calamity:for six weeks later Kim seems to have passed an examination in elementary surveying with great credit ,his age being fifteen years and eight months.From this date the record is silent.

His name does not appear in the year's batch of those who entered for the subordinate Survey of India,but against it stand the words removed on appointment .

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