

"Here, too," acquiesced another."I got a round-up on Wind Creek to cut out them two-year-olds.If 'twas my say-so, I'd order Mac on that job.""Right kind of y'u.Seems to me"--Mac's sarcastic eye trailed around to include all those who had been singing her praises--"the new queen of this hacienda won't have no trouble at all picking a prince consort when she gets round to it.Here's Wun Hop, not what y'u might call anxious, but ce'tainly willing.Then Denver's some in the turtle-dove business, according to that hash-slinger in Cheyenne.Missou might be induced to accept if it was offered him proper; and I allow Jim ain't turned the color of Redtop's hair jest for instance.I don't want to leave out 'Frisco and the other boys carrying Bannister's pills--""Nor McWilliams.I'd admire to include him," murmured Denver.

That sunburned, nonchalant youth laughed musically."Sure thing.I'd hate to be left out.The only difference is--""Well?"

His roving eye circled blandly round."I stand about one show in a million.Y'u roughnecks are dead ones already."With which cold comfort he sauntered away to join Miss Messiter and the foreman, who now appeared together at the door of the ranchhouse, prepared to make a tour of the buildings and the immediate corrals.

"Isn't there a woman on the place?" she was asking Morgan.

"No'm, there ain't.Henderson's daughter would come and stay with y'u a while I reckon.""Please send for her at once, then, and ask her to come to-day." "All right.I'll send one of the boys right away.""How did y'u leave 'Frisco, ma'am?" asked Mac, by way of including himself easily.

"He's resting quietly.Unless blood-poisoning sets in they ought all to do well.""It's right lucky for them y'u happened along.This is the hawss corral,ma'am," explained the young man just as Morgan opened his thin lips to tell her.

Judd contrived to get rid of him promptly."Slap on a saddle, Mac, and run up the remuda so Miss Messiter can see the hawsses for herself," he ordered.

"Mebbe she'd rather ride down and look at the bunch," suggested the capable McWilliams.

As it chanced, she did prefer to ride down the pasture and look over the place from on horseback.She was in love with her ranch already.Its spacious distances, the thousands of cattle and the horses, these picturesque retainers who served her even to the shedding of an enemy's blood; they all struck an answering echo in her gallant young heart that nothing in Kalamazoo had been able to stir.She bubbled over with enthusiasm, the while Morgan covertly sneered and McWilliams warmed to the untamed youth in her.

"What about this man Bannister?" she flung out suddenly, after they had cantered back to the house when the remuda had been inspected.

Her abrupt question brought again the short, tense silence she had become used to expect.

"He runs sheep about twenty or thirty miles southwest of here," explained McWilliams, in a carefully casual tone.

"So everybody tells me, but it seems to me he spills a good deal of lead on my men," she answered impatiently."What's the trouble?""Last week he crossed the dead-line with a bunch of five thousand sheep.""Who draws this dead-line?"

"The cattlemen got together and drew it.Your uncle was one of those that marked it off, ma'am.""And Bannister crossed it?"

"Yes, ma'am.Yesterday 'Frisco come on him and one of his herders with a big bunch of them less than fifteen miles from here.He didn't know it was Bannister, and took a pot-shot at him.'Course Bannister came back at him, and he got Frisco in the laig.""Didn't know it was Bannister? What difference WOULD that make?"she said impatiently.

Mac laughed."What difference would it make, Judd?"Morgan scowled, and the young man answered his own question."We don't any of us go out of our way more'n a mile to cross Bannister's trail," he drawled.

"Do you wear this for an ornament? Are you upholstered with hardware to catch the eyes of some girl?" she asked, touching with the end of her whip the revolver in the holster strapped to his chaps.

His serene, gay smile flashed at her."Are y'u ordering me to go out and get Ned Bannister's scalp?""No, I am not," she explained promptly."What I am trying to discover is why you all seem to be afraid of one man.He is only a man, isn't he?"A veil of ice seemed to fall over the boyish face and leave it chiseled marble.His unspeaking eyes rested on the swarthy foreman as he answered:

"I don't know what he is, ma'am.He may be one man, or he may be a hundred.What's more, I ain't particularly suffering to find out.Fact is, I haven't lost any Bannisters."The girl became aware that her foreman was looking at her with a wary silent vigilance sinister in its intensity.

  • Ballads and Lyrics of Old France

    Ballads and Lyrics of Old France

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  • “官匪”县太爷


    希望读者朋友们记住这个惊心动魄的日子: 2000年12月12日。2000年12月12日上午,一位自称是“即将成为死囚”的中年男人给成都《天府早报》社的编辑苏黎先生打来了一个热线电话。据那位“即将成为死囚”的中年男人在电话里说:他很喜欢阅读《天府早报》上自2000年8月14日起开始连载的长篇纪实文学作品《我为苑囚写遗书》。据他说:他曾经是一个拥有数百万资产的大老板,家境豪富,没想到遇到一个比土匪还黑心的官匪“县太爷”。