

"Just so--all my scanty savings! desolate in my lone old age.Ah, senors, had we not had warning of the coming of these wretches from my dear friend the Marquess of Santa Cruz, whom I remember daily in my prayers, we had been like to them who go down quick into the pit.I too might have saved a trifle, had I been minded: but in thinking too much of others, I forgot myself, alas!""Warning or none, we had no right to be beaten by such a handful,"said the sea-captain; "and a shame it is, and a shame it will be, for many a day to come.""Do you mean to cast any slur, sir, upon the courage and conduct of his Catholic majesty's soldiers?" asked the colonel.

"I?--No; but we were foully beaten, and that behind our barricades too, and there's the plain truth.""Beaten, sir! Do you apply such a term to the fortunes of war?

What more could our governor have done? Had we not the ways filled with poisoned caltrops, guarded by Indian archers, barred with butts full of earth, raked with culverins and arquebuses? What familiar spirit had we, sir, to tell us that these villains would come along the sea-beach, and not by the high-road, like Christian men?""Ah!" said the bishop, "it was by intuition diabolic, I doubt not, that they took that way.Satanas must need help those who serve him; and for my part, I can only attribute (I would the captain here had piety enough to do so) the misfortune which occurred to art-magic.I believe these men to have been possessed by all fiends whatsoever.""Well, your holiness," said the colonel, "there may have been devilry in it; how else would men have dared to run right into the mouths of our cannon, fire their shot against our very noses, and tumble harmless over those huge butts of earth?""Doubtless by force of the fiends which raged with them,"interposed the bishop.

"And then, with their blasphemous cries, leap upon us with sword and pike? I myself saw that Lieutenant-General Carlisle hew down with one stroke that noble young gentleman the ensign-bearer, your excellency's sister's son's nephew, though he was armed cap-a-pie.

Was not art-magic here? And that most furious and blaspheming Lutheran Captain Young, I saw how he caught our general by the head, after the illustrious Don Alonzo had given him a grievous wound, threw him to the earth, and so took him.Was not art-magic here?""Well, I say," said the captain, "if you are looking for art-magic, what say you to their marching through the flank fire of our galleys, with eleven pieces of ordnance, and two hundred shot playing on them, as if it had been a mosquito swarm? Some said my men fired too high: but that was the English rascals' doing, for they got down on the tide beach.But, senor commandant, though Satan may have taught them that trick, was it he that taught them to carry pikes a foot longer than yours?""Ah, well," said the bishop, "sacked are we; and San Domingo, as Ihear, in worse case than we are; and St.Augustine in Florida likewise; and all that is left for a poor priest like me is to return to Spain, and see whether the pious clemency of his majesty, and of the universal Father, may not be willing to grant some small relief or bounty to the poor of Mary--perhaps--(for who knows?) to translate to a sphere of more peaceful labor one who is now old, senors, and weary with many toils--Tita! fill our glasses.I have saved somewhat--as you may have done, senors, from the general wreck; and for the flock, when I am no more, illustrious senors, Heaven's mercies are infinite; new cities will rise from the ashes of the old, new mines pour forth their treasures into the sanctified laps of the faithful, and new Indians flock toward the life-giving standard of the Cross, to put on the easy yoke and light burden of the Church, and--""And where shall I be then? Ah, where? Fain would I rest, and fain depart.Tita! sling my hammock.Senors, you will excuse age and infirmities.Fray Gerundio, go to bed!"And the Dons rose to depart, while the bishop went on maundering,--"Farewell! Life is short.Ah! we shall meet in heaven at last.

And there are really no more pearls?"

"Not a frail; nor gold either," said the intendant.

"Ah, well! Better a dinner of herbs where love is, than--Tita!""My breviary--ah! Man's gratitude is short-lived, I had hoped--You have seen nothing of the Senora Bovadilla?""No."

"Ah! she promised:--but no matter--a little trifle as a keepsake--a gold cross, or an emerald ring, or what not--I forget.And what have I to do with worldly wealth!--Ah! Tita! bring me the casket."And when his guests were gone, the old man began mumbling prayers out of his breviary, and fingering over jewels and gold, with the dull greedy eyes of covetous old age.

"Ah!--it may buy the red hat yet!--Omnia Romae venalia! Put it by, Tita, and do not look at it too much, child.Enter not into temptation.The love of money is the root of all evil; and Heaven, in love for the Indian, has made him poor in this world, that he may be rich in faith.Ah!--Ugh!--So!"And the old miser clambered into his hammock.Tita drew the mosquito net over him, wrapt another round her own head, and slept, or seemed to sleep; for she coiled herself up upon the floor, and master and slave soon snored a merry bass to the treble of the mosquitoes.

It was long past midnight, and the moon was down.The sentinels, who had tramped and challenged overhead till they thought their officers were sound asleep, had slipped out of the unwholesome rays of the planet to seek that health and peace which they considered their right, and slept as soundly as the bishop's self.

Two long lines glided out from behind the isolated rocks of the Morro Grande, which bounded the bay some five hundred yards astern of the galleon.They were almost invisible on the glittering surface of the water, being perfectly white; and, had a sentinel been looking out, he could only have descried them by the phosphorescent flashes along their sides.

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    甫跃辉, 1984年生,云南保山施甸县人,复旦大学首届文学写作专业小说方向研究生毕业,师从作家王安忆。在《人民文学》《大家》《花城》《中国作家》《青年文学》《上海文学》《长城》等文学期刊发表中国短篇小说。获得2009年度“中环”杯《上海文学》短篇小说新人奖。