

He looked anxious and careworn when she saw him closer. She interrupted his first inquiries and congratulations to ask if he had remained in London since they had parted--if he had not even gone away, for a few days only, to see his friends in Suffolk? No; he had been in London ever since. He never told her that the pretty parsonage house in Suffolk wanted all those associations with herself in which the poor four walls at Aaron's Buildings were so rich. He only said he had been in London ever since.

"I wonder," she asked, looking him attentively in the face, "if you are as happy to see me again as I am to see you?""Perhaps I am even happier, in my different way," he answered, with a smile.

She took off her bonnet and scarf, and seated herself once more in her own arm-chair. "I suppose this street is very ugly," she said; "and I am sure nobody can deny that the house is very small. And yet--and yet it feels like coming home again. Sit there where you used to sit; tell me about yourself. I want to know all that you have done, all that you have thought even, while I have been away." She tried to resume the endless succession of questions by means of which she was accustomed to lure him into speaking of himself. But she put them far less spontaneously, far less adroitly, than usual. Her one all-absorbing anxiety in entering that room was not an anxiety to be trifled with. After a quarter of an hour wasted in constrained inquiries on one side, in reluctant replies on the other, she ventured near the dangerous subject at last.

"Have you received the letters I wrote to you from the seaside?" she asked, suddenly looking away from him for the first time.

"Yes," he said; "all."

"Have you read them?"

"Every one of them--many times over."

Her heart beat as if it would suffocate her. She had kept her promise bravely. The whole story of her life, from the time of the home-wreck at Combe-Raven to the time when she had destroyed the Secret Trust in her sister's presence, had been all laid before him. Nothing that she had done, nothing even that she had thought, had been concealed from his knowledge.

As he would have kept a pledged engagement with her, so she had kept her pledged engagement with him. She had not faltered in the resolution to do this; and now she faltered over the one decisive question which she had come there to ask. Strong as the desire in her was to know if she had lost or won him, the fear of knowing was at that moment stronger still.

She waited and trembled; she waited, and said no more.

"May I speak to you about your letters?" he asked. "May I tell you--?"If she had looked at him as he said those few words, she would have seen what he thought of her in his face. She would have seen, innocent as he was in this world's knowledge, that he knew the priceless value, the all-ennobling virtue, of a woman who speaks the truth. But she had no courage to look at him--no courage to raise her eyes from her lap.

"Not just yet," she said, faintly. "Not quite so soon after we have met again."She rose hurriedly from her chair, and walked to the window, turned back again into the room, and approached the table, close to where he was sitting. The writing materials scattered near him offered her a pretext for changing the subject, and she seized on it directly. "Were you writing a letter," she asked, "when I came in?""I was thinking about it," he replied. "It was not a letter to be written without thinking first." He rose as he answered her to gather the writing materials together and put them away.

"Why should I interrupt you?" she said. "Why not let me try whether I can't help you instead? Is it a secret?""No, not a secret."

He hesitated as he answered her. She instantly guessed the truth.

"Is it about your ship?"

He little knew how she had been thinking in her absence from him of the business which he believed that he had concealed from her. He little knew that she had learned already to be jealous of his ship. "Do they want you to return to your old life?" she went on. "Do they want you to go back to the sea? Must you say Yes or No at once?""At once."

"If I had not come in when I did would you have said Yes?"She unconsciously laid her hand on his arm, forgetting all inferior considerations in her breathless anxiety to hear his next words. The confession of his love was within a hair-breadth of escaping him; but he checked the utterance of it even yet. "I don't care for myself," he thought; "but how can I be certain of not distressing her? ""Would you have said Yes?" she repeated.

"I was doubting," he answered--"I was doubting between Yes and No."Her hand tightened on his arm; a sudden trembling seized her in every limb, she could bear it no longer. All her heart went out to him in her next words:

"Were you doubting for my sake?"

"Yes," he said. "Take my confession in return for yours--I was doubting for your sake."She said no more; she only looked at him. In that look the truth reached him at last. The next instant she was folded in his arms, and was shedding delicious tears of joy, with her face hidden on his bosom.

"Do I deserve my happiness?" she murmured, asking the one question at last. "Oh, I know how the poor narrow people who have never felt and never suffered would answer me if I asked them what I ask you. If they knew my story, they would forget all the provocation, and only remember the offense; they would fasten on my sin, and pass all my suffering by. But you are not one of them! Tell me if you have any shadow of a misgiving! Tell me if you doubt that the one dear object of all my life to come is to live worthy of you! I asked you to wait and see me;I asked you, if there was any hard truth to be told, to tell it me here with your own lips. Tell it, my love, my husband!--tell it me now!"She looked up, still clinging to him as she clung to the hope of her better life to come.

"Tell me the truth!" she repeated.

"With my own lips?"

"Yes!" she answered, eagerly. "Say what you think of me with your own lips."He stooped and kissed her.

The End

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  • 文墨生香泪成诗:卓文君传


    《卓文君(文墨生香泪成诗)》是流芳百世的浪漫传说。一代才女卓文君勇敢追求自己的爱情,用自 己的坚毅、勇敢褪下华服,冲破世俗,奔向自己的爱 人。人们透过纸张感受心灵的温热,惊叹共鸣。若爱 情是场赌局,她险些血本无归。当他洗尽铅华,回头 找寻自己心爱的人时,她已泪流满面。一场圆满的倾 世爱情,迷倒了后世太多的痴情怨女。
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  • 所有的温柔都给你


    苏卿儿都快烦死了,只是一次正常急救,却惹到一只狼狗,总是喜欢撩她逗她……顾少辰也没想到,偶然情况下,会遇到一只纯纯的小兔子,一撩就脸红,简直是可爱死了…… 苏卿儿真想一掌拍死自己,喝醉酒主动投怀送抱,还说出想一辈子抱着香香的他睡觉这样的混话! 顾少辰更是没想到,电梯门一打开,心心念念的人儿就扑到他怀里,还说想抱一辈子。 既然都这样说了,那他就光明正大求娶,正好他也想抱着香香的她一辈子。 婚后小剧场 苏卿儿:好痒,别蹭了,你快把胡子刮了。 顾少辰:卿儿给我刮。 苏卿儿:不要。 顾少辰:(撒娇)我就要卿儿给我刮,谁让你是我老婆的嘛。 苏卿儿:晚上要吹干头发才能睡。 顾少辰:那卿儿帮我吹,嗯呀,谁让你是我老婆的嘛! 苏卿儿撩过他的发丝,这手感也太好了吧,好滑好柔呀。 顾少辰:(深意一笑)嗯?顺毛吗? 苏卿儿:我不是你老婆的嘛,摸一下还不行了。 顾少辰:(揽过怀中的人儿)摸多少下都行,这可是只有我老婆才有的特权哦。
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