[Throws her children and herself upon the ground before him.]
Here on the ground I lie, I and my children.Let the wretched orphans Be trodden by thy horse into the dust!
It will not be the worst that thou hast done.
Are you mad, woman?
ARM.(continuing with vehemence).
Many a day thou hast Trampled the Emperor's lands beneath thy feet.
Oh, I am but a woman! Were I man, I'd find some better thing to do, than here Lie grovelling in the dust.
[The music of the bridal party is again heard from the top of the pass, but more softly.]
Where are my knaves?
Drag her away, lest I forget myself, And do some deed I may repent me of.
My lord, the servants cannot force their way;The pass is block'd up by a bridal train.
Too mild a ruler am I to this people, Their tongues are all too bold--nor have they yet Been tamed to due submission, as they shall be.
I must take order for the remedy;
I will subdue this stubborn mood of theirs, This braggart spirit of freedom I will crush, I will proclaim a new law through the land;I will--
[An arrow pierces him,--he puts his hand on his heart and is about to sink--with a feeble voice.]
Oh God, have mercy on my soul!
My lord! my lord! Oh God! What's this? Whence came it?
ARM.(starts up).
Dead, dead! He reels, he falls! 'Tis in his heart!
HAR.(springs from his horse).
Horror of horrors! Heavenly powers! Sir Knight, Address yourself for mercy to your God!
You are a dying man.
That shot was Tell's.
[He slides from his horse into the arms of Rudolph der Harras, who lays him down upon the bench.Tell appears above upon the rocks.]
Thou know'st the marksman--I, and I alone.
Now are our homesteads free, and innocence From thee is safe: thou'lt be our curse no more.
[Tell disappears.People rush in.]
What is the matter? Tell me what has happen'd?
The Viceroy's shot,--pierced by a cross-bow bolt!
PEOPLE (running in).
Who has been shot?
[While the foremost of the marriage party are coming on the stage, the hindmost are still upon the heights.The music continues.]
He's bleeding fast to death.
Away, for help--pursue the murderer!
Unhappy man, is this to be your end?
You would not listen to my warning words.
By Heaven, his cheek is pale! Life's ebbing fast.
Who did the deed?
What! Are the people mad, That they make music to a murder? Silence!
[Music breaks off suddenly.People continue to flock in.]
Speak, if you can, my lord.Have you no charge To trust me with?
[Gessler makes signs with his hand, which he repeats with vehemence, when he finds they are not understood.
Where shall I take you to?
To Kussnacht? What you say I can't make out.
Oh, do not grow impatient! Leave all thought Of earthly things and make your peace with Heaven.
[The whole marriage party gather round the dying man.]
See there! how pale he grows! Death's gathering now About his heart;--his eyes grow dim and glazed.
ARM.(holds up a child).
Look, children, how a tyrant dies!
Mad hag!
Have you no touch of feeling, that your eyes Gloat on a sight so horrible as this?
Help me--take hold.What, will not one assist To pull the torturing arrow from his breast?
What! touch the man whom God's own hand has struck!
All curses light on you!
[Draws his sword.]
STUSSI (seizes his arm).
Gently, Sir Knight!
Your power is at end.'Twere best forbear.
Our country's foe has fallen.We will brook No further violence.We are free men.
The country's free.
And is it come to this?
Fear and obedience at an end so soon?
[To the soldiers of the guard who are thronging in.]
You see, my friends, the bloody piece of work Has here been done.'Tis now too late for help, And to pursue the murderer were vain.
We've other things to think of.On to Kussnacht.
And let us save that fortress for the king!
For in a moment such as this, all ties Of order, fealty and faith, are rent.
And we can trust to no man's loyalty.
[As he is going out with the soldiers, six Fratres Misericordiae appear.]
Here comes the brotherhood of mercy.Room!
The victim's slain, and now the ravens stoop.
BROTHERS OF MERCY (form a semicircle round the body, and sing in solemn tones).
Death hurries on with hasty stride, No respite man from him may gain, He cuts him down, when life's full tide Is throbbing strong in every vein.
Prepared or not the call to hear, He must before his Judge appear.
[While they are repeating the two last lines, the curtain falls.]