
第14章 GOOD-BYE, JACK(2)

All of which has nothing to do with my story, but which I could not avoid giving in order to show that Jack Kersdale was anything but a coward.It was the cleanest exhibition of grit I have ever seen.He never turned a hair.The smile never left his lips.And he dived with thumb and forefinger into Dottie Fairchild's hair asgaily as if it had been a box of salted almonds.Yet that was the man I was destined to see stricken with a fear a thousand times more hideous even than the fear that was mine when I saw that writhingabomination in Dottie Fairchild'shair, dangling over her eyes andthe trap of her bodice.

I was interested in leprosy, and upon that, as upon every other island subject, Kersdale had encyclopedic knowledge.In fact, leprosy was one of his hobbies.He was an ardent defender of the settlement at Molokai, where all the island lepers were segregated.There was much talk and feeling among the natives, fanned by the demagogues, concerning the cruelties of Molokai, where men and women, not alone banished from friends and family, were compelled to live in perpetual imprisonment until they died.There were no reprieves, no commutations of sentences."Abandon hope" was written over the portal of Molokai.

"I tell you they are happy there," Kersdale insisted."And they are infinitely better off than their friends and relatives outside who have nothing the matter with them.The horrors of Molokai are all poppycock.I can take you through any hospital or any slum in any of the great cities of the world and show you a thousand times worse horrors.The living death!The creatures that once were men!Bosh! You ought to see those living deaths racing horses on the Fourth of July.Some of them own boats.One has a gasoline launch.They have nothing to do but have a good time.Food, shelter, clothes, medical attendance, everything, is theirs.They are the wards of the Territory.They have a much finer climate than Honolulu, and the scenery is magnificent.I shouldn't mind going down there myself for the rest of my days.It is a lovely spot."So Kersdale on the joyous leper.He was not afraid of leprosy.He said so himself, and that there wasn't one chance in a million for him or any other white man to catch it, though he confessed afterward that one of his school chums, Alfred Starter, had contracted it, gone to Molokai, and there died.

"You know, in the old days," Kersdale explained, "there was no certain test for leprosy.Anything unusual or abnormal was sufficient to send a fellow to Molokai.The result was that dozens were sent there who were no more lepers than you or I.But they don't make that mistake now.The Board of Health tests areinfallible.The funnything is that when the test was discovered they immediately went down to Molokai and applied it, and they found a number who were not lepers.These were immediately deported.Happy to get away? They wailed harder at leaving the settlement than when they left Honolulu to go to it.Some refused to leave, and really had to be forced out.One of them even married a leper woman in the last stages and then wrote pathetic letters to the Board of Health, protesting against his expulsion on the ground that no one was so well able as he to take care of his poor old wife.""What is this infallible test?" I demanded.

"The bacteriological test.There is no getting away from it.Doctor Hervey--he's our expert, you know--was the first man to apply it here.He is a wizard.He knows more about leprosy than anyliving man, and if a cure is ever discovered, he'll be that discoverer.As for the test, it is very simple.They have succeeded in isolating the bacillus leprae and studying it. Theyknow it now when they see it. All they do is to snip a bit of skin from the suspect and subject it to the bacteriological test.A man without any visible symptoms may be chock full of the leprosy bacilli.""Then you or I, for all we know," I suggested, "may be full of it now."Kersdale shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

"Who can say? It takes seven years for it to incubate.If you have any doubts go and see Doctor Hervey.He'll just snip out a piece of your skin and let you know in a jiffy."Later on he introduced me to Dr.Hervey, who loaded me down with Board of Health reports and pamphlets on the subject, and took me out to Kalihi, the Honolulu receiving station, where suspects were examined and confirmed lepers were held for deportation to Molokai.These deportations occurred about once a month, when, the last good- byes said, the lepers were marched on board the little steamer, the Noeau, and carried down to the settlement.

One afternoon, writing letters at the club, Jack Kersdale dropped in on me.

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