

It was a long story, but the main points can be told in a paragraph.The grandfather of the two cousins, General Edward Bannister, had worn the Confederate gray for four years, and had lost an arm in the service of the flag with the stars and bars.After the war he returned to his home in Virginia to find it in ruins, his slaves freed and his fields mortgaged.He had pulled himself together for another start, and had practiced law in the little town where his family had lived for generations.Of his two sons, one was a ne'er-do-well.He was one of those brilliant fellows of whom much is expected that never develops.He had a taste for low company, married beneath him, and, after a career that was a continual mortification and humiliation to his father, was killed in a drunken brawl under disgraceful circumstances, leaving behind a son named for the general.The secondson of General Bannister also died young, but not before he had proved his devotion to his father by an exemplary life.He, too, was married and left an only son, also named for the old soldier.The boys were about of an age and were well matched in physical and mental equipment.But the general, who had taken them both to live with him, soon discovered that their characters were as dissimilar as the poles.One grandson was frank, generous, open as the light; the other was of a nature almost degenerate.In fact, each had inherited the qualities of his father.Tales began to come to the old general's ears that at first he refused to credit.But eventually it was made plain to him that one of the boys was a rake of the most objectionable type.

There were many stormy scenes between the general and his grandson, but the boy continued to go from bad to worse.After a peculiarly flagrant case, involving the character of a respectable young girl, young Ned Bannister was forbidden his ancestral home.It had been by means of his cousin that this last iniquity of his had been unearthed, and the boy had taken it to his grandfather in hot indignation as the last hope of protecting the reputation of the injured girl.From that hour the evil hatred of his cousin, always dormant in the heart, flamed into active heat.The disowned youth swore to be revenged.A short time later the general died, leaving what little property he had entirely to the one grandson.This stirred again the bitter rage of the other.He set fire to the house that had been willed his cousin, and took a train that night for Wyoming.By a strange irony of fate they met again in the West years later, and the enmity between them was renewed, growing every month more bitter on the part of the one who called himself the King of the Bighorn Country.

She broke the silence after his story with a gentle "Thank you.I can understand why you don't like to tell the story.""I am very glad of the chance to tell it to you," he answered.

"When you were delirious you sometimes begged some one you called Ned not to break his mother's heart.I thought then you might be speaking to yourself as ill people do.Of course I see now it was your cousin that was on your mind.""When I was out of my head I must have talked a lot of nonsense," hesuggested, in the voice of a question."I expect I had opinions I wouldn't have been scattering around so free if I'd known what I was saying."He was hardly prepared for the tide of color that swept her cheeks at his words nor for the momentary confusion that shuttered the shy eyes with long lashes cast down.

"Sick folks do talk foolishness, they say," he added, his gaze trained on her suspiciously.

"Do they?"

"Mrs.Winslow says I did.But when I asked her what it was I said she only laughed and told me to ask y'u.Well, I'm askin' now."She became very busy over the teapot."You talked about the work at your ranch--sheep dipping and such things.""Was that all?"

"No, about lots of other things--football and your early life.I don't see what Mrs.Winslow meant.Will you have some more tea?""No, thank y'u.I have finished.Yes, that ce'tainly seems harmless.I didn't know but I had been telling secrets." Still his unwavering eyes rested quietly on her.

"Secrets?" She summoned her aplomb to let a question rest lightly in the face she turned toward him, though she was afraid she met his eyes hardly long enough for complete innocence "Why, yes, secrets." He measured looks with her deliberately before he changed the subject, and he knew again the delightful excitement of victory."Are y'u going to read to me this evening?"She took his opening so eagerly that he smiled, at which her color mounted again.

"If y'u like.What shall I read?"

"Some more of Barrie's books, if y'u don't mind.When a fellow is weak as a kitten he sorter takes to things that are about kids."Nora came in and cleared away the supper things.She was just beginning to wash them when McWilliams and Denver dropped into the kitchen by different doors.Each seemed surprised and disappointed at the presence of the other.Nora gave each of them a smile and a dishcloth.

"Reddy, he's shavin' and Frisco's struggling with a biled shirt--I meanwith a necktie," Denver hastily amended."They'll be along right soon, I shouldn't wonder.""Y'u better go tell the boys Miss Nora don't want her kitchen littered up with so many of them," suggested his rival.

"Y'u're foreman here.I don't aim to butt into your business, Mac," grinned back the other, polishing a tea plate with the towel.

"I want to get some table linen over to Lee Ming to-night," said Nora, presently.

"Denver, he'll be glad to take it for y'u, Miss Nora.He's real obliging," offered Mac, generously.

"I've been in the house all day, so I need a walk.I thought perhaps one of you gentlemen--" Miss Nora looked from one to the other of them with deep innocence.

"Sure, I'll go along and carry it.Just as Mac says, I'll be real pleased to go," said Denver, hastily.

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