Of lowly submission
Make no great account who is for thee or against thee, but mind only the present duty and take care that God be with thee in whatsoever thou dost.Have a good conscience and God will defend thee, for he whom God will help no man's perverseness shall be able to hurt.If thou knowest how to hold thy peace and to suffer, without doubt thou shalt see the help of the Lord.He knoweth the time and the way to deliver thee, therefore must thou resign thyself to Him.To God it belongeth to help and to deliver from all confusion.Oftentimes it is very profitable for keeping us in greater humilty, that others know and rebuke our faults.
2.When a man humbleth himself for his defects, he then easily pacifieth others and quickly satisfieth those that are angered against him.God protecteth and delivereth the humble man, He loveth and comforteth the humble man, to the humble man He inclineth Himself, on the humble He bestoweth great grace, and when he is cast down He raiseth him to glory: to the humble He revealeth His secrets, and sweetly draweth and inviteth him to Himself.The humble man having received reproach, is yet in sufficient peace, because he resteth on God and not on the world.Reckon not thyself to have profited in anywise unless thou feel thyself to be inferior to all.