

"And your foreman's friend," he added."I have the best of reasons for wanting to return alive.I think y'u know them.They have to do with y'u, Miss Helen."It had come at last, but, womanlike, she evaded the issue her heart had sought."Yes, I know.You think it would not be fair to throw away your life in this foolish manner after I have saved it for you--how many times was it you said?" The blue eyes lifted with deceptive frankness to the gray ones.

"No, that isn't my reason.I have a better one than that.I love y'u, girl,more than anything in this world."

"And so you try to prove it to me by running into a trap set for you to take your life.That's a selfish kind of love, isn't it? Or it would be if I loved you.""Do y'u love me, Helen?"

"Why should I tell you, since you don't love me enough to give up this quixotic madness?""Don't y'u see, dear, I can't give it up?""I see you won't.You care more for your pride than for me.""No, it isn't that.I've got to go.It isn't that I want to leave y'u, God knows.But I've given my word, and I must keep it.Do y'u want me to be a quitter, and y'u so game yourself? Do y'u want it to go all over this cattle country that I gave my word and took it back because I lost my nerve?""The boy that takes a dare isn't a hero, is he! There's a higher courage that refuses to be drawn into such foolishness, that doesn't give way to the jeers of the empty headed.""I don't think that is a parallel case.I'm sorry, we can't see this alike, but I've got to go ahead the way that seems to me right.""You're going to leave me, then, to go with that man?""Yes, if that's the way y'u have to put it." He looked at her sorrowfully, and added gently: "I thought you would see it.I thought sure you would."But she could not bear that he should leave her so, and she cried out after him."Oh, I see it.I know you must go; but I can't bear it." Her head buried itself in his coat."It isn't right--it isn't a--a square deal that you should go away now, the very minute you belong to me."A happy smile shone in his eyes."I belong to you, do I? That's good hearing, girl o' mine." His arm went round her and he stroked the black head softly."I'll not be gone long, dear.Don't y'u worry about me.I'll be back with y'u soon; just as soon as I have finished this piece of work I have to do.""But if you should get--if anything should happen to you?""Nothing is going to happen to me.There is a special providence looks after lovers, y'u know.""Be careful, Ned, of yourself.For my sake, dear.""I'll dry my socks every time I get my feet wet for fear of taking cold," he laughed.

"But you will, won't you?"

"I'll be very careful, Helen," he promised more gravely.

Even then she could hardly let him go, clinging to him with a reluctance to separate that was a new experience to her independent, vigorous youth.In the end he unloosened her arm, kissed her once, and hurried out of the room.In the hallway he met McWilliams, also hurryin out from a tearful farewell on the part of Nora.

Bannister, the outlaw, already mounted, was waiting for them."Y'u did get through at last, he drawled insolently."Well, if y'u'll kindly give orders to your seven-foot dwarf to point the Winchester another way I'll collect my men an we'll be moving."For, though the outlaw had left his men in command of the ranch when he went into the house, he found the situation reversed on his return.With the arrival of reinforcements, in the persons of McWilliams and his friend, it had been the turn of the raiders to turn over their weapons.

"All right, Denver," nodded the foreman.

The outlaw chief whistled for his men, and with their guests they rode into the silent, desert night.

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