

In sum, whiteness has existence because it is bound up with Being and present in it: Being is, thus, the source of its existence.Being is Being on its own account, but the white is due to whiteness- not because it is "present in" whiteness, but because whiteness is present in it.

The Being of the Sensible resembles the white in not originating in itself.It must therefore be regarded as dependent for its being upon the Authentic Being, as white is dependent upon the Authentic Whiteness, and the Authentic Whiteness dependent for its whiteness upon participation in that Supreme Being whose existence is underived.

7.But Matter, it may be contended, is the source of existence to the Sensible things implanted in it.From what source, then, we retort, does Matter itself derive existence and being?

That Matter is not a Primary we have established elsewhere.If it be urged that other things can have no subsistence without being implanted in Matter, we admit the claim for Sensible things.But though Matter be prior to these, it is not thereby precluded from being posterior to many things-posterior, in fact, to all the beings of the Intellectual sphere.Its existence is but a pale reflection, and less complete than that of the things implanted in it.These are Reason-Principles and more directly derived from Being: Matter has of itself no Reason-Principle whatever; it is but a shadow of a Principle, a vain attempt to achieve a Principle.

But, our critic may pursue, Matter gives existence to the things implanted in it, just as Socrates gives existence to the whiteness implanted in himself? We reply that the higher being gives existence to the lower, the lower to the higher never.

But once concede that Form is higher in the scale of Being than Matter, and Matter can no longer be regarded as a common ground of both, nor Substance as a genus embracing Matter, Form and the Couplement.True, these will have many common properties, to which we have already referred, but their being [or existence] will nonetheless be different.When a higher being comes into contact with a lower, the lower, though first in the natural order, is yet posterior in the scale of Reality: consequently, if Being does not belong in equal degrees to Matter, to Form and to the Couplement, Substance can no longer be common to all three in the sense of being their genus: to their posteriors it will bear a still different relation, serving them as a common base by being bound up with all alike.Substance, thus, resembles life, dim here, clearer there, or portraits of which one is an outline, another more minutely worked.By measuring Being by its dim manifestation and neglecting a fuller revelation elsewhere, we may come to regard this dim existence as a common ground.

But this procedure is scarcely permissible.Every being is a distinct whole.The dim manifestation is in no sense a common ground, just as there is no common ground in the vegetal, the sensory and the intellectual forms of life.

We conclude that the term "Being" must have different connotations as applied to Matter, to Form and to both conjointly, in spite of the single source pouring into the different streams.

Take a second derived from a first and a third from the second: it is not merely that the one will rank higher and its successor be poorer and of lower worth; there is also the consideration that, even deriving from the same source, one thing, subjected in a certain degree to fire, will give us an earthen jar, while another, taking less of the heat, does not produce the jar.

Perhaps we cannot even maintain that Matter and Form are derived from a single source; they are clearly in some sense different.

8.The division into elements must, in short, be abandoned, especially in regard to Sensible Substance, known necessarily by sense rather than by reason.We must no longer look for help in constituent parts, since such parts will not be substances, or at any rate not sensible substances.

Our plan must be to apprehend what is constant in stone, earth, water and the entities which they compose- the vegetal and animal forms, considered purely as sensibles- and to confine this constant within a single genus.Neither Matter nor Form will thus be overlooked, for Sensible Substance comports them; fire and earth and the two intermediaries consist of Matter and Form, while composite things are actually many substances in one.They all, moreover, have that common property which distinguishes them from other things:

serving as subjects to these others, they are never themselves present in a subject nor predicated of any other thing.Similarly, all the characteristics which we have ascribed to Substance find a place in this classification.

But Sensible Substance is never found apart from magnitude and quality: how then do we proceed to separate these accidents? If we subtract them- magnitude, figure, colour, dryness, moistness- what is there left to be regarded as Substance itself? All the substances under consideration are, of course, qualified.

There is, however, something in relation to which whatever turns Substance into qualified Substance is accidental: thus, the whole of fire is not Substance, but only a part of it- if the term "part" be allowed.

What then can this "part" be? Matter may be suggested.But are we actually to maintain that the particular sensible substance consists of a conglomeration of qualities and Matter, while Sensible Substance as a whole is merely the sum of these coagulations in the uniform Matter, each one separately forming a quale or a quantum or else a thing of many qualities? Is it true to say that everything whose absence leaves subsistence incomplete is a part of the particular substance, while all that is accidental to the substance already existent takes independent rank and is not submerged in the mixture which constitutes this so-called substance?

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  • 爱 (龙人日志系列#2)

    爱 (龙人日志系列#2)

    凯特琳和迦勒一起踏上了探索旅程,寻找一个东西,一个可以阻止龙人与人类之间即将打响的战争:失落之剑。一个只存在于龙人传说的东西,甚至连它到底是否真的存在,都有很大的质疑如果要有任何找到它的希望,他们必须首先追溯凯特琳的祖先。难道她真的是那个人吗?他们的搜索首先是开始寻找凯特琳的父亲。他是谁?他为什么要抛弃她?随着探索的进行,他们被她的真实身份惊呆了但他们不是唯一寻找传说中的失落之剑的人。Blacktide族群也想要得到它,他们紧紧地追寻着凯特琳和迦勒的踪迹。更糟的是,凯特琳的小兄弟,山姆,沉迷于继续寻找他的父亲。但山姆很快发现,自己不清不楚地,卷入了龙人的战争中。他会将危及他们的探索吗?凯特琳和迦勒的旅程把他们带入历史城市的混乱风暴中,从哈得逊河谷,到塞勒姆,再到具有重要历史地位的波士顿中心——那个女巫们曾经被绞死的波士顿公园。为什么这些位置对龙人种族如此重要?他们对凯特琳的祖先要做什么,她又会和谁在一起呢?但他们可能不能完成任务。凯特琳和迦勒对彼此的爱已经绽放。而他们之间禁忌的爱恋可能会摧毁他们开始着手实现的一切……图书#3 -#11 龙人日志现已有售! “被爱是龙人日志系列的第二本书中,和第一本书一样精彩,转变,充满了动作、爱情、冒险和悬念。这本书让这个系列变得十分精彩,你会想要从摩根莱利这里了解更多。如果你喜爱第一本书,那就开始读这一本吧,你一定会继续爱上它。这本书可以被理解为续集,但莱斯的写作方式,让你不需要知道第一本书,就可以阅读这个精彩的续篇。” --Dragonmenbooksite COM “龙人日志系列的故事情节出彩,尤其是《被爱》这本书,读到深夜你都舍不得放手。结局是个悬念,正是因为如此出色,所以你会想立刻购买下一本书,看看到底发生了什么。正如你所看到的,这本书是该系列里一个巨大飞跃,可以获得一个绝对的好评。” --The Dallas Examiner “在《被爱》这本书里,摩根莱利再次证明自己是一个非常有才华的故事作者……扣人心弦且有趣,我发现自己读这本书时,比第一本更享受,我非常期待下一本续篇。” ——浪漫评论
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