

SURFACE.Brother it is with great concern--I am obliged to speak on this Point, but my Regard to justice obliges me--and Lady Sneerwell's injuries can no longer--be concealed--[Goes to the Door.]


SIR PETER.Soh! another French milliner egad! He has one in every Room in the House I suppose--LADY SNEERWELL.Ungrateful Charles! Well may you be surprised and feel for the indelicate situation which your Perfidy has forced me into.

CHARLES.Pray Unkle, is this another Plot of yours? for as I have Life I don't understand it.

SURFACE.I believe Sir there is but the evidence of one Person more necessary to make it extremely clear.

SIR PETER.And that Person--I imagine, is Mr.Snake--Rowley--you were perfectly right to bring him with us--and pray let him appear.

ROWLEY.Walk in, Mr.Snake--


I thought his Testimony might be wanted--however it happens unluckily that He comes to confront Lady Sneerwell and not to support her--LADY SNEERWELL.A Villain!--Treacherous to me at last! Speak, Fellow, have you too conspired against me?

SNAKE.I beg your Ladyship--ten thousand Pardons--you paid me extremely Liberally for the Lie in question--but I unfortunately have been offer'd double to speak the Truth.

LADY SNEERWELL.The Torments of Shame and Disappointment on you all!

LADY TEAZLE.Hold--Lady Sneerwell--before you go let me thank you for the trouble you and that Gentleman have taken in writing Letters from me to Charles and answering them yourself--and let me also request you to make my Respects to the Scandalous College--of which you are President--and inform them that Lady Teazle, Licentiate, begs leave to return the diploma they granted her--as she leaves of[f]

Practice and kills Characters no longer.

LADY SNEERWELL.Provoking--insolent!--may your Husband live these fifty years!


SIR PETER.Oons what a Fury----

LADY TEAZLE.A malicious Creature indeed!

SIR PETER.Hey--not for her last wish?--LADY TEAZLE.O No--

SIR OLIVER.Well Sir, and what have you to say now?

SURFACE.Sir, I am so confounded, to find that Lady Sneerwell could be guilty of suborning Mr.Snake in this manner to impose on us all that I know not what to say----however, lest her Revengeful Spirit should prompt her to injure my Brother I had certainly better follow her directly.


SIR PETER.Moral to the last drop!

SIR OLIVER.Aye and marry her Joseph if you can.--Oil and Vinegar egad:--you'll do very well together.

ROWLEY.I believe we have no more occasion for Mr.Snake at Present--SNAKE.Before I go--I beg Pardon once for all for whatever uneasiness I have been the humble instrument of causing to the Parties present.

SIR PETER.Well--well you have made atonement by a good Deed at last--SNAKE.But I must Request of the Company that it shall never be known--SIR PETER.Hey!--what the Plague--are you ashamed of having done a right thing once in your life?

SNAKE.Ah: Sir--consider I live by the Badness of my Character!--I have nothing but my Infamy to depend on!--and, if it were once known that I had been betray'd into an honest Action, I should lose every Friend I have in the world.

SIR OLIVER.Well--well we'll not traduce you by saying anything to your Praise never fear.

[Exit SNAKE.]

SIR PETER.There's a precious Rogue--Yet that fellow is a Writer and a Critic.

LADY TEAZLE.See[,] Sir Oliver[,] there needs no persuasion now to reconcile your Nephew and Maria--SIR OLIVER.Aye--aye--that's as it should be and egad we'll have the wedding to-morrow morning--CHARLES.Thank you, dear Unkle!

SIR PETER.What! you rogue don't you ask the Girl's consent first--CHARLES.Oh, I have done that a long time--above a minute ago--nd She has look'd yes--

MARIA.For Shame--Charles--I protest Sir Peter, there has not been a word----SIR OLIVER.Well then the fewer the Better--may your love for each other never know--abatement.

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  • 麻辣Lady


    曾经以为自己是百毒不侵的麻辣女子——陈辣椒,居然被骆钦玩了一场不告而别的悲情游戏。这个巨大变故让她一下子成了自己最鄙视的怨妇模样,而无法恢复“麻辣”的真面目。好在有“情场失意赌场得意”这样永恒不变的真理,辣椒姑娘的事业风调雨顺、蒸蒸日上,几年时间便在广告公司里混得了“大姐大” 的名号。随后又在姨妈不断安排的相亲过程中偶遇了年轻有为的罗成,本以为终于可以好好“风骚”一把,却不断造化弄人,麻辣女子也遭事业牵连,加上已经消失许久的老爸不知趣地前来添乱、骆钦神秘出现再度撩拨心弦,好戏一台接一台,陷阱一个连一个,生活一刹那乱成了一锅粥,且看麻辣女子如何接招,化险为夷吧!
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    It's hard to meet people in a big city, let alone any city. And after living in LA for several years as a single lady, Audrey Shulman turned to baking. But rather than eating her cakes solo over the sink, she brought them to bars, luring guys with a heady dose of butter and wkkk.net in Bars with Cake recounts Audrey's year spent baking, bar-hopping, and offering slices of cake to men in the hope of finding her boyfriend (or, at the very least, a date). With 35 inventive recipes based on her interactions with guys from all walks of life, from a Sticky Maple Kiss Cake to a Bitter Chocolate Dump Cake, this charming book pairs each cake with a short essay and tongue-in-cheek lesson about picking up boys in bars.