
第38章 The Diamond Maker(1)

"I've called, Professor Kennedy, to see if we can retain you in a case which I am sure will tax even your resources.Heaven knows it has taxed ours."The visitor was a large, well-built man.He placed his hat on the table and, without taking off his gloves, sat down in an easy chair which he completely filled.

"Andrews is my name--third vice-president of the Great Eastern Life Insurance Company.I am the nominal head of the company's private detective force, and though I have some pretty clever fellows on my staff we've got a case that, so far, none of us has been able to unravel.I'd like to consult you about it."Kennedy expressed his entire willingness to be consulted, and after the usual formalities were over, Mr.Andrews proceeded.

"I suppose you are aware that the large insurance companies maintain quite elaborate detective forces and follow very keenly such of the cases of their policy-holders as look at all suspicious.This case which I wish to put in your hands is that of Mr.Solomon Morowitch, a wealthy Maiden Lane jeweller.Isuppose you have read something in the papers about his sudden death and the strange robbery of his safe?""Very little," replied Craig."There hasn't been much to read.""Of course not, of course not," said Mr.Andrews with some show of gratification."I flatter myself that we have pulled the wires so as to keep the thing out of the papers as much as possible.We don't want to frighten the quarry till the net is spread.The point is, though, to find out who is the quarry.It's most baffling.""I am at your service," interposed Craig quietly, "but you will have to enlighten me as to the facts in the case.As to that, Iknow no more than the newspapers."

"Oh, certainly, certainly.That is to say, you know nothing at all and can approach it without bias." He paused and then, seeming to notice something in Craig's manner, added hastily:

"I'll be perfectly frank with you.The policy in question is for one hundred thousand dollars, and is incontestable.His wife is the beneficiary.The company is perfectly willing to pay, but we want to be sure that it is all straight first.There are certain suspicious circumstances that in justice to ourselves we think should be cleared up.That is all--believe me.We are not seeking to avoid an honest liability.""What are these suspicious circumstances?" asked Craig, apparently satisfied with the explanation.

"This is in strict confidence, gentlemen," began Mr.Andrews.

"Mr.Morowitch, according to the story as it comes to us, returned home late one night last week, apparently from his office, in a very weakened, a semiconscious, condition.His family physician, Doctor Thornton, was summoned, not at once, but shortly.He pronounced Mr.Morowitch to be suffering from a congestion of the lungs that was very like a sudden attack of pneumonia.

"Mr.Morowitch had at once gone to bed, or at least was in bed, when the doctor arrived, but his condition grew worse so rapidly that the doctor hastily resorted to oxygen, under which treatment he seemed to revive.The doctor had just stepped out to see another patient when a hurry call was sent to him that Mr.

Morowitch was rapidly sinking.He died before the doctor could return.No statement whatever concerning the cause of his sudden illness was made by Mr.Morowitch, and the death-certificate, a copy of which I have, gives pneumonia as the cause of death.One of our men has seen Doctor Thornton, but has been able to get nothing out of him.Mrs.Morowitch was the only person with her, husband at the time."There was something in his tone that made me take particular note of this last fact, especially as he paused for an instant.

"Now, perhaps there would be nothing surprising about it all, so far at least, were it not for the fact that the following morning, when his junior partner, Mr.Kahan, opened the place of business, or rather went to it, for it was to remain closed, of course, he found that during the night someone had visited it.

The lock on the great safe, which contained thousands of dollars'

worth of diamonds, was intact; but in the top of the safe a huge hole was found--an irregular, round hole, big enough to put your foot through.Imagine it, Professor Kennedy, a great hole in a safe that is made of chrome steel, a safe that, short of a safety-deposit vault, ought to be about the strongest thing on earth.

"Why, that steel would dull and splinter even the finest diamond-drill before it made an impression.The mere taking out and refitting of drills into the brace would be a most lengthy process.Eighteen or twenty hours is the time by actual test which it would take to bore such a hole through those laminated plates, even if there were means of exerting artificial pressure.

As for the police, they haven't even a theory yet.""And the diamonds"

"All gone--everything of any value was gone.Even the letter-files were ransacked.His desk was broken open, and papers of some nature had been taken out of it.Thorough is no name for the job.Isn't that enough to arouse suspicion""I should like to see that safe," was all Kennedy said.

"So you shall, so you shall," said Mr.Andrews."Then we may retain you in our service? My car is waiting down-stairs.We can go right down to Maiden Lane if you wish.""You may retain me on one condition," said Craig without moving.

"I am to be free to get at the truth whether it benefits or hurts the company, and the case is to be entirely in my hands.""Hats on," agreed Mr.Andrews, reaching in his vest pocket and pulling out three or four brevas."My chauffeur is quite a driver.He can almost beat the subway down.""First, to my laboratory," interposed Craig."It will take only a few minutes."We drove up to the university and stopped on the campus while Craig hurried into the Chemistry Building to get something.

"I like your professor of criminal science;" said Andrews to me, blowing a huge fragrant cloud of smoke.

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