

"Well, Schultz called for two cards.Another German was dealing, Schultz's friend at that. Lyte knew then that he was up againstthree of a kind.Now what did he do? What would you have done?Drawn three cards and held up the kings, of course.Not Lyte.He was playing optimism.He threw the kings away, held up the three little clubs, and drew two cards.He never looked at them.He looked across at Schultz to bet, and Schultz did bet, big.Since he himself held three aces he knew he had Lyte, because he played Lyte for threes, and, necessarily, they would have to be smaller threes.Poor Schultz! He was perfectly correct under the premises.His mistake was that he thought Lyte was playing poker.They bet back and forth for five minutes, until Schultz's certainty began to ooze out.And all the time Lyte had never looked at his two cards, and Schultz knew it.I could see Schultz think, and revive, and splurge with his bets again.But the strain was too much for him.""'Hold on, Gregory,' he said at last.'I've got you beaten from the start. I don't want any of your money. I've got--'""'Never mind what you've got,' Lyte interrupted.'You don't know what I've got. I guess I'll take a look.'""He looked, and raised the German a hundred dollars.Then they went at it again, back and forth and back and forth, until Schultz weakened and called, and laid down his three aces.Lyte faced his five cards.They were all black.He had drawn two more clubs.Do you know, he just about broke Schultz's nerve as a poker player.He never played in the same form again.He lacked confidence after that, and was a bit wobbly.""'But how could you do it?' I asked Lyte afterwards.'You knew he had you beaten when he drew two cards.Besides, you never looked at your own draw.'""'I didn't have to look,' was Lyte's answer.'I knew they were two clubs all the time.They just had to be two clubs.Do you think I was going to let that big Dutchman beat me?It was impossible thatheshould beat me.It is not my way to be beaten.I just have to win.Why, I'd have been the most surprised man in this world if they hadn't been all clubs.'""That was Lyte's way, and maybe it will help you to appreciate his colossal optimism.As he put it he just had to succeed, to fare well, to prosper.And in that same incident, as in ten thousand others, he found his sanction.The thing was that he did succeed, did prosper.That was why he was afraid of nothing.Nothing could ever happen to him.He knew it, because nothing had ever happened to him.That time the Luga was lost and he swam thirty miles, he was in the water two whole nights and a day.And during all that terrible stretch of time he never lost hope once, never once doubted the outcome.He just knew he was going to make the land.He told me so himself, and I know it was the truth.

"Well, that is the kind of a man Lyte Gregory was.He was of a different race from ordinary, ailing mortals.He was a lordly being, untouched by common ills and misfortunes.Whatever he wanted he got.He won his wife--one of the Caruthers, a little beauty-- from a dozen rivals.And she settled down and made him the finest wife in the world.He wanted a boy.He got it.He wanted a girl and another boy.He got them.And they were just right, without spot or blemish, with chests like little barrels, and with all the inheritance of his own health and strength.

"And then it happened.The mark of the beast was laid upon him.I watched it for a year.It broke my heart.But he did not know it, nor did anybody else guess it except that cursed hapa-haole, Stephen Kaluna.He knew it, but I did not know that he did.And--yes--Doc Strowbridge knew it.He was the federal physician, and he had developed the leper eye.You see, part of his business was to examine suspects and order them to the receiving station at Honolulu.And Stephen Kaluna had developed the leper eye.Thedisease ran strong in his family, and four or five of his relativeswere already on Molokai.

"The trouble arose over Stephen Kaluna's sister.When she became suspect, and before Doc Strowbridge could get hold of her, herbrotherspirited her away to some hiding-place.Lyte was Sheriff ofKona, and it was his business to find her.

"We were all over at Hilo that night, in Ned Austin's.Stephen Kaluna was there when we came in, by himself, in his cups, and quarrelsome.Lyte was laughing over some joke--that huge, happy laugh of a giant boy.Kaluna spat contemptuously on the floor.Lyte noticed, so did everybody; but he ignored the fellow.Kaluna was looking for trouble.He took it as a personal grudge that Lyte was trying to apprehend his sister.In half a dozen ways he advertised his displeasure at Lyte's presence, but Lyte ignored him.I imagined Lyte was a bit sorry for him, for the hardest duty of his office was the apprehension of lepers.It is not a nice thing to go in to a man's house and tear away a father, mother, or child, who has done no wrong, and to send such a one to perpetual banishment on Molokai.Of course, it is necessary as a protection to society, and Lyte, I do believe, would have been the first to apprehend his ownfather did he become suspect.

"Finally, Kaluna blurted out: 'Look here, Gregory, you think you're going to find Kalaniweo, but you're not.'

"Kalaniweo was his sister.Lyte glanced at him when his name was called, but he made no answer.Kaluna was furious.He was working himself up all the time.

"'I'll tell you one thing,' he shouted.'You'll be on Molokai yourself before ever you get Kalaniweo there.I'll tell you what you are.You've no right to be in the company of honest men.You've made a terrible fuss talking about your duty, haven't you? You've sent many lepers to Molokai, and knowing all the time you belonged there yourself.'

"I'd seen Lyte angry more than once, but never quite so angry as at that moment.Leprosy with us, you know, is not a thing to jest about.He made one leap across the floor, dragging Kaluna out ofhis chair with a clutch on his neck.He shook him back and forth savagely, till you could hear the half-caste's teeth rattling.

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