

In vain they had strained their eyes through the darkness, to catch, by the fitful glare of the flashes, the tall masts of the Spaniard.Of one thing at least they were certain, that with the wind as it was, she could not have gone far to the westward; and to attempt to pass them again, and go northward, was more than she dare do.She was probably lying-to ahead of them, perhaps between them and the land; and when, a little after midnight, the wind chopped up to the west, and blew stiffly till day break, they felt sure that, unless she had attempted the desperate expedient of running past them, they had her safe in the mouth of the Bristol Channel.Slowly and wearily broke the dawn, on such a day as often follows heavy thunder; a sunless, drizzly day, roofed with low dingy cloud, barred and netted, and festooned with black, a sign that the storm is only taking breath awhile before it bursts again;while all the narrow horizon is dim and spongy with vapor drifting before a chilly breeze.As the day went on, the breeze died down, and the sea fell to a long glassy foam-flecked roll, while overhead brooded the inky sky, and round them the leaden mist shut out alike the shore and the chase.

Amyas paced the sloppy deck fretfully and fiercely.He knew that the Spaniard could not escape; but he cursed every moment which lingered between him and that one great revenge which blackened all his soul.The men sate sulkily about the deck, and whistled for a wind; the sails flapped idly against the masts; and the ship rolled in the long troughs of the sea, till her yard-arms almost dipped right and left.

"Take care of those guns.You will have something loose next,"growled Amyas.

"We will take care of the guns, if the Lord will take care of the wind," said Yeo.

"We shall have plenty before night," said Cary, "and thunder too.""So much the better," said Amyas."It may roar till it splits the heavens, if it does but let me get my work done.""He's not far off, I warrant," said Cary."One lift of the cloud, and we should see him.""To windward of us, as likely as not," said Amyas."The devil fights for him, I believe.To have been on his heels sixteen days, and not sent this through him yet!" And he shook his sword impatiently.

So the morning wore away, without a sign of living thing, not even a passing gull; and the black melancholy of the heaven reflected itself in the black melancholy of Amyas.Was he to lose his prey after all? The thought made him shudder with rage and disappointment.It was intolerable.Anything but that.

"No, God!" he cried, "let me but once feel this in his accursed heart, and then--strike me dead, if Thou wilt!""The Lord have mercy on us," cried John Brimblecombe."What have you said?""What is that to you, sir? There, they are piping to dinner.Go down.I shall not come."And Jack went down, and talked in a half-terrified whisper of Amyas's ominous words.

All thought that they portended some bad luck, except old Yeo.

"Well, Sir John," said he, "and why not? What better can the Lord do for a man, than take him home when he has done his work? Our captain is wilful and spiteful, and must needs kill his man himself; while for me, I don't care how the Don goes, provided he does go.I owe him no grudge, nor any man.May the Lord give him repentance, and forgive him all his sins: but if I could but see him once safe ashore, as he may be ere nightfall, on the Mortestone or the back of Lundy, I would say, 'Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace,' even if it were the lightning which was sent to fetch me.""But, master Yeo, a sudden death?"

"And why not a sudden death, Sir John? Even fools long for a short life and a merry one, and shall not the Lord's people pray for a short death and a merry one? Let it come as it will to old Yeo.

Hark! there's the captain's voice!"

"Here she is!" thundered Amyas from the deck; and in an instant all were scrambling up the hatchway as fast as the frantic rolling of the ship would let them.

Yes.There she was.The cloud had lifted suddenly, and to the south a ragged bore of blue sky let a long stream of sunshine down on her tall masts and stately hull, as she lay rolling some four or five miles to the eastward: but as for land, none was to be seen.

"There she is; and here we are," said Cary; "but where is here? and where is there? How is the tide, master?""Running up Channel by this time, sir."

"What matters the tide?" said Amyas, devouring the ship with terrible and cold blue eyes."Can't we get at her?""Not unless some one jumps out and shoves behind," said Cary."Ishall down again and finish that mackerel, if this roll has not chucked it to the cockroaches under the table.""Don't jest, Will! I can't stand it," said Amyas, in a voice which quivered so much that Cary looked at him.His whole frame was trembling like an aspen.Cary took his arm, and drew him aside.

"Dear old lad," said he, as they leaned over the bulwarks, "what is this? You are not yourself, and have not been these four days.""No.I am not Amyas Leigh.I am my brother's avenger.Do not reason with me, Will: when it is over I shall be merry old Amyas again," and he passed his hand over his brow.

"Do you believe," said he, after a moment, "that men can be possessed by devils?""The Bible says so."

"If my cause were not a just one, I should fancy I had a devil in me.My throat and heart are as hot as the pit.Would to God it were done, for done it must be! Now go."Cary went away with a shudder.As he passed down the hatchway he looked back.Amyas had got the hone out of his pocket, and was whetting away again at his sword-edge, as if there was some dreadful doom on him, to whet, and whet forever.

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  • 很老很老的老偏方:护肤难题一扫光


    偏方来源:传统经典医药典籍,经过民间千年验证和作者多年医疗实践。撰写原则: 既见效,又安全;既管用,又省钱。所治难题:美白老偏方:日晒、辐射、睡眠不足等因素引起的肤色暗沉、发黄等。保湿老偏方:缺水引起的皮肤干燥、粗糙、起皮屑、油腻、过敏等。祛痘老偏方:下巴长痘、鼻子长痘、额头长痘、痘印、黑头等。祛斑老偏方:雀斑、黄褐斑、妊娠斑、晒斑、黑斑、老年斑等。抗皱老偏方:额头纹、眉间纹、眼下纹、鱼尾纹、法令纹、颈纹等。其他美容老偏方:毛孔粗大、皮肤松弛、大饼脸、黑眼圈、眼袋等。
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  • 惊世情劫

