Sitta Nefysseh was right: peace had not entered Cairo with the victorious troops. War and turmoil prevailed everywhere, and the confusion became worse each day.
The Mamelukes now ruled once more in Cairo, and, with them, Mohammed Ali, Bardissi's beloved friend.
Ismail Bey sat enthroned in the citadel, and was the outward representative of the magnificence and grandeur of the Mamelukes, but the real rulers were Bardissi and Mohammed Ali. And these two found no pleasure in lying on soft cushions, and speaking of the deeds of the past. They longed for renewed activity, for new glory!
And, even if this had not been the case, they would, nevertheless, have been compelled to draw the sword again. For the Turks were marching out from Alexandria, and many places in the south were still in their hands.
Mohammed and Bardissi's united forces march out to a succession of conflicts, ever returning to Cairo crowned with victory.
Bardissi and Mohammed are united in love and friendship, and, though the former seems to be the ruler, the latter reigns in reality. The whole city is aware of this, and those who have complaints to make, and seek redress, come not to Bardissi, but to Mohammed Ali. To him, also, come the consuls of other countries, of England and France, and have long and protracted interviews with him.
The object of their meetings is known to no one. Their conferences are always private, and Bardissi learns of them only what Mohammed chooses to tell him. "Does he tell him the truth?"Bardissi is convinced that he does, and also convinced that he and Mohammed are in perfect accord with each other.
Ismail, the Mameluke chief, is of a different opinion, and often warns the magnanimous Osman Bey Bardissi.
"Be on your guard against Mohammed Ali; he has evil designs. Be on your guard!"Bardissi shakes his head. "Do not attempt to rob me of my friend, my second self. I love him, and I know that he loves me!""He will lead us all to destruction, if he can!" said Ismail, solemnly. "Mohammed Ali is not the faithful friend you suppose him to be ! Unfortunately, the future will prove to you that my warning was well founded."Bardissi disregards the warning, and angrily affirms Mohammed's fidelity. He can confide in his friend, and in the wisdom of his counsel. And, as before, Bardissi continues to follow Mohammed's advice in all things.