

"Yes," said Miriam, who had been revolving some such thoughts as theabove, "it is a good state of mind for mortal man, when he is content to leave no more definite memorial than the grass, which will sprout kindly and speedily over his grave, if we do not make the spot barren with marble.Methinks, too, it will be a fresher and better world, when it flings off this great burden of stony memories, which the ages have deemed it a piety to heap upon its back.""What you say," remarked Kenyon, "goes against my whole art.Sculpture, and the delight which men naturally take in it, appear to me a proof that it is good to work with all time before our view.""Well, well," answered Miriam, "I must not quarrel with you for flinging your heavy stones at poor Posterity; and, to say the truth, I think you are as likely to hit the mark as anybody.These busts, now, much as I seem to scorn them, make me feel as if you were a magician..You turn feverish men into cool, quiet marble.What a blessed change for them! Would you could do as much for me!""O, gladly!" cried Kenyon, who had long wished to model that beautiful and most expressive face. "When will you begin to sit?""Poh! that was not what I meant," said Miriam."Come, show me something else.""Do you recognize this?"asked the sculptor.

He took out of his desk a little old-fashioned ivory coffer, yellow with age; it was richly carved with antique figures and foliage; and had Kenyon thought fit to say that Benvenuto Cellini wrought this precious box, the skill and elaborate fancy of the work would by no means have discredited his word, nor the old artist's fame.At least, it was evidently a production of Benvenuto's school and century, and might once have been the jewel- case of some grand lady at the court of the De' Medici.

Lifting the lid, however, no blaze of diamonds was disclosed, but only, lapped in fleecy cotton, a small, beautifully shaped hand, most delicately sculptured in marble.Such loving care and nicest art had been lavished here, that the palm really seemed to have a tenderness in its very substance.Touching those lovely fingers,--had the jealous sculptor allowed you to touch,--you could hardly believe that a virgin warmth would not steal from them into your heart.

"Ah, this is very beautiful!" exclaimed Miriam, with a genial smile."It is as good in its way as Loulie's hand with its baby-dimples, which Powers showed me at Florence, evidently valuing it as much as if he had wrought it out of a piece of his great heart.As good as Harriet Hosmer's clasped hands of Browning and his wife, symbolizing the individuality and heroic union of two high, poetic lives!Nay, I do not question that it is better than either of those, because you must have wrought it passionately, in spite of its maiden palm and dainty fingertips.""Then you do recognize it?"asked Kenyon.

"There is but one right hand on earth that could have supplied the model," answered Miriam; "so small and slender, so perfectly symmetrical, and yet with a character of delicate energy.I have watched it a hundred times at its work; but I did not dream that you had won Hilda so far! How have you persuaded that shy maiden to let you take her hand in marble?""Never! She never knew it!" hastily replied Kenyon, anxious to vindicate his mistress's maidenly reserve."I stole it from her. The hand is a reminiscence.After gazing at it so often, and even holding it once for an instant, when Hilda was not thinking of me, I should be a bungler indeed, if I could not now reproduce it to something like the life.""May you win the original one day!"said Miriam kindly.

"I have little ground to hope it," answered the sculptor despondingly; "Hilda does not dwell in our mortal atmosphere; and gentle and soft as she appears, it will be as difficult to win her heart as to entice down a white bird from its sunny freedom in the sky.It is strange, with all her delicacy and fragility, the impression she makes of being utterly sufficient to herself.No; I shall never win her.She is abundantly capable of sympathy, and delights to receive it, but she has no need of love.""I partly agree with you," said Miriam."It is a mistaken idea, which men generally entertain, that nature has made women especially prone to throw their whole being into what is technically called love.We have, to say the least, no more necessity for it than yourselves; only we have nothing else to do with our hearts.When women have other objects in life, they are not apt to fall in love.I can think of many womendistinguished in art, literature, and science,--and multitudes whose hearts and minds find good employment in less ostentatious ways,--who lead high, lonely lives, and are conscious of no sacrifice so far as your sex is concerned.""And Hilda will be one of these!" said Kenyon sadly; "the thought makes me shiver for myself, and and for her, too.""Well," said Miriam, smiling, "perhaps she may sprain the delicate wrist which you have sculptured to such perfection.In that case you may hope.These old masters to whom she has vowed herself, and whom her slender hand and woman's heart serve so faithfully, are your only rivals."The sculptor sighed as he put away the treasure of Hilda's marble hand into the ivory coffer, and thought how slight was the possibility that he should ever feel responsive to his own the tender clasp of the original.He dared not even kiss the image that he himself had made: it had assumed its share of Hilda's remote and shy divinity.

"And now," said Miriam, "show me the new statue which you asked me hither to see."

  • 大洞炼真宝经修伏灵砂妙诀


  • 丧服小记


  • 闽海赠言




  • 朝真发愿忏悔文


  • 中国异体诗新编


    本书共选辑上起汉代,下迄现当代一百八十四家的异体诗六十一类,三百五十多首,依类分编。入选作品与《趣味诗三百首》无一雷同。原入编《趣》诗的车船名诗、针灸名诗、龟兆名诗、相名诗、围棋名诗、节气名诗、五行诗、六甲诗、翻韵诗、拆字诗、回文曲等,因未见续作,不再重列。但据此可知中国异体诗门类至少在七十类以上。 每首诗后有作者介绍、注释和说明。作者介绍列于首次出现的作品之后,同一作者在诸多门类中有诗作的,不再重出。注释着重疑难词语和本事、典故,力求简明。双关词语,词义易明的仅注与诗题有关的词义;词义难明的兼注双重意义;难句略作串讲。诗作全部注明出处。各篇说明着重阐明该篇的特异之处和主要内容、题旨。
  • 唐才子传


  • 古城旧事


  • 正能量:做个内心强大的女人


  • 夺舍星空


  • 在么在么守护神我甜吗


    【在么在么,守护神我甜吗?】她从小就是个萌萌哒的小萝莉,而他就像她的守护神一直陪在她身边。直到一次意外,小萝莉失踪了,他从此而性格缺失。有一天,‘小萝莉’被他找到,但‘小萝莉’似乎变了。 有一天 他问“小萝莉”:“倾倾你怪怪的。”‘小萝莉’抬眸看了他一眼“那里怪了?”他笑了笑“怪可爱的,我越来越喜欢了。”‘小萝莉’没好气的白了他一眼,这家伙自从在一起后,天天冰山脸人设都掉的没边了。天天土味情话的,也不觉得腻歪,不过,我喜欢就对了。【【【【【【【【【【【【【】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】作者第一次写书,如果觉得挺好就看下去吧亲们。新书求入坑,求原谅。七沏柒一定会好好努力加油的。爱你们哟~么么哒~(^з^)-☆
  • 尊域


  • 帝国宠婚:影后娇妻,有点甜


  • 境界:广东亚视演艺职业学院十周年文集


  • 灵界

