

AS A CHILD she had promised to be tall; but when she was sixteen she ceased to grow, and her stature, like most other points in her composition, was not unusual.She was strong, however, and properly made, and, fortunately, her health was excellent.It has been noted that the doctor was a philosopher, but I would not have answered for his philosophy if the poor girl had proved a sickly and suffering person.Her appearance of health constituted her principal claim to beauty; and her clear, fresh complexion, in which white and red were very equally distributed, was, indeed, an excellent thing to see.

Her eye was small and quiet, her features were rather thick, her tresses brown and smooth.A dull, plain girl she was called by rigorous critics- a quiet, ladylike girl, by those of the more imaginative sort; but by neither class was she very elaborately discussed.When it had been duly impressed upon her that she was a young lady- it was a good while before she could believe it- she suddenly developed a lively taste for dress.A lively taste is quite the expression to use.I feel as if I ought to write it very small, her judgment in this matter was by no means infallible; it was liable to confusions and embarrassments.Her great indulgence of it was really the desire of a rather inarticulate nature to manifest itself; she sought to be eloquent in her garments, and to make up for her diffidence of speech by a fine frankness of costume.But if she expressed herself in her clothes, it is certain that people were not to blame for not thinking her a witty person.It must be added that, though she had the expectation of a fortune- Doctor Sloper for a long time had been making twenty thousand dollars a year by his profession, and laying aside the half of it- the amount of money at her disposal was not greater than the allowance made to many poorer girls.In those days, in New York, there were still a few altar fires flickering in the temple of republican simplicity, and Doctor Sloper would have been glad to see his daughter present herself, with a classic grace, as a priestess of this mild faith.It made him fairly grimace, in private, to think that a child of his should be both ugly and overdressed.For himself, he was fond of the good things of life, and he made a considerable use of them; but he had a dread of vulgarity, and even a theory that it was increasing in the society that surrounded him.Moreover, the standard of luxury in the United States thirty years ago was carried by no means so high as at present, and Catherine's clever father took the old-fashioned view of the education of young persons.He had no particular theory on the subject; it had scarcely as yet become a necessity of self-defense to have a collection of theories.It simply appeared to him proper and reasonable that a well-bred young woman should not carry half her fortune on her back.Catherine's back was a broad one, and would have carried a good deal; but to the weight of the paternal displeasure she never ventured to expose it, and our heroine was twenty years old before she treated herself, for evening wear, to a red satin gown trimmed with gold fringe, though this was an article which, for many years, she had coveted in secret.It made her look, when she sported it, like a woman of thirty; but oddly enough, in spite of her taste for fine clothes, she had not a grain of coquetry, and her anxiety when she put them on was as to whether they, and not she, would look well.It is a point on which history has not been explicit, but the assumption is warrantable; it was in the royal raiment just mentioned that she presented herself at a little entertainment given by her aunt, Mrs.Almond.The girl was at this time in her twenty-first year, and Mrs.Almond's party was the beginning of something very important.

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