

I thought Mrs.Monarch's face slightly convulsed when, on her coming back with her husband, she found Oronte installed.It was strange to have to recognise in a scrap of a lazzarone a competitor to her magnificent Major.It was she who scented danger first, for the Major was anecdotically unconscious.But Oronte gave us tea, with a hundred eager confusions--he had never been concerned in so queer a process--and I think she thought better of me for having at last an "establishment." They saw a couple of drawings that I had made of the establishment, and Mrs.Monarch hinted that it never would have struck her he had sat for them."Now the drawings you make from US, they look exactly like us," she reminded me, smiling in triumph; and I recognised that this was indeed just their defect.When I drew the Monarchs I couldn't anyhow get away from them--get into the character I wanted to represent; and I hadn't the least desire my model should be discoverable in my picture.

Miss Churm never was, and Mrs.Monarch thought I hid her, very properly, because she was vulgar; whereas if she was lost it was only as the dead who go to heaven are lost--in the gain of an angel the more.

By this time I had got a certain start with "Rutland Ramsay," the first novel in the great projected series; that is I had produced a dozen drawings, several with the help of the Major and his wife, and I had sent them in for approval.My understanding with the publishers as I have already hinted, had been that I was to be left to do my work, in this particular case, as I liked, with the whole book committed to me; but my connexion with the rest of the series was only contingent.There were moments when, frankly, it WAS a comfort to have the real thing under one's hand for there were characters in "Rutland Ramsay" that were very much like it.There were people presumably as erect as the Major and women of as good a fashion as Mrs.Monarch.There was a great deal of country-house life-treated, it is true, in a fine fanciful ironical generalised way--and there was a considerable implication of knickerbockers and kilts.There were certain things I had to settle at the outset;such things for instance as the exact appearance of the hero and the particular bloom and figure of the heroine.The author of course gave me a lead, but there was a margin for interpretation.

I took the Monarchs into my confidence, I told them frankly what Iwas about, I mentioned my embarrassments and alternatives."Oh take HIM!" Mrs.Monarch murmured sweetly, looking at her husband;and "What could you want better than my wife?" the Major inquired with the comfortable candour that now prevailed between us.

I wasn't obliged to answer these remarks--I was only obliged to place my sitters.I wasn't easy in mind, and I postponed a little timidly perhaps the solving of my question.The book was a large canvas, the other figures were numerous, and I worked off at first some of the episodes in which the hero and the heroine were not concerned.When once I had set THEM up I should have to stick to them--I couldn't make my young man seven feet high in one place and five feet nine in another.I inclined on the whole to the latter measurement, though the Major more than once reminded me that he looked about as young as any one.It was indeed quite possible to arrange him, for the figure, so that it would have been difficult to detect his age.After the spontaneous Oronte had been with me a month, and after I had given him to understand several times over that his native exuberance would presently constitute an insurmountable barrier to our further intercourse, I waked to a sense of his heroic capacity.He was only five feet seven, but the remaining inches were latent.I tried him almost secretly at first, for I was really rather afraid of the judgement my other models would pass on such a choice.If they regarded Miss Churm as little better than a snare what would they think of the representation by a person so little the real thing as an Italian street-vendor of a protagonist formed by a public school?

If I went a little in fear of them it wasn't because they bullied me, because they had got an oppressive foothold, but because in their really pathetic decorum and mysteriously permanent newness they counted on me so intensely.I was therefore very glad when Jack Hawley came home: he was always of such good counsel.He painted badly himself, but there was no one like him for putting his finger on the place.He had been absent from England for a year; he had been somewhere--I don't remember where--to get a fresh eye.I was in a good deal of dread of any such organ, but we were old friends; he had been away for months and a sense of emptiness was creeping into my life.I hadn't dodged a missile for a year.

He came back with a fresh eye, but with the same old black velvet blouse, and the first evening he spent in my studio we smoked cigarettes till the small hours.He had done no work himself, he had only got the eye; so the field was clear for the production of my little things.He wanted to see what I had produced for the Cheapside, but he was disappointed in the exhibition.That at least seemed the meaning of two or three comprehensive groans which, as he lounged on my big divan, his leg folded under him, looking at my latest drawings, issued from his lips with the smoke of the cigarette.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing save that I'm mystified."

  • 佛说胞胎经


  • 武王伐纣平话 吕望兴周

    武王伐纣平话 吕望兴周

  • 易牙遗意


  • 妙法决定业障经


  • 年轻人要多懂点沟通技巧


  • 档案秘史


  • 白痴相公大傻妻


  • 有匪(赵丽颖、王一博主演《有翡》原著)


  • 天地玄灵兽


  • 如画江山


  • 血雾之乡


  • 天下第一诡术:鬼谷子的智慧


  • 星历记


  • 希腊神话故事(语文新课标课外读物)

