

"No, sir! Forward is a Seymour's cry.We will leave them to pay the Flushingers' expenses.And on went Lord Henry, and on shore went the San Philip at Ostend, to be plundered by the Flushingers;while the San Matthew, whose captain, "on a hault courage," had refused to save himself and his gentlemen on board Medina's ship, went blundering miserably into the hungry mouths of Captain Peter Vanderduess and four other valiant Dutchmen, who, like prudent men of Holland, contrived to keep the galleon afloat till they had emptied her, and then "hung up her banner in the great church of Leyden, being of such a length, that being fastened to the roof, it reached unto the very ground."But in the meanwhile, long ere the sun had set, comes down the darkness of the thunderstorm, attracted, as to a volcano's mouth, to that vast mass of sulphur-smoke which cloaks the sea for many a mile; and heaven's artillery above makes answer to man's below.

But still, through smoke and rain, Amyas clings to his prey.She too has seen the northward movement of the Spanish fleet, and sets her topsails; Amyas calls to the men to fire high, and cripple her rigging: but in vain: for three or four belated galleys, having forced their way at last over the shallows, come flashing and sputtering up to the combatants, and take his fire off the galleon.

Amyas grinds his teeth, and would fain hustle into the thick of the press once more, in spite of the galleys' beaks.

"Most heroical captain," says cary, pulling a long face, "if we do, we are stove and sunk in five minutes; not to mention that Yeo says he has not twenty rounds of great cartridge left."So, surely and silent, the Vengeance sheers off, but keeps as near as she can to the little squadron, all through the night of rain and thunder which follows.Next morning the sun rises on a clear sky, with a strong west-north-west breeze, and all hearts are asking what the day will bring forth.

They are long past Dunkirk now; the German Ocean is opening before them.The Spaniards, sorely battered, and lessened in numbers, have, during the night, regained some sort of order.The English hang on their skirts a mile or two behind.They have no ammunition, and must wait for more.To Amyas's great disgust, the Sta.Catharina has rejoined her fellows during the night.

"Never mind," says Cary; "she can neither dive nor fly, and as long as she is above water, we-- What is the admiral about?"He is signalling Lord Henry Seymour and his squadron.Soon they tack, and come down the wind for the coast of Flanders.Parma must be blockaded still; and the Hollanders are likely to be too busy with their plunder to do it effectually.Suddenly there is a stir in the Spanish fleet.Medina and the rearmost ships turn upon the English.What can it mean? Will they offer battle once more? If so, it were best to get out of their way, for we have nothing wherewith to fight them.So the English lie close to the wind.

They will let them pass, and return to their old tactic of following and harassing.

"Good-bye to Seymour," says Cary, "if he is caught between them and Parma's flotilla.They are going to Dunkirk.""Impossible! They will not have water enough to reach his light craft.Here comes a big ship right upon us! Give him all you have left, lads; and if he will fight us, lay him alongside, and die boarding."They gave him what they had, and hulled him with every shot; but his huge side stood silent as the grave.He had not wherewithal to return the compliment.

"As I live, he is cutting loose the foot of his mainsail! the villain means to run.""There go the rest of them! Victoria!" shouted Cary, as one after another, every Spaniard set all the sail he could.

There was silence for a few minutes throughout the English fleet;and then cheer upon cheer of triumph rent the skies.It was over.

The Spaniard had refused battle, and thinking only of safety, was pressing downward toward the Straits again.The Invincible Armada had cast away its name, and England was saved.

  • 八识规矩颂注


  • 净心诫观法


  • 仲夏纪


  • 增订医方歌诀


  • 龙城录


  • 梦回红楼


  • 探险的世界(科学知识大课堂)


  • 魂烬灼灼


  • 直播帝国


  • 都是穿越


  • 心机女二虐男主


  • 幻灭


  • 日心历险记


  • 台湾私法人事编


  • 异能小毒妃

