

Their clothes were soiled rags, and over them, and concealing them down to their waists and yet lower, hung the deep, rich, velvet pall, with its long silk fringes.In front walked the two remaining prisoners, each bearing a great plume in his left hand--the right arm, as well as the right leg, being chained.On either side was a soldier, carrying a lighted lantern, which burnt small and feeble in the twilight, and last of all came Israel himself, unsupported and alone.

Thus they passed through the little crowd of idlers that had congregated at the door, through the streets of the Mellah and out into the marketplace, and up the narrow lane that leads to the chief town gate.

There is something in the very nature of power that demands homage, and the people of Tetuan could not deny it to Israel.As the procession went through the town they cleared a way for it, and they were silent until it had gone.Within the gate of the Mellah, a shocket was killing fowls and taking his tribute of copper coins, but he stopped his work and fell back as the procession approached.A blind beggar crouching at the other side of the gate was reciting passages of the Koran, and two Arabs close at his elbow were wrangling over a game at draughts which they were playing by the light of a flare, but both curses and Koran ceased as the procession passed under the arch.

In the market-place a Soosi juggler was performing before a throng of laughing people, and a story-teller was shrieking to the twang of his ginbri; but the audience of the juggler broke up as the procession appeared, and the ginbri of the storyteller was no more heard.The hammering in the shops of the gunsmiths was stopped, and the tinkling of the bells of the water-carriers was silenced.

Mules bringing wood from the country were dragged out of the path, and the town asses, with their panniers full of street-filth, were drawn up by the wall.From the market-place and out of the shops, out of the houses and out of the mosque itself, the people came trooping in crowds, and they made a long close line on either side of the course which the procession must take.And through this avenue of onlookers the strange company made its way--the two prisoners bearing the plumes, the four others bearing the coffin, the two soldiers carrying the lanterns, and Israel last of all, unsupported and alone.Nothing was heard in the silence of the people but the tramp of the feet of the six men, and the clank of their chains.

The light of the lanterns was on the faces of some of them, and every one knew them for what they were.It was on the face of Israel also, yet he did not flinch.His head was held steadily upward;he looked neither to the right nor to the left, but strode firmly along.

The Jewish cemetery was outside the town walls, and before the procession came to it the darkness had closed in.Its flat white tombstones, all pointing toward Jerusalem, lay in the gloom like a flock of sheep asleep among the grass.It had no gate but a gap in the fence, and no fence but a hedge of the prickly pear and the aloe.

Israel had opened a grave for Ruth beside the grave of the old rabbi her father.He had asked no man's permission to do so, but if no one had helped at that day's business, neither had any one dared to hinder.And when the coffin was set down by the grave-side no ceremony did Israel forget and none did he omit.

He repeated the Kaddesh, and cut the notch in his kaftan;he took from his breast the little linen bag of the white earth of the land of promise and laid it under the head; he locked a padlock and flung away the key.Last of all, when the body had been taken out of the coffin and lowered to its long home, he stepped in after it, and called on one of the soldiers to lend him a lantern.And then, kneeling at the foot of his dead wife, he touched her with both his hands, and spoke these words in a clear, firm voice, looking down at her where she lay in the veil that she had used to wear in the synagogue, and speaking to her as though she heard: "Ruth, my wife, my dearest, for the cruel wrong which I did you long ago when I suffered you to marry me, being a man such as I was, under the ban of my people, forgive me now, my beloved, and ask God to forgive me also."The dark cemetery, the six prisoners in their clanking irons, the two soldiers with their lanterns the open grave, and this strong-hearted man kneeling within it, that he might do his last duty, according to the custom of his race and faith, to her whom he had wronged and should meet no more until the resurrection itself reunited them! The traffic of the streets had begun again by this time, and between the words which Israel had spoken the low hum of many voices had come over the dark town walls.

The six prisoners went back to the Kasbah with joyful hearts, for each carried with him a paper which procured his freedom on the day following.But Israel returned to his home with a soured and darkened mind.As he had plucked his last handful of the grass, and flung it over his shoulder, saying, "They shall spring in the cities as the grass in the earth," he had asked himself what it mattered to him though all the world were peopled, now that she, who had been all the world to him, was dead.God had left him as a lonely pilgrim in a dreary desert.Only one glimpse of human affection had he known as a man, and here it was taken from him for ever.

And when he remembered Naomi, he quarrelled with God again.

She was a helpless exile among men, a creature banished from all human intercourse, a living soul locked in a tabernacle of flesh.

Was it a good God who had taken the mother from such a child--the child from such a mother? Israel was heart-smitten, and his soul blasphemed.

It was not God but the devil that ruled the world.It was not justice but evil that governed it.

Thus did this outcast man rebel against God, thinking of the child's loss and of his own; but nevertheless by the child itself he was yet to be saved from the devil's snare, and the ways wherein this sweet flower, fresh from God's hand, wrought upon his heart to redeem it were very strange and beautiful.

  • 说唐后传


  • 定庵诗话续编


  • 送张郎中赴陇右觐省


  • 佛说千佛因缘经


  • 太初元气接要保生之论


  • 他们的b城


  • 超神缘起


  • 纵宠一千金凰后


  • 远古瞭望


  • 圣光的命运


  • 抗战之血战华中


  • 阎王独宠嫡小姐


  • 韩愈集


  • 月牙儿·我这一辈子:老舍短篇小说选


  • 桑利修道院


    本书为西方恐怖小说经典作品选集。不仅具有极强的阅读价值,还具有较高的收藏和研究价值。 故事情节曲折、诡异,除了恐怖元素,还体现了对人类情感、道德的探讨,可引起读者深思,很有意义。 《诅咒村》一篇,讲述了孙子在爷爷灵魂的引导下重返村庄,终于带领村民走出愚昧,重拾幸福的故事,令人深思感叹。 《失心之灵》是一篇复仇故事。阿布尼先生为了寻求长生,不惜杀害儿童以获得他们的心,却终被孩子的灵魂夺去生命,揭示了善恶有报的道理,引人唏嘘。