

"We can't go in!" he cried."There has been some mysterious work here! Those fumes were put here to keep us from saving the machine.This fire has been set by some enemy! We can't go in!""But I am going!" declared Tom."We'll try the back door."They rushed to that, but again were driven out by the gases and vapors, which were mingled with the smoke.Disheartened, yet with a wild desire to do something to save his precious craft, Tom Swift drew back for a moment.

As he did so he heard a hiss, as Eradicate turned the chemical stream on the blaze.Tom looked up.The faithful colored man was on a ladder near the burning roof, acting well his part as a fireman.

"That's the stuff!" cried Tom."Come on, Mr.Jackson.Maybe if we use the chemical extinguishers we can drive out those fumes!"The engineer understood.He took up the extinguisher he had brought, and Tom got a second one from a nearby shed.Then Mr.Swift came out bearing another.

"You shouldn't have come, dad! We can attend to it!" cried Tom, fearing for the effect of the excitement on his invalid parent.

"Oh, I couldn't stay there and see the shed burn.Are you getting it under control? Why don't you run out the Humming- Bird?"Tom did not mention the choking fumes.He passed up a full extinguisher to Eradicate, who had used all the chemical in his.Then Tom got another ladder, and soon three streams were being directed on the flames.They had eaten, a pretty big hole in the roof, but the chemicals were slowly telling on them.

As soon as he saw that Eradicate and Mr.Jackson could control the blaze, Tom descended to the ground, and ran once more to the big doors.He was determined to make another try to wheel out the aeroplane, for he saw from above that the flames were now on the side wall, and might reach the craft any minute.And it would not take much to inflict serious damage on the sky racer.

"I'll get her, fumes or no fumes!" murmured Tom, grimly.And, whether it was the effect of the chemical streams, or whether the choking odors were dissipated through the hole in the roof was not manifested, but, at any rate, Tom found that he could go in, though he coughed and gasped for breath.

He wheeled the aeroplane outside, for the Humming-Bird was almost as light as her namesake.A hurried glance by the gleam of the dying fire assured Tom that his craft was not damaged beyond a slight scorching of one of the wing tips.

"That was a narrow escape!" he murmured, as he wheeled the sky racer far away, out of any danger from sparks.Then he went back to help fight the fire, which was extinguished in about ten minutes more.

"It was a mighty queer blaze," said Mr.Jackson, "starting at the top that way.I wonder what caused it?""We'll investigate in the morning," decided Tom."Now, dad, you must get back to your room." He turned to help his father in, but at that momentMr.Swift, who was trying to say something, fell over in a dead faint."Quick! Help me carry him into the house!" cried Tom."Thentelephone for Dr.Gladby, Mr.Jackson."

The physician looked grave when, half an hour later, he examined his patient.

"Mr.Swift is very much worse," he said in a low voice."The excitement of the fire has aggravated his ailment.I would like another doctor to see him, Tom.""Another doctor?" Tom's voice showed his alarm.

"Yes, we must have a consultation.I think Dr.Kurtz will be a good one to call in.I should like his opinion before I decide what course to take.""I'll send Eradicate for him at once," said the young inventor, and he went to give the colored man his instructions, while his heart was filled with a great fear for his father.



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