

However, we must make the best of people.They tell me our gentleman is the cousin of the little boy to whom you are about to entrust the future of your little girl.""Arthur is not a little boy; he is a very old man; you and I will never be so old! He is a distant relation of Lavinia's protege.The name is the same, but I am given to understand that there are Townsends and Townsends.So Arthur's mother tells me; she talked about 'branches'- younger branches, elder branches, inferior branches- as if it were a royal house.Arthur, it appears, is of the reigning line, but poor Lavinia's young man is not.Beyond this, Arthur's mother knows very little about him; she has only a vague story that he has been 'wild.' But I know his sister a little, and she is a very nice woman.Her name is Mrs.Montgomery; she is a widow, with a little property and five children.She lives in the Second Avenue.""What does Mrs.Montgomery say about him?""That he has talents by which he might distinguish himself.""Only he is lazy, eh?"

"She doesn't say so."

"That's family pride," said the doctor."What is his profession?""He hasn't got any; he is looking for something.I believe he was once in the navy.""Once? What is his age?"

"I suppose he is upward of thirty.He must have gone into the navy very young.I think Arthur told me that he inherited a small property-which was perhaps the cause of his leaving the navy- and that he spent it all in a few years.He traveled all over the world, lived abroad, amused himself.I believe it was a kind of system, a theory he had.He has lately come back to America with the intention, as he tells Arthur, of beginning life in earnest.""Is he in earnest about Catherine, then?""I don't see why you should be incredulous," said Mrs.Almond."It seems to me that you have never done Catherine justice.You must remember that she has the prospect of thirty thousand a year."The doctor looked at his sister a moment, and then, with lightest touch of bitterness, "You at least appreciate her," he said.

Mrs.Almond blushed.

"I don't mean that is her only merit; I simply mean that it is a great one.A great many young men think so; and you appear to me never to have been properly aware of that.You have always had a little way of alluding to her as an unmarriageable girl.""My allusions are as kind as yours, Elizabeth," said the doctor, frankly."How many suitors has Catherine had, with all her expectations- how much attention has she ever received? Catherine is not unmarriageable, but she is absolutely unattractive.What other reason is there for Lavinia being so charmed with the idea that there is a lover in the house? There has never been one before, and Lavinia, with her sensitive, sympathetic nature, is not used to the idea.It affects her imagination.I must do the young men of New York the justice to say that they strike me as very disinterested.

They prefer pretty girls- lively girls- girls like your own.Catherine is neither pretty nor lively.""Catherine does very well; she has a style of her own- which is more than my poor Marian has, who has no style at all," said Mrs.Almond.

"The reason Catherine has received so little attention, is that she seems to all the young men to be older than themselves.She is so large, and she dresses so richly.They are rather afraid of her, Ithink; she looks as if she had been married already, and you know they don't like married women.And if our young men appear disinterested," the doctor's wiser sister went on, "it is because they marry, as a general thing, so young- before twenty-five, at the age of innocence and sincerity- before the age of calculation.If they only waited a little, Catherine would fare better.""As a calculation? Thank you very much," said the doctor.

"Wait till some intelligent man of forty comes along, and he will be delighted with Catherine," Mrs.Almond continued.

"Mr.Townsend is not old enough, then? His motives may be pure.""It is very possible that his motives are pure; I should be very sorry to take the contrary for granted.Lavinia is sure of it; and, as he is a very prepossessing youth, you might give him the benefit of the doubt."Doctor Sloper reflected a moment.

"What are his present means of subsistence?""I have no idea.He lives, as I say, with his sister.""A widow, with five children? Do you mean he lives upon her?"Mrs.Almond got up, and with a certain impatience, "Had you not better ask Mrs.Montgomery herself?" she inquired.

"Perhaps I may come to that," said the doctor."Did you say the Second Avenue?" He made a note of the Second Avenue.

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