

If you have not yet been of her counsels, sir, I can tell you you are not likely to be.She will be furious when she hears of this cruelty."Lord Grey had lost his temper: but Raleigh kept his, and answered quietly--"Her majesty shall at least not find me among the number of those who prefer her favor to her safety, and abuse to their own profit that over-tenderness and mercifulness of heart which is the only blemish (and yet, rather like a mole on a fair cheek, but a new beauty) in her manifold perfections."At this juncture Cary returned.

"My lord," said he, in some confusion, "I have proposed your terms;but the captains still entreat for some mitigation; and, to tell you truth, one of them has insisted on accompanying me hither to plead his cause himself.""I will not see him, sir.Who is he?"

"His name is Sebastian of Modena, my lord.""Sebastian of Modena? What think you, gentlemen? May we make an exception in favor of so famous a soldier?""So villainous a cut-throat," said Zouch to Raleigh, under his breath.

All, however, were for speaking with so famous a man; and in came, in full armor, a short, bull-necked Italian, evidently of immense strength, of the true Caesar Borgia stamp.

"Will you please to be seated, sir?" said Lord Grey, coldly.

"I kiss your hands, most illustrious: but I do not sit in an enemy's camp.Ha, my friend Zouch! How has your signoria fared since we fought side by side at Lepanto? So you too are here, sitting in council on the hanging of me.""What is your errand, sir? Time is short," said the lord deputy.

"Corpo di Bacco! It has been long enough all the morning, for my rascals have kept me and my friend the Colonel Hercules (whom you know, doubtless) prisoners in our tents at the pike's point.My lord deputy, I have but a few words.I shall thank you to take every soldier in the fort--Italian, Spaniard, and Irish--and hang them up as high as Haman, for a set of mutinous cowards, with the arch-traitor San Josepho at their head.""I am obliged to you for your offer, sir, and shall deliberate presently as to whether I shall not accept it.""But as for us captains, really your excellency must consider that we are gentlemen born, and give us either buena querra, as the Spaniards say, or a fair chance for life; and so to my business.""Stay, sir.Answer this first.Have you or yours any commission to show either from the King of Spain or any other potentate?""Never a one but the cause of Heaven and our own swords.And with them, my lord, we are ready to meet any gentlemen of your camp, man to man, with our swords only, half-way between your leaguer and ours; and I doubt not that your lordship will see fair play.Will any gentleman accept so civil an offer? There sits a tall youth in that corner who would suit me very well.Will any fit my gallant comrades with half-an-hour's punto and stoccado?"There was a silence, all looking at the lord deputy, whose eyes were kindling in a very ugly way.

"No answer? Then I must proceed to exhortation.So! Will that be sufficient?"And walking composedly across the tent, the fearless ruffian quietly stooped down, and smote Amyas Leigh full in the face.

Up sprang Amyas, heedless of all the august assembly, and with a single buffet felled him to the earth.

"Excellent!" said he, rising unabashed."I can always trust my instinct.I knew the moment I saw him that he was a cavalier worth letting blood.Now, sir, your sword and harness, and I am at your service outside!"The solemn and sententious Englishmen were altogether taken aback by the Italian's impudence; but Zouch settled the matter.

"Most noble captain, will you be pleased to recollect a certain little occurrence at Messina, in the year 1575? For if you do not, I do; and beg to inform this gentleman that you are unworthy of his sword, and had you, unluckily for you, been an Englishman, would have found the fashions of our country so different from your own that you would have been then hanged, sir, and probably may be so still."The Italian's sword flashed out in a moment: but Lord Grey interfered.

"No fighting here, gentlemen.That may wait; and, what is more, shall wait till--Strike their swords down, Raleigh, Mackworth!

Strike their swords down! Colonel Sebastian, you will be pleased to return as you came, in safety, having lost nothing, as (Ifrankly tell you) you have gained nothing, by your wild bearing here.We shall proceed to deliberate on your fate.""I trust, my lord," said Amyas, "that you will spare this braggart's life, at least for a day or two.For in spite of Captain Zouch's warning, I must have to do with him yet, or my cheek will rise up in judgment against me at the last day.""Well spoken, lad," said the colonel, as he swung out."So! worth a reprieve, by this sword, to have one more rapier-rattle before the gallows! Then I take back no further answer, my lord deputy?

Not even our swords, our virgin blades, signor, the soldier's cherished bride? Shall we go forth weeping widowers, and leave to strange embrace the lovely steel?""None, sir, by heaven!" said he, waxing wroth."Do you come hither, pirates as you are, to dictate terms upon a foreign soil?

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  • Contributions to All The Year Round

    Contributions to All The Year Round

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  • 领证吧,我的夙先生


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  • 寓言中的心理学诡计


  • 闺宁


  • 古代天文历法


  • 带个超市去三国


  • 徒弟都是债


  • 时来运转:永不消失的成功智慧

