Not so, sir. Why this sudden change? Is this flattering impetuous lover, the cold Tellheim!--Could his returning good fortune alone create this ardour in him? He will permit me during his passionate excitement to retain the power of reflection for us both. When he could himself reflect, I heard him say--"it is a worthless love which does not scruple to expose its object to scorn."--True; and I aspire to as pure and noble a love as he himself. Now, when honour calls him, when a great monarch solicits his services, shall I consent that he shall give himself up to love-sick dreams with me? that the illustrious warrior shall degenerate into a toying swain? No, Major, follow the call of your higher destiny.
Well! if the busy world has greater charms for you, Minna, let us remain in the busy world! How mean, how poor is this busy world; you now only know its gilded surface. Yet certainly, Minna, you will.
. . . But let it be so! until then! Your charms shall not want admirers, nor will my happiness lack enviers.
No, Tellheim, I do not mean that! I send you back into the busy world, on the road of honour, without wishing to accompany you. Tellheim will there require an irreproachable wife! A fugitive Saxon girl who has thrown herself upon him--MAJ. T. (starting up, and looking fiercely about him).
Who dare say that! Ah! Minna, I feel afraid of myself, when I imagine that any one but yourself could have spoken so. My anger against him would know no bounds.
Exactly! That is just what I fear. You would not endure one word of calumny against me, and yet you would have to put up with the very bitterest every day. In short, Tellheim, hear what I have firmly determined, and from which nothing in the world shall turn me--MAJ. T.
Before you proceed, I implore you, Minna, reflect for one moment, that you are about to pronounce a sentence of life or death upon me!
Without a moment's reflection! . . . As certainly as I have given you back the ring with which you formerly pledged your troth to me, as certainly as you have taken back that same ring, so certainly shall the unfortunate Minna never be the wife of the fortunate Tellheim!
And herewith you pronounce my sentence.
Equality is the only sure bond of love. The happy Minna only wished to live for the happy Tellheim. Even Minna in misfortune would have allowed herself to be persuaded either to increase or to assuage the misfortune of her friend through herself. . . . He must have seen, before the arrival of that letter, which has again destroyed all equality between us, that in appearance only I refused.
Is that true? I thank you, Minna, that you have not yet pronounced the sentence. You will only marry Tellheim when unfortunate? You may have him.
I perceive now that it would be indecorous in me to accept this tardy justice; that it will be better if I do not seek again that of which Ihave been deprived by such shameful suspicion. Yes; I will suppose that I have not received the letter. Behold my only answer to it!
(About to tear it up.)
MIN. (stopping him).
What are you going to do, Tellheim?
Obtain your hand.
Madam, it is torn without fail if you do not quickly recall your words.--Then we will see what else you may have to object to in me.
What! In such a tone? Shall I, must I, thus become contemptible in my own eyes? Never! She is a worthless creature, who is not ashamed to owe her whole happiness to the blind tenderness of a man!
False! utterly false!
Can you venture to find fault with your own words when coming from my lips?
Sophistry! Does the weaker sex dishonour itself by every action which does not become the stronger? Or can a man do everything which is proper in a woman? Which is appointed by nature to be the support of the other?
Be not alarmed, Tellheim! . . . I shall not be quite unprotected, if Imust decline the honour of your protection. I shall still have as much as is absolutely necessary. I have announced my arrival to our ambassador. I am to see him to-day. I hope he will assist me. Time is flying. Permit me, Major--MAJ. T.
I will accompany you, Madam.
No, Major; leave me.
Sooner shall your shadow desert you! Come Madam, where you will, to whom you will everywhere, to friends and strangers, will I repeat in your presence--repeat a hundred times each day--what a bond binds you to me, and with what cruel caprice you wish to break it