

"H--e, he, r--o, ro, i--c--a--l, heroical," said Mrs.Leigh.

"But what does that mean?"

"Grand, good, and brave, like--"

Mrs.Leigh was about to have said the name of one who was lost to her on earth.His fair angelic face hung opposite upon the wall.

She paused unable to pronounce his name; and lifted up her eyes, and gazed on the portrait, and breathed a prayer between closed lips, and drooped her head again.

Her pupil caught at the pause, and filled it up for herself--"Like him?" and she turned her head quickly toward the window.

"Yes, like him, too," said Mrs.Leigh, with a half-smile at the gesture."Now, mind your book.Maidens must not look out of the window in school hours.""Shall I ever be an English girl?" asked Ayacanora.

"You are one now, sweet; your father was an English gentleman."Amyas looked in, and saw the two sitting together.

"You seem quite merry there," said he.

"Come in, then, and be merry with us."

He entered, and sat down; while Ayacanora fixed her eyes most steadfastly on her book.

"Well, how goes on the reading?" said he; and then, without waiting for an answer--"We shall be ready to clear out this day week, mother, I do believe; that is, if the hatchets are made in time to pack them.""I hope they will be better than the last," said Mrs.Leigh."It seems to me a shameful sin to palm off on poor ignorant savages goods which we should consider worthless for ourselves.""Well, it's not over fair: but still, they are a sight better than they ever had before.An old hoop is better than a deer's bone, as Ayacanora knows,--eh?""I don't know anything about it," said she, who was always nettled at the least allusion to her past wild life."I am an English girl now, and all that is gone--I forget it.""Forget it?" said he, teasing her for want of something better to do."Should not you like to sail with us, now, and see the Indians in the forests once again?""Sail with you?" and she looked up eagerly.

"There! I knew it! She would not be four-and-twenty hours ashore, but she would be off into the woods again, bow in hand, like any runaway nymph, and we should never see her more.""It is false, bad man!" and she burst into violent tears, and hid her face in Mrs.Leigh's lap.

"Amyas, Amyas, why do you tease the poor fatherless thing?""I was only jesting, I'm sure," said Amyas, like a repentant schoolboy."Don't cry now, don't cry, my child, see here," and he began fumbling in his pockets; "see what I bought of a chapman in town to-day, for you, my maid, indeed, I did."And out he pulled some smart kerchief or other, which had taken his sailor's fancy.

"Look at it now, blue, and crimson, and green, like any parrot!"and he held it out.

She looked round sharply, snatched it out of his hand, and tore it to shreds.

"I hate it, and I hate you!" and she sprang up and darted out of the room.

"Oh, boy, boy!" said Mrs.Leigh, "will you kill that poor child?

It matters little for an old heart like mine, which has but one or two chords left whole, how soon it be broken altogether; but a young heart is one of God's precious treasures, Amyas, and suffers many a long pang in the breaking; and woe to them who despise Christ's little ones!""Break your heart, mother?"

"Never mind my heart, dear son; yet how can you break it more surely than by tormenting one whom I love, because she loves you?""Tut! play, mother, and maids' tempers.But how can I break your heart? What have I done? Have I not given up going again to the West Indies for your sake? Have I not given up going to Virginia, and now again settled to go after all, just because you commanded?

Was it not your will? Have I not obeyed you, mother, mother? Iwill stay at home now, if you will.I would rather rust here on land, I vow I would, than grieve you--" and he threw himself at his mother's knees.

"Have I asked you not to go to Virginia? No, dear boy, though every thought of a fresh parting seems to crack some new fibre within me, you must go! It is your calling.Yes; you were not sent into the world to amuse me, but to work.I have had pleasure enough of you, my darling, for many a year, and too much, perhaps;till I shrank from lending you to the Lord.But He must have you....It is enough for the poor old widow to know that her boy is what he is, and to forget all her anguish day by day, for joy that a man is born into the world.But, Amyas, Amyas, are you so blind as not to see that Ayacanora--""Don't talk about her, poor child.Talk about yourself.""How long have I been worth talking about? No, Amyas, you must see it; and if you will not see it now, you will see it one day in some sad and fearful prodigy; for she is not one to die tamely.She loves you, Amyas, as a woman only can love.""Loves me? Well, of course.I found her, and brought her home;and I don't deny she may think that she owes me somewhat--though it was no more than a Christian man's duty.But as for her caring much for me, mother, you measure every one else's tenderness by your own.""Think that she owes you somewhat? Silly boy, this is not gratitude, but a deeper affection, which may be more heavenly than gratitude, as it may, too, become a horrible cause of ruin.It rests with you, Amyas, which of the two it will be.""You are in earnest?"

"Have I the heart or the time to jest?"

"No, no, of course not; but, mother, I thought it was not comely for women to fall in love with men?""Not comely, at least, to confess their love to men.But she has never done that, Amyas; not even by a look or a tone of voice, though I have watched her for months.""To be sure, she is as demure as any cat when I am in the way.Ionly wonder how you found it out."

"Ah," said she, smiling sadly, "even in the saddest woman's soul there linger snatches of old music, odors of flowers long dead and turned to dust--pleasant ghosts, which still keep her mind attuned to that which may be in others, though in her never more; till she can hear her own wedding-hymn re-echoed in the tones of every girl who loves, and sees her own wedding-torch re-lighted in the eyes of every bride.""You would not have me marry her?" asked blunt, practical Amyas.

  • 大乘百法明门论疏


  • 洪恩灵济真君七政星灯仪


  • 凤山县志


  • 亶甲集


  • 杨敬斋针灸全书


  • 明伦汇编人事典十二岁部


  • 天命降临


  • 男角


  • 王妃太撩人:王爷,克制点


  • 炮灰逆袭日常


    【新书】快穿之女主不吃苦已发求支持 hold住渣男,斗得过小三。打得过流氓,干得出事业。你的人生,我来拯救。拯救炮灰于水火的唐柠正式上线。 *无限穿越,完成炮灰心愿* 【食用指南】 1、不知道什么属性精分女主 2、本文属性:非无cp. 白!苏!雷!本文充斥各种狗血修罗场,非常狗血! 3、大部分反派性格异常 4、建议跳过金钱抽奖系统,写崩了
  • 最后一个道士Ⅱ


    本书又名《道门往事》,为《最后一个道士》系列丛书的新年鼎力之作。盘古有那一线生机 ,大道五十,天衍四十九,故留一。道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物;万物有生死,或生或死,或死或生,皆是造化。红尘三千丈,或贪或杀,或悲或喜,有因有果,相互纠缠,形成量劫,量劫接量劫,是为无量量劫。无量量劫之下,神州修士,或避世不出,或积累功德,或另避他径,手段无所极也! 是以天道无情,视众生为蝼蚁;然则天道亦有情,为众生留下一线生机。天道茫茫,人道渺渺,鬼道乐兮,谁才是真正的道?
  • 误惹吸血鬼殿下


  • 幸福女人能量养生书:女人健康的革命


  • 极品世子妃:邪皇,求放过


  • 论剑争锋

